Rajju Yoga

Information about Yogas
Raja Yoga - Dhana Yoga - Hamsa Yoga - Malavya Yoga - Ruchaka Yoga - Bhadra Yoga - Shasha Yoga - Veshi Yoga - Vashi Yoga - Ubhayachari Yoga - Budh Aditya Yoga - Mahabhagya Yoga - Neech Bhang Yoga - Adhi Yoga - Shubh Kartari Yoga - Saraswati Yoga - Laxmi Yoga - Amala Yoga - Ati-vasuman Yoga - Sunafa Yoga - Anafa Yoga - Durudhara Yoga - Gajkesari Yoga - Adhi Yoga - Vasuman Yoga - Gauri Yoga - Chandra Mangala Yoga - Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga - Veepreet Raj Yoga - Bhaskara Yoga - Bheri Yoga - Chamara Yoga -
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Rajju Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Rajju Yoga

All planets exclusively occupy movable signs

The Rajju Yoga in your birth chart indicates that you are a fun-loving person and you do not worry about the future. You love travelling and you are most likely to travel in almost each and every country possible. Considering your physical features, you are a handsome person with attractive qualities and people admire you because of this feature. You are a person that tries to find wealth in a foreign country. Lastly, your nature is a bit cruel and envious and sometimes you cannot stand the fact that someone is doing better than you.

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