Sanghataka Marana Yoga

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Sanghataka Marana Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Sanghataka Marana Yoga

Presence of a plethora of evil planets in the eighth house, occupying martian Rasi or Navamsa and joining evil subdivisions.

Sanghataka Marana Yoga indicates that you will have a terrible experience which might be fatal. This experience will bring catastrophe and put the lives of many people at risk. It is unlikely that you will die from old age. It is also unlikely that you will die alone. This Yoga suggests that your death will come from disasters such as earthquakes, explosions, the sinking of a ship, crashing of an aeroplane, etc. You might even die during a pandemic when people die en masse. Therefore it is advisable for you to remain vigilante if you can.


Sanghataka Marana Yoga

The Sun, Rahu and Saturn are aspected by the eighth Lord and joins evil amsas.

Sanghataka Marana Yoga indicates that you will have a terrible experience which might be fatal. This experience will bring catastrophe and put the lives of many people at risk. It is unlikely that you will die from old age. It is also unlikely that you will die alone. This Yoga suggests that your death will come from disasters such as earthquakes, explosions, the sinking of a ship, crashing of an aeroplane, etc. You might even die during a pandemic when people die en masse. Therefore it is advisable for you to remain vigilante if you can.

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