Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Information about 27 Nakshatras
☋ Ashwini - ♀ Bharani - ☉ Krittika - ☽ Rohini - ♂ Mrigashirsha - ☊ Ardra - ♃ Punarvasu - ♄ Pushya - ☿ Ashlesha -
☋ Magha - ♀ Purva Phalguni - ☉ Uttara Phalguni - ☽ Hasta - ♂ Chitra - ☊ Swati - ♃ Vishakha - ♄ Anuradha - ☿ Jyeshtha - ☋ Mula - ♀ Purva Ashada - ☉ Uttara Ashada - ☽ Shravana - ♂ Dhanishta - ☊ Shatabisha - ♃ Purva Bhadrapada - ♄ Uttara Bhadrapada - ☿ Revati
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Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Post by StarLore »

Jyeshtha - The Eldest

https://arvind-bhagwath.medium.com/myth ... ac027e24c9

Jyeshtha Nakshatra is the 18th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology in Scorpionis constellation.

Jyeshta is ruled by Indra, the ruler of the Gods. Indra is praised as the highest god in 250 hymns of the Rigveda

इन्द्रस्य नु वीर्याणि प्र वोचं यानि चकार प्रथमानि वज्री ।
अहन्नहिमन्वपस्ततर्द प्र वक्षणा अभिनत्पर्वतानाम् ॥१।।
अहन्नहिं पर्वते शिश्रियाणं त्वष्टास्मै वज्रं स्वर्यं ततक्ष ।
वाश्रा इव धेनवः स्यन्दमाना अञ्जः समुद्रमव जग्मुरापः ॥२।।

1. Now I shall proclaim the heroic deeds of Indra, those foremost deeds that the mace-wielder performed:
He smashed the serpent. He bowed out the waters. He split the bellies of the mountains.
2. He smashed the serpent resting on the mountain — for him Tvaṣṭar had fashioned the resounding [sunlike] mace.
Like bellowing milk-cows, streaming out, the waters went straight down to the sea.
— Rigveda, 1.32.1–2

In the Brahmavaivarta Purana, Indra defeats Vritra and releases the waters. In post-Vedic texts, Indra’s importance declines, and he evolves into a minor deity in comparison to others in the Hindu pantheon, such as Shiva, Vishnu, or Devi. In Puranic mention, he becomes a source of nuisance rains sent out of anger with an intent to hurt mankind and Krishna as an avatar of Vishnu, comes to the rescue by lifting Mount Govardhana on his fingertip, and letting mankind shelter under the mountain till Indra exhausts his anger and relents. In the post-Vedic period, he rides a large, four-tusked white elephant called Airavata. The Sangam literature also describes Indhira Vizha (festival for Indra), the festival for want of rain, celebrated for one full month starting from the full moon in Chitrai and aspects of Indra as a deity are cognate to other Indo-European gods; they are thunder gods such as Thor, Perun, and Zeus who share parts of his heroic mythologies, act as king of gods, and all are linked to “rain and thunder”.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Naks ... shatra.php

The eighteenth constellation, sign ruled by Mars (Scorpio) and the star is governed by Mercury.

Symbol: An umbrella, earring or an amulet
Meaning: The eldest one
Deity: Indra, the king of the demigods
Location: 16.40 Scorpio to 30.00 Scorpio
Stars: Alpha, Sigma & Tau Scorpionis
Lord: Mercury
Varna (Caste): Servant
Guna (Quality): Sattwic (Pure)
Gana (Nature): Rakshasa (Demonic)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Deer
Alphabets: No, Ya, Yi, Yu

Part of the body: Colon, anus, genital organs, ovaries and the womb.

Diseases: Leucorrhoea, bleeding piles, fistula, tumor, vernal disease and affliction of bowels.

Profession: Chemical engineer, press publication. textile mill, canals, thermal station, power house, impounded - reservoir music instrument, insurance agent, surgeon, surgical instrument, tonics manufacturer, boilers, pump sets, sessions judge, gallows, jails, postmortem, calculators, telegraph sets, cable and wire manufacturer, boatman representatives.
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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Post by StarLore »

