♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

Information about the Saturn in the 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

Post by StarLore »

♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion
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Re: ♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Plan ... in_leo.php

Saturn in Leo Horoscope
Saturn in Leo in a horoscope gives a serious personal need to achieve recognition. You do not want to play second fiddle to anyone; simply stated, you want to be the boss. Yet it is so hard for you to express the creative talent that you know you have inside you. You may have unreasonably high expectations for yourself and for those around you. As a parent, you want to be the disciplinarian. Your children may seem a burden to you, and indeed they may be. Because you are rather stern in your dealing, you can have some difficulties in your personal relationships with your children, as well as your mate. Try not to be too hard on those you lead or those you live with. This placement often shows a limited sense of humor, and a demeanor that is very reserved and cautious. Leo is the sign of ultimate self-esteem, and Saturn is the planet that tears down this quality. Don't let your self-image suffer needlessly.
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Re: ♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

Post by StarLore »


Saturn in Leo
Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and it shares an inimical relationship with Saturn. Sun is a ball of fire, and when Saturn, an airy malefic planet sits in Sun’s fiery sign Leo, it naturally fans the flames. Due to this inimical relationship between Sun and Saturn, the native born under Saturn in Leo has a lot of aggression in their personality. Sun represents father and authority, and when Saturn is placed in Leo, it causes problems in relationship of the native with his or her father or authoritative figure. Such people like to live in solitude, much like a lion. They want to live like wanderers, free and undisturbed.

Saturn in Leo gives a medium height and stature to the native. Such people are usually very stubborn, tough to move. They work hard in life and often work towards achieving a leadership role. They are skillful and able to carry the load of work and responsibilities. As parents, these natives tend to be quite disciplined. Such people have a lot of interest in creative fields such as writing and reading. They know that they have the talent inside but struggle to express themselves creatively. They tend to be loyal and never try to play with others’ feelings. They do however at times feel unfortunate.
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Re: ♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

Post by StarLore »

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Re: ♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

Post by StarLore »

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Re: ♄ Saturn in ♌︎ Leo - The Lion

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