☊ Rahu - The Dragon's Head

Information about the Planets and Moon's Nodes
☉ Sun - ☽ Moon - ☿ Mercury - ♀ Venus - ♂ Mars - ♃ Jupiter - ♄ Saturn
☊ Rahu - ☋ Ketu
♅ Uranus - ♆ Neptune - ♇ Pluto
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☊ Rahu - The Dragon's Head

Post by StarLore »

☊ Rahu

Brigu Sutras
☊ Rahu and Ketu-the Shadowy Planets
Rahu and Ketu are called shadowy planets by our ancients. They are not substantial heavenly bodies with an observable body shape or mass like the Sun, Moon and other planets. Hindu mythology has in its characteristic way symbolised these two parts of a single body. According to a Puranic story after churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan) came out a divine elephant, a horse, a physician, the Goddess of wealth and Amrita or immortality. About the distribution of Amrita there was a serious dispute amongst the Devas and Asuras. The Supreme Lord (Lord Vishnu) assuming the shape of an alluring Mohini, took charge of distributing the Amrita with the consent of both Devas and Asuras. She so distributed the Amrita that all of it was consumed by Devas but one among the Asuras had stealthily joined the ranks of Devas and got a share of Amrit but was discovered and exposed by the Sun and the Moon. The Supreme Lord cut the Asura in two pieces but as he had taken Amrita both the severed parts remained alive though separated. The head got the name of 'Rahu' and the body and tail 'ketu'. This made Rahu and Ketu eternal enemies of the Sun and the Moon. Periodically they succeed in swallowing the Sun and the Moon (This is during eclipses) but they escape as they are immortal. The fact that has since been universally accepted is that Rahu Ketu are celestial points on the Zodiac with regulated movement and orbit and they have a distinct and predictable influence in horoscopes. The motion of these points which is always retrograde, can be calculated as accurately as the position of the Sun or the Moon, through owing to their being without substance, this cannot be verified by visual observation. Westerners have named Rahu and Ketu as Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail respectively. Caput and Cauda are the other names given to them by Westerners. To understand how these imaginary points are accurately located and their movements are calculated we have to consider the apparent paths in the heavens of the two planets the Sun and the Moon, that is, the paths along which the Sun and the Moon appear to an observer on earth, to rotate. The Sun appears to move along an ellipse of which Earth is a focus. The plane of this ellipse is inclined to the terrestrial Equator at an angle of 23 degrees. The Moon, as the satellite of the Earth moves round it and its path is also elliptical with the Earth as a focus, and plane of this orbit is inclined to the Equator at an angle of 28 degrees, so that the planes of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon appear to the observer on Earth to be inclined to each other at an'angle of 5 degrees. The two points at which the orbit of the Moon cuts the orbit of the Sun are called nodes, and they are exactly 180 degrees apart. The point of intersection formed when the Moon's motion is from South to North, is said to be ascending node and named Rahu, and the point of intersection formed when the Moon's motion is from north to south is called the descending node or Ketu. It has been observed that the nodes have a retrograde movement in the Zodiac at the rate of 19 degrees 20 minutes per year. Rahu and Ketu are said to stay in a sign for about 18 months. Rahu and Ketu indicate one born in a low caste; one who may have intrigue with girls; is one whose thoughts and actions will be evil. One will resort to outcastes and low born as well as in bred people. There is quite a controversy amongst the ancients about the signs owned by Rahu and ketu and signs in which they are exalted and debilitated. For example, according to Uttara Kalamrita an ancient classic on Hindu Predictive Astrology Rahu is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio, vice versa of Ketu. This work also assigns the sign Aquarius as owned by Rahu and Scorpio as owned by Ketu. Mooltrikona of Rahu has been fixed as Gemini and Mooltrikona of Ketu has been given as Virgo. Sanketnidhi another recognised work allots Gemini as the exaltation sign of Rahu, Virgo as his own sign and Sagittarius as the exaltation sign of Ketu and Pisces as its own Sign. It is also believed that Rahu acts like Saturn and Ketu acts like Mars. The Gem of Rahu is "Gomed" and that of Ketu Cat's Eye. For further information about Rahu and Ketu please see Part II Chapter Eight

Rahu in Astrology
Rahu planet is a reference point in the sky, not an actual planet like Sun or Mercury. Despite not having an actual physical presence, its impact is deep and powerful.