http://www.getastrologicnow.com/The%202 ... Patry.html

Jyeshta “the eldest” 16.40 to 30.00 Scorpio
Symbol: a circular amulet, umbrella, earring
Deity: Indri, chief of the gods
Stars: Antares is the heart of the Scorpion. Antares means “rival of Mars” and is a military, political star giving a drive for power and honors, but with possible sudden loss.
Mythology: Jyeshta was the eldest of the 27 sisters and felt betrayed and jealous when their husband Soma favored the younger sister Rohini.
Indications: There is a sense of betrayal and abandonment indicated by the myth. These people have a sense of seniority and superiority due to wisdom, age and experience, but are very protective of themselves and their loved ones. At times they can be arrogant and hypocritical, due to their low self-esteem. But as the patriarch or matriarch of the family, they run the show and know how to deal with wealth and power. Their lives are not easy and some may experience hardship and poverty. They are reclusive, secretive with few friends. Their profound and inventive minds provoke them to seek the deeper meaning of life. They possess hidden occult powers.
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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Post by StarLore »

https://wantastro.blogspot.com/2014/02/ ... ology.html

Jyeshtha Nakshatra in Astrology

Jyeshtha Nakshatra

Range 16°40 Scorpio to 30°00 Scorpio)
Ruling planet: Mercury.
Deity: indra, king of the god
Symbol: umbrella, kundal (earring), talisman
Gana (nature): rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: male deer or hare.
Sounds: no, yaa, yee, yoo.
Primary motivation: artha material prosperity.

Jyeshtha Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Mars (Scorpio) and ruled by Mercury. Jyeshta is the eighteen lunar mansion. It contains the brilliant three red star. These three stars are known as alpha-Scorpionis (antares), which is located near heart of Scorpion. Jyeshta translate as the senior most, the eldest, the chief. Jyestha symbolised which has seniormost in many; the oldest, the most powerful, the most praiseworthy. The symbols for Jyeshtha are an earring and an umbrella means protection to loved ones. The earring is a symbol of vishnu s discus, and the umbrella symbolizes protection and status. Jyestha is eldest queen of the Moon, who jealous with Rohini Moon’s younger beautiful wife. Therefore this Nakshatra relate with jealousy and betrayal. The chief deity is indra, the king of the demigods he is known as the king of the sky. He is the divine warrior and dragon slayer (to kill violently). I n mythological story lord indra was also an example for his daring, courageous, powerful, charismatic and glorious nature . Jyeshta shows the courageous nature of Scorpio but also where violent, doubtful or uncertain and hidden nature and hidden power exist here.

Not every person like this who have their planets in jyeshta Nakshatra. It depends on the in which house it falls and at what degree. There is gandanta point in astrology. Gandanta is the junction points in the zodiac that a particularly connected with of soul growth. This is the position of the planets late degrees in which the planet switching sign between water to fire sign. These points are at the junctions of Cancer (ashesha)- Leo (Magha), Scorpio (jyeshta)- Sagittarius (Mula). Pisces (Revati)- aries (Ashwini). They are especially powerful points giving karmic effects. The planets at gandanta point is not comfortable, because they are moving from water to fire sign. These points especially sensitive to give this type of result.

These people have competitive and irritable nature. They need to check their arrogance, pride, and ego. These people have good intelligence and analytical power, they have capacity to achieve an high position if they channeled their energy in a proper way.

Jyeshtha Pada 1: Falls in Sagittarius navamsa ruled by Jupiter. It relate to acquiring higher knowledge. Carefreeness, frankness and generosity is more prominent side of this Nakshatra.

Jyeshtha Pada 2: Falls in Capricorn navamsa ruled by Saturn. It relate to responsibility and doing the right thing. Serious and overbearing and focused to achieve its goals side of this Nakshatra.

Jyeshtha Pada 3: Falls in Aquarius navamsa ruled by Saturn. This pada gives a strong humanitarian instinct. Interested in protective and beneficial towards society side of this Nakshatra.

Jyeshtha Pada 4: Falls in Pisces navamsa ruled by Jupiter. This pada can give a strong sacrificing nature and a spiritual devotion to humanity. Interest in occult exploration for liberation purposes side of this Nakshatra. .

Ascendant in Jyeshtha: honored, passionate nature, and well liked by others.

Sun in Jyeshtha: ambitious nature, hard working, and high social status.

Moon in Jyeshtha: obstinate, irritable, secretive or hypocritical in nature, and intense relationship with mother.

Mars in Jyeshtha: courageous, fearless pursuing materialist things.

Mercury in Jyeshtha: intelligent, intense communication, cloudy thoughts.

Jupiter in Jyeshtha: interested in learning hidden knowledge, occult science, and sudden gain of money.

Venus in Jyeshtha: sensual, seductive, and secretive in nature.

Saturn in Jyeshtha: not able to maintain structure and fearful.

Rahu in Jyeshtha: fearless, proudy, aggressive, follow own desire.

