☉ Sun - The Father & Life Giver

Information about the Planets and Moon's Nodes
☉ Sun - ☽ Moon - ☿ Mercury - ♀ Venus - ♂ Mars - ♃ Jupiter - ♄ Saturn
☊ Rahu - ☋ Ketu
♅ Uranus - ♆ Neptune - ♇ Pluto
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☉ Sun - The Father & Life Giver

Post by StarLore »

☉ Sun - The Father & Life Giver

Brigu Sutras
☉ Sun - The Father & Life Giver
Sun is the king of the solar kingdom. He is also called the 'Father of Stars'. Sun is about 93 million miles away from the Earth. He is the largest amongst the planets. His diameter is about 110 times that of Earth and Sun is nearly 27,19,000 miles in circumference. Being the centre of all life force and energy and the giver of Prana, Sun is worshipped as Sun God. He is said to represent the creator, the Brahma, with his four faces to have a survey of all the four directions causing four seasons and the four elements namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Westerners call the Sun, Apollo. The Sun takes exactly one year to go round the ecliptic. It has only the direct motion. It is never goes retrograde. According to Hindu Astrology Sun is the soul of Kalpurusha (The Moon is his mind, Mercury his speech, Mars his strength, Jupiter his knowledge and happiness, Venus his desire or lust, Saturn his misery). For all living beings Sun represents the positive and primal front whereas the Moon represents the negative influence. Sun is constructive and creative, Moon is preserving and formative. Sun is the father, Moon is the mother. The Sun and Moon are considered sovereigns. Jupiter and Venus are ministers. Mercury is the young prince. Mars is the commander-in-chief and Saturn is the servant. Sun is the king and the Moon is the queen. Sun and Moon are also considered luminaries. People with Sun as the ruling planet will have honey coloured eyes. The face will be large and round. The stature will be average. The hair and the colour of the body will have a light shade.

Sun rules the direction East and "Grishma" Rithu (Summer season). In the birth chart Sun represents the father of the native. In the woman's chart Sun indicates her husband (There is another school of thought that Jupiter represents the husband in a female's chart). In service Sun shows the administrative head or Government. The Sun offers us the power of resistance and vitality. He governs the breath of life. He rules our consciousness and denotes the individuality. He gives the force and self will and makes one determined and decisive. The Sun in nature is hot, dry, masculine and life giving. He possesses the power of absorption of the nature and influence of any planet within an orb of 8 ½ degrees of his conjunction. Sun represents health, the vital principle, general prosperity and high office, positions of rank and title, government affairs and officials, new undertakings, publicity, popularity, superior or proud and haughty persons. Sun governs the sides, upper portion of the back, heart, right eye of the male and left eye of the female. His day is Sunday, metal gold and colour orange. If he is not hampered by unfavourable disposition or malefic aspects or association and is dignified by position in the horoscope, Sun bestows a nature which is ambitious, proud, magnanimous, frank, generous, humane, firm and honourable. Men ruled by the Sun aspire to positions of rulership and by their earnest nature inspire others with a respect for their abilities, so they usually attain positions of trust, responsibility and honour where they are perfectly at home and capable of practical execution to a very satisfactory degree.

If the Sun at birth is unfavourably placed and is otherwise undignified, the native is inclined to be too forceful, lordly, domineering, positively arrogant and extravagant, inclining also to sickness of a feverish inflammatory native, eye affliction and heart disorders as well as loss of position, credit or esteem due to impulsiveness of these natives.

The Sun's gems are diamond and ruby. Sun owns Leo. He is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. 10 degrees of Aries is highest exaltation point and 10 degrees of Libra is his lowest debilitation point. Initial 20 degrees portion of Leo is his Mulatrikona and the remaining 10 degrees is Swakshetra. The Sun's friends are Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are his enemies. Mercury is neutral to him.

Sun is a luminary, a star that shines bright enough to light the whole world. Without its heat and light, we are nothing but an ice-ball. Sun is what shakes things up; it is the life giving force. Its energy is profound, and decides whether you become a radiant smiling face or hide behind the clouds of ego and aggression. Sun in Vedic astrology represents the Soul. It is the representation of your outer self, of how you project yourself to the world and what makes you stand apart from the rest. It is the crux of one’s identity and how it is preserved. It is the courage and confidence you employ to fight off the everyday challenges.

Astronomical Facts about Sun

Sun is the biggest celestial body human being is aware of. It is the center of the Solar System and when it comes to its composition, it is a giant ball of plasma, primarily made of hydrogen and helium. It is 149 million km far from Earth yet its influence is most profound on human being compared to other planets. Sun is stationery thus never turns retrograde as everything else in the universe revolves around it. Sun in Vedic astrology terms spends a month in each sign and takes around a year to complete its circle of the whole zodiac and the 12 signs.

