Dhana Malika

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Raja Yoga - Dhana Yoga - Hamsa Yoga - Malavya Yoga - Ruchaka Yoga - Bhadra Yoga - Shasha Yoga - Veshi Yoga - Vashi Yoga - Ubhayachari Yoga - Budh Aditya Yoga - Mahabhagya Yoga - Neech Bhang Yoga - Adhi Yoga - Shubh Kartari Yoga - Saraswati Yoga - Laxmi Yoga - Amala Yoga - Ati-vasuman Yoga - Sunafa Yoga - Anafa Yoga - Durudhara Yoga - Gajkesari Yoga - Adhi Yoga - Vasuman Yoga - Gauri Yoga - Chandra Mangala Yoga - Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga - Veepreet Raj Yoga - Bhaskara Yoga - Bheri Yoga - Chamara Yoga -
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Dhana Malika

Post by StarLore »


Dhana Malika

All seven planets occupy seven houses continuously reckoned from Lagna or any particular Bhava.

The Dhana Malika is a powerful Yoga that consists of unique characteristics in a person. If you have the Dhana Malika Yoga, you will be wealthy throughout your life. You won't be facing any kind of issues with wealth. You take your duties very seriously. Duties are very salient to you and you don't let anyone ruin it for you. You find your purpose with determination and trust and you don't leave it until and unless you accomplish it. Also, you tend to be unsympathetic towards everything.

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