Ketu in Jyeshtha: spiritual, mystical, stable, and fearless.
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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Post by StarLore »

https://popularvedicscience.com/astrolo ... ete-guide/
Luke Vanderlinden
Jun. 15, 2020

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Jyeshta are below:

Sanskrit Name: ज्येष्ठा (Jyeshta) in Sanskrit means “the eldest,” indicating wisdom, leadership, and excellence.

Planetary Ruler: Mercury. This planet is associated with the intellect, literature, logic, artistic expression, and commerce.

Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Jyeshta is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Scorpios are intense, reclusive, and bursting with energy.

Deity: Indra. In Vedic theology, Indra is the king of svarga and chief of the demigods. He enjoys life in great opulence, and he is a servant of Vishnu.

Symbol: Umbrella. This represents refinement, beauty, and culture.

Power: To ascend. Persons born under the star of Jyeshta have an aristocratic bearing. They are able to uplift those around them by creating a progressive atmosphere.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Jyeshta are No (नो), Ya (या), Yee (यी), and Yu (यू). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Jyeshta natives are self-sufficient and content. They do not like to impose on others, and through their ingenuity they are able to easily provide for their own needs. Others perceive them as resourceful and highly competent, and for this reason they are seen as qualified leaders.

Those born under the star of Jyeshta possess a unique power. They act with precision and confidence, and they can be effective in whatever task they choose take up. They often use their talents to help others and to engage in noble, charitable works.

You are brilliant and wise. You excel in creative pursuits and may be a gifted writer or musician. You find joy in solitude and you lead a contemplative life.

Jyeshta Careers
Persons born in Jyeshta can do well in leadership roles or in careers that engage their creativity.

Some ideal professions include:

Musician, performer, or entertainer
Manager, CEO, or thought leader
Academic or independent researcher
Non-profit founder or charity worker
Jyestha natives sometimes suffer from a superiority complex. Due to their high standards of living and their refined mode of thinking, they may look down on others. They can be harsh in speech and even violent when angry. Unless you learn to manage your anger and frustration, you will be perpetually over-stressed, and this can result in protracted illness. Practicing meditation can be a powerful tool for combatting anger and other mental health issues.

Those born in Jyeshta can be restless, always seeking something new and stimulating. They may have difficulty finding peace and satisfaction in the ordinary activities of daily life. At the same time they crave the excitement of social activity, they are somewhat awkward when it comes to interpersonal dealings. This may lead to periods of loneliness and depression.

You are manipulative, impatient, and difficult to get along with. You may not have a very robust moral compass, and you may resort to unethical acts when it suits your purpose. However, by keeping one or two genuine friends or mentors in whom you can confide and from whom you can receive good advice, you will be better able to make it through challenging times.

Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign, Scorpio.

Other Personality Traits
You are a natural leader. Your peers look up to you and admire you for your strong personality and your many good qualities.

You crave attention. You may become habituated to being the center of attention and having a deciding voice among your peer group. Try to share influence and controllership with others, and make a practice of praising and appreciating those around you.

You are prone to outbursts. You have a hot temper and may lash out at others. Breathing techniques, such as pranayama, as well as other mindfulness techniques can be very helpful for you.

You are competitive. You like putting forward your best effort and setting new personal records. However, you can be somewhat combative in group settings.

Jyeshta Compatibility
Jyeshtas’ sexuality is symbolized by a male hare. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Anuradha nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Jyeshtas are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Bharani (for male natives)
Rohini (for male natives)
Punarvasu (for female natives)
Uttara-phalguni in Leo (for female natives)
Vishakha in Scorpio (for female natives)
Shatabhisha (for male natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Jyeshta’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Scorpio): Sagittarius. You may be a famous and well-liked personality. You are a powerful leader and orator. However, you may be overconfident.

Second Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Scorpio): Capricorn. You have a profound sense of duty and you keep your word. You have a seasoned, mature outlook on life. You are stern, reserved, and may be stingy with your wealth.

Third Quarter (23:20-26:40 degrees Scorpio: Aquarius. You are a natural philanthropist, and you enjoy contributing to humanitarian causes. You earn the respect of those around you. You have a natural interest in spirituality and the occult.

Fourth Quarter (26:40-30:00 degrees Scorpio): Pisces. You are well-educated and generous in your dealings with others. You have a mystical side. You may be excessively emotional.

Jyeshta in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Jyeshta is Tikshna, “sharp” or “intense.” Jyeshta is a good nakshatra for:

Undergoing surgery
getting a piercing
Separating from a business partner, friend, or spouse (divorce)
Giving up bad habits
Punishing someone who has acted wrongly
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Re: Jyeshtha - The Eldest

Post by StarLore »

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