Astrological Facts about Sun

Transit in each sign 1 month
Direction: East
Metal: Gold
Gem: Ruby
Day: Sunday
Color: Orange
Temperament: Hot
Gende: Male
Ruling Body Part: Heart, hair, head, bones, eyes, and overall health
Status in: Imperial Stars
Friends: Jupiter, Moon, Mars
Enemies: Venus, Saturn
Neutral: Mercury
Own Sign: Leo
Exalted in: Aries 10 Degree
Debilitated in: Libra 10 Degree
Mool Triko: Leo 20 Degree
Mahadasha Period: 6 Years
Relation: Father
Professions: Government sector jobs, politicians, physicians, medicines, wheat, gold, copper, and ruby related.

Significance of Sun in Vedic astrology
Sun in Vedic astrology occupies the position of king due to being at the center of it all. Being our natural father, it stands for all the masculine influences in one’s life including Father, husband, and male children. It is the king so represents authority and relation with government too. While Sun represents our innermost self - the soul, we as individuals tend to only manifest the outer self or ego. It gives the natives the ability to lead, desire to earn name and fame, an ambitious attitude, optimism, and a strong will to tackle challenges effectively.

Sun in astrology is also considered to have a regal air so it rules royalty, state and the higher positions as well. It also signifies good health, vitality and wellbeing. A strong Sun in horoscope indicates a person with leadership qualities. Such a person usually enjoys a higher position in society and shares a cordial relationship with father. Native with positively placed Sun is also dependable, generous, and mature.

This fiery planet can be detrimental to health if negatively placed causing baldness, headaches, weak eyesight, blood circulation related problems, bone weakness, and heart problems. A weak Sun in horoscope can also affect one’s relation with father or cause problem to father. Natives with weak Sun usually suffer from low stamina, self-esteem, and indecisiveness. Too strong Sun can result in a domineering or aggressive personality. Such a person may be self-centered and someone who always seeks to be at the center of all action.
Last edited by StarLore on Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:50 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Sun

Post by StarLore »


Sun in Vedic Astrology

Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Basic Astronomical facts about Sun
Sun, the largest body and a star at the center of our solar system it is made mostly of hydrogen and helium, has a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers. It contains more than ninety-nine percent of total mass of our solar system. Its mean distance from the earth is about 149 million kilometer. Its average geocentric motion per day is 00°59'08". The Sun never seems retrograde as it is stationary and located in center of solar system and all the planets revolve around it.

The Sun in Hindu Mythology
The Sun God is the source of all life and energy that exist in the universe. In hindu mythological, the abode of Sun god is known as Suryaloka, and this sphere is next to the physical world or bhu-mandala. Sage Kashyap and his wife Aditi gave birth to Indra, Visnu, Vivasvan, Miter, Amsuman, Dhata Tvasta, Pusa, Varuna, Aryama, Bhaga and Savita. These twelve sons of Aditi become know as twelve Adityas. Lord Bramha selected Savita from theses twelve Adityas and blessed him by saying only he will be worshiped and all other Adityas will be merged in him. But these twelve Aditayas exerts their force separately which gave rise to twelve months and each of them are said to rule over the each of the twelve months. As a result of this, we have different seasons and climatic changes.

The Sun god's wife Sanjana was the daughter of Vishvakarma, the celestial architect. They had three children Vaivasvata, Yama (the god of death) and Yami. Sanjana was having tough time with Sun, not because of any discord between them but as Sun's light was too strong for her. One day Sanjana decided to go away from home, leaving in her place her body double, Chaaya (shadow). For some time, Sandhya lived with her father and then left it too, she took the form of a mare and went to the mountains to pray. Meanwhile, the Sun being unknown of this fact, continued to live with Chaaya and she gave birth to three more children, Savarni, Shani (later became the planet Saturn) and Taapti (later became a river). After passage of some more time Sun realized that Chaaya was not his wife and he went to look for her. He saw his wife praying in the form of a mare and he turned himself into a horse and approached her amorously. This led to the birth of horse headed twins, Ashwini Kumara, the celestial physicians. Sanjana told her husband that his light was too strong for her. Sun then decided to divide his light in to sixteen parts, each of which created different planets including Earth, while the Sun was left with one-sixteenth part of his original light and Sanjana came back to live with Sun.