Rahu stands for materialism and mischief. It represents a fascination with foreign, travels abroad, technical professions, elderly people, theft, speculation, bad habits, revolutionary tendencies, underworld, and smoke.

When Rahu is negative in a horoscope, it causes dissatisfaction, materialistic tendencies, fears, distorted mental makeup, and fantasies. Rahu & Ketu are the shadowy planets in Vedic astrology.

Astronomical Facts about Rahu
Just as Ketu, Rahu does not have a physical shape or mass like a planet. It is a point in the sky, where Sun’s apparent path intersects with Moon’s track in the celestial sphere when moving from the North to South direction.

On the other hand, when Moon intersects the ecliptic during its movement towards the North, the point of intersection is called Ketu.

These points are not still in the sky, there is a slight movement in their position on an annual basis, approximately 19 degrees and 30 min.

Rahu is called the North Node of the moon and the head of the dragon in Hindu Mythology. It takes around 18 years to complete its revolution around the zodiacal circle and stays in each sign for about 1 ½ years.

Essential Details about Rahu

Transit in each sign: 18 months
Direction: North lunar node
Metal: Lead
Gem: Hessonite
Day: Wednesday, Saturday
Color: Black, Smokey
Temperament: Unpredictable
Gender: Neutral
Ruling Body Part: Upper body
Own Sign: Cancer
Exalted in: Taurus
Debilitated in: Scorpio
Mahadasha Period: 18 Years
Relation: In-laws, Ancestors
Professions: Speculation, stock broking, diplomatic work, physiotherapy, poisons, alcohol trade & manufacturing, photography, Xerox, homeopathy, information technology, politics etc.

Significance of Rahu in Hindu astrology
As per Vedic astrology, Rahu relates to unconscious desires, ambition, pleasures, fear, and uncultured behavior. It works much like Saturn and can bring unexpected losses, misfortunes, failure, and frustrations in life.

This planet is animalistic in nature. It awards the person with worldly comforts, unexpected success, gains, riches, power, and strength.

When Rahu is positioned positively in a horoscope, it gives victory over enemies and opposition too. But the problem is that there is always a sense of dissatisfaction.

Rahu makes you never satisfied with your ambitions, gains, success, money, and lifestyle. There is an insatiable hunger for more. It drowns the native into unconscious desires, which he is unable to comprehend but relentlessly pursues. This leads to addictions, obsessive behavior, overly ambitious nature, unrealistic expectations, and fantasies.

Rahu in astrology is strongly associated with occult sciences. Also to the dark side of human character. It is revolutionary in nature, stands against the norms and conventions. It represents the illegal and the dark.

The element of foreign also comes into play. Rahu also relates to spiritual energy quite conversely. It gives knowledge of the higher aspects of life, the occult and spiritual. It gives strong intuition and an in-depth understanding of psychology.
Last edited by StarLore on Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Rahu

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/rahu ... rology.php

Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology

Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Basic Astronomical facts about Rahu and Ketu
Astronomically (as per Hindu Astrology), Rahu and Ketu denote the two points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move around the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses occur when Sun and Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the myth of the swallowing of the Sun.

The Rahu and Ketu in Hindu Mythology
The Rahu is the son of Viprachitti and his wife Simhika, the sister of Prahlada. the devotee of Lord Vishnu. Ketu is the dismembered body of which Rahu is the head. The demi gods or the Devas were losing their glory and power due to a curse by sage Durvasas and the king of Devas the mighty Indra has lost his kingdom, the heaven to Asuras or the devils.

