Vahana Yoga

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Vahana Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Vahana Yoga

The Lord of Lagna joins the fourth, eleventh or the ninth house.

Vahana Yoga indicates that the native will acquire material comforts and conveyances. You will own vehicles that can range from a bicycle to luxury automobiles depending upon the strength of your horoscope and natal chart. Bicycles and automobiles fit into the modern world quite well which is why these things are more likely to be in your possession. Nevertheless, you might also own horse carriages. Further, the number of vehicles you own also depends upon your natal chart.


Vahana Yoga

The fourth Lord is exalted and the Lord of the exaltation sign occupies a kendra or trikona.

Vahana Yoga indicates that the native will acquire material comforts and conveyances. You will own vehicles that can range from a bicycle to luxury automobiles depending upon the strength of your horoscope and natal chart. Bicycles and automobiles fit into the modern world quite well which is why these things are more likely to be in your possession. Nevertheless, you might also own horse carriages. Further, the number of vehicles you own also depends upon your natal chart.

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