The Sun's chariot is driven by Arun and have seven horses pulling the chariot, known as Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik, Jagati, Tristup, Anustup and Pankti. These seven horses are metaphorically speaking are the seven colors which the Sunlight consists of and know as 'VIBGYOR'. A powerful race of hindu kings are supposed to be the direct descendant of Sun god. This dynasty know as Suryavanshi, first king of this dynasty was Iskwakoo and later incarnation of Vishnu, Lord Rama was born in this dynasty. Names mentioned for the Sun in hindu mythology are Ravi (praised by all), Aditya (of Aditi, inspirer), Surya (the supreme guide or light), Bhaanu (the shining one or ray of light), Arka (the radiant), Bhaskara (the illuminator), Mitra (friend of all), Marichi (rays of light, starlight), Sahasrarhsu (having thousand rays), Savita (the purifier), Pushan (the nourisher of all), Khag (stimulator of the senses), Mihira , Prabhakara (creter of shining light), Martanda (sprung from lifeless egg), Chitrabhanu (lord of flames), Divakara (creator of day) and Hiranyagarbhaya (having golden womb, the creator).

Basic Astrological facts about Sun
Gender of Sun: Masculine.
Sun is the karaka or significator of: The Soul.
Sun as relationship signifies: Father.
Planetary cabinet status of Sun: King.
Temperament of Sun: Fixed and Steady.
Element governed by Sun: Agni or Fire.
Primary quality or guna of Sun: Sattva Guna or Serenity.
Caste of the Sun: Kshatriya or Warrior.
Nature of Sun: Cruel and Malefic.
Directional strength of Sun: In the Tenth House.
Directional weakness of Sun: In the Fourth House.

Sun rules the zodiacal Sign: Leo
Sun rules the zodiacal House: Natural astrological fifth house.
Sign of exaltation of Sun: Aries.
Sign of debilitation of Sun: Libra.
Determent or weak sign of Sun: Aquarius.
Sun's friends are: Moon, Mars, and Jupiter.
Sun's enemies are: Venus and Saturn.
Sun is neutral with: Mercury.
Sun's Vimshottari Dasha period: Six Years.
Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Sun are: Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha .

Body part governed by Sun: The Head.
Day of the week governed by Sun: Sunday.
Direction ruled by Sun: East.
Season governed by Sun: Grishma or Summer season.
Metals governed by Sun: Gold and Copper.
Gemstone governed by Sun: Ruby.
Substitute gemstones governed by Sun: Red garnet and Sunstone.
Colors ruled by Sun: Pink and Orange.
Food and flavors governed by Sun: Things of pungent taste.
Geometrical shape governed by Sun: A quadrangle.
Numbers as per Numerology governed by Sun: 1, 10, 19, 28 and all those that adds up to 1, are governed by it.

Positive key words for Sun: Creativity, Vitality, Leadership, Confidence & Generosity.
Negative key words for Sun: Arrogance, Cruelty, Conceit, Pomposity & Aggression.

Body parts, function and diseases governed by Sun
The Sun is the life giver to our physical bodies and controls the prana or life force. The placement of the Sun is very important for overall health as it governs entire constitution of the body. No number of words can express the Sun's importance in bodily functioning. It specifically rules the heart, eyes, upper back and spine, aorta and blood circulation. Every heart related problem arise due to affliction to Sun or its sign Leo, this includes enlarged heart conditions, palpitations of the heart, cholesterol-related degeneration of the heart, angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, blood pressure and heart attacks. High fevers, back problem, diseases of the bone marrow, rheumatic fever and sunstroke.

Professions governed by the Sun
Any profession or employment having authority, command and power. Generally any service under Government but specifically high posts like department heads, envoy, ambassador, counsel general, ministers, etc. Employment in fields related to gold, manufacturing and trading in wool and woolen goods, wood and wooden furniture. Traders of wheat, grains, pulses and cereals. Career related to bankers, presidents, stock exchange, engineering, occupations involving children and related to entertainment, amusement and theaters. Service in medical department, particularly heart and child specialist.

The Mantras for Sun:
Beej Mantra of the Sun:Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaye namah

The Surya Stotra:Om Jaba kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim tamorim sarva paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram

Gayatri Mantra of Sun:Om Adityaye vidmahe divakaraya dhimahi tanno suryay prachodayat
Remedies for Sun to be performed if Sun is not well placed in the horoscope:
Worshiping the ruling deity of the Sun, Lord Shiva.
Recitation of Aditya Hridaya stotra.
Reciting of Sun Mantras.
Charity: Donate wheat or jaggery on Sundays.
Fasting day: Sundays.
Pooja: Rudrabhishek.
Rudraksh: Wear one mukhi (one faced) or twelve mukhi (twelve faced) Rudraksh.
Surya Namaskar: a simple twelve step exercise to be performed at the time of Sunrise facing east.
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Re: Sun

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Re: Sun

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Re: Sun

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Re: Sun

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