The Devas approached supreme father, and creator or universe, Lord Brahma for help, who guided them to Lord Vishnu, the preserver of universe. Lord Vishnu made a plan and suggested Devas to approach the Asuras and ask them for their co operation in churning the mighty ocean to obtain amrita, the nectar of immortality, which Devas and Asuras can divide among themselves and can become immortal. The Devas approached Asuras who agreed as this task required combined efforts of both Devas and Asuras.

They started churning using Mount Mandara as a rod and the Serpent Vasuki as a rope. Lord Vishnu incarnated as a Tortoise to hold up the mountain on his back. As the churning of the ocean started several things energed as a result, starting with poison Halahala which threatened to destroy all the universe but Lord Shiva kept it in his throat, without swallowing it. Kamadhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow, celestial horse Ucchaishravas, Airavata, the celestial elephant, the Kausthubha gem, the Parijataka (wish-fulfilling tree), Apsaras, the beautiful celestials maids, Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, Varuni, the goddess of liquor appeared one by one. Finally Dhanvantari, the god of medicine, appeared holding the pot of amrita. The Asuras forcefully snatched it, and refused to give it to Devas.

Lord Vishnu then incarnated as Mohini, the enchantress, the most beautiful female form in the universe. Devas knew this plan and controlled themselves but the Asuras were overwhelmed with lust for her and agreed to her decision for distribution of nectar as per her rules. She asked all the Devas and Asuras to sit in a line and started distributing nectar first to Devas. Rahu disguised himself as one of the Devas and sat between the Sun and Moon gods, who recognized him and told Vishnu who was in the form of Mohini. Lord Vishnu severed Rahu's head with his discus, the sudarshan charka but not before he managed to drink a drop of the nectar and become immortal.

Thus his Head and Body become separate but both become immortal as separate entity due to nectar. The Head is known as Rahu and the headless body is the Ketu. Since then Rahu and Ketu constantly chase Sun and Moon for revenge for they are the cause of separating head and body of the devil Rahu. And when they succeed catching Sun and Moon they swallow them causing Solar or Lunar eclipse but they cant hold them for long and Sun and Moon emerges again intact as they also had nectar and are immortal.

Basic Astrological facts about Rahu and Ketu
Gender of Rahu and Ketu: Rahu is of Feminine and Ketu is of Neuter gender.
Rahu and Ketu are the karaka or significator of: Rahu for Spiritual Knowledge and Ketu for Moksha or Final Liberation.
Rahu and Ketu as relationship signifies: Rahu governs Maternal Grandparents and Ketu denotes Paternal Grandparents.
Planetary cabinet status of Sun: They do not have any status.
Temperament of Rahu and Ketu: Erratic and Unpredictable.
Element governed by Rahu and Ketu: Rahu belongs to Vaayu or Air element and Ketu belongs to Agni or Fire element.
Primary quality or Guna of Rahu and Ketu: Tamo Guna or Dull and Ignorant.
Caste of the Rahu and Ketu: Outcaste, not fit to be a part of normal society.
Nature of Rahu and Ketu: Malefic.

Rahu and Ketu rules the zodiacal Sign: They dose not have rulership of any Zodiacal Signs.
Sign of exaltation of Rahu: Taurus.
Sign of exaltation of Ketu: Scorpio.
Sign of debilitation of Rahu: Scorpio.
Sign of debilitation of Ketu: Taurus.
Rahu and Ketu's friends are: Venus, Mars and Saturn.
Rahu and Ketu's enemies are: Sun and Moon.
Rahu and Ketu is neutral with: Jupiter and Mercury.
Rahu's Vimshottari Dasha period: Eighteen Years.
Ketu's Vimshottari Dasha period: Seven Years.
Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Rahu are: Ardra Nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra and Shatabhisha Nakshatra.
Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Ketu are: Ashwini Nakshatra, Magha Nakshatra and Mula Nakshatra.

