Gandharva Yoga

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Gandharva Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Gandharva Yoga

The 10th lord is in the Kama Thrikona, the lord of Lagna and Jupiter are in association, the Sun being strong is exalted and the Moon occupies the 9th.

The Gandharva Yoga specifies various traits that exist in a person. The Gandharva Yoga in your chart shows that you will attain unparalleled skills in fine arts and similar subjects. You tend to be strong both mentally as well as physically. Your personality is such that you love all types of pleasures. Your dressing sense is much better than other people and you dress up as if it is the last day of your life. Further, it is believed that you will gain loads of fame and it is also believed that you will live upto 68 years.

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