Direction ruled by Rahu and Ketu: Southwest.
Metals governed by Rahu and Ketu: Lead.
Gemstone governed by Rahu: Hessonite or Gomed.
Substitute gemstones governed by Rahu: Agate.
Gemstone governed by Ketu: Cat’s eye.
Substitute gemstones governed by Ketu: Turquoise.
Colors ruled by Rahu and Ketu: Black and Gray.
Food and flavors governed by Rahu and Ketu: Leftovers and Inedible foods of Foul taste.
Numbers as per Numerology governed by Rahu: 4, 13, 22, 31 and all those that adds up to four, are governed by it.
Numbers as per Numerology governed by Ketu: 7, 16, 25, 34 and all those that adds up to seven, are governed by it.

Positive key words for Rahu: Originality, Independence, Insight, Inspiration & Imagination.
Negative key words for Rahu: Confusion, Deception, Illusion, Addiction & Neurosis.
Positive key words for Ketu: Idealism, Self-sacrifice, Spirituality, Intuition & Compassion.
Negative key words for Ketu: Fanaticism, Eccentricity, Violence, Amorality & Impulsiveness.

Body parts, function and diseases governed by Rahu and Ketu
Rahu and Ketu dose not govern any body parts but will govern the body part as denoted by planet or planets with which they are in conjunction or in aspect. Rahu and Ketu governs all types of epidemics, insanity, skin diseases, poisoning of all types. Rahu acts like Saturn and Ketu like Mars thus all body parts and diseases governed by Saturn is also governed by Rahu and all body parts and diseases governed by Mars are also governed by Ketu.

Professions governed by the Rahu and Ketu
As Rahu acts like Saturn and Ketu like Mars, generally they rules the profession signified by these planets, but apart from this they signifies profession related to occult arts, magic. Rahu or Dragons Head or North Node represents, foreigners, foreign countries, foreign travel, engineering and the technical trades, gambling dens, the underworld and the bad elements in the society. Ketu or Dragons Tail or South Node represents technical trades, spiritual inclinations, superstitions and electronics.

The Mantras for Rahu:
Beej Mantra of Rahu:Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Sah Rahave Namah

The Rahu Stotra:Ardha kaayam maha veeryam chandraditya vimardanam simhika garbha sambhutam tam Rahum pranamamy aham

Gayatri Mantra of Rahu:Om naaka dhwajaaya vidmahae padma hastaaya dheemahi tanno raahu prachodayaat

The Mantras for Ketu:
Beej Mantra of Ketu:Om Sraam Sreem Sraum Sah Ketave Nama

The Ketu Stotra:Palasha puspa sangasham taraka graha mastakam raudram raudratmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamamyaham

Gayatri Mantra of Ketu:Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae soola hastaaya dheemahi tanno ketu prachodayaat

Remedies for Rahu to be performed if Rahu is not well placed in the horoscope:
Worshiping of Bhairava or Lord Shiva.
Recitation of Kalabhairav Asthakam.
Reciting of Rahu Mantras as mentioned above.
Charity: Donate blue clothes, blankets, urad dal (Horse Bean) or coconut on Saturdays to beggars.
Fasting: On Saturdays.
Pooja: Maha Kaal.
Rudraksh: Wear Eight Mukhi (Eight Faced) Rudraksh.

Remedies for Ketu to be performed if Ketu is not well placed in the horoscope:
Worshiping of Lord Ganesha.
Recitation of Ganesha Dwadasanama Stotra.
Reciting of Ketu Mantras as mentioned above.
Charity: Donate brown cloths, blanket, black mustard seeds to beggars and feed black dog on Thursdays.
Fasting: On Thursdays.
Pooja: Ganesh pooja.
Rudraksh: Wear Nine Mukhi (Nine Faced) Rudraksh.
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Re: Rahu

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Re: Rahu

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Re: Rahu

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Last edited by StarLore on Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rahu

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