♀ Venus in ♒︎ Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Information about the Venus in the 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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♀ Venus in ♒︎ Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Post by StarLore »

♀ Venus in ♒︎ Aquarius - The Water Bearer
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Re: ♀ Venus in ♒︎ Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Plan ... uarius.php

Venus in Aquarius Horoscope
Venus in Aquarius in a horoscope gives a romantic side that is cool and detached. In your personal relationships, you have little regard for what society, your family, or peers think. Your attitude concerning social standards and morality may be unusual, and very much out of step with society. You set your own rules of behavior. You have a sparkle in your personality that usually produces many friends. You are popular and well liked when you are letting this side of your nature show through. You can be friendly enough, but emotions are something that you rarely display. Indeed, you may be very much unaware that friends you are enjoying are becoming romantically attracted to you. The possibility may just not enter you mind. Not a romantic, you are so impersonal and aloof. When the moment calls for romance, you mind may be many miles away. Romantic attractions that do occur are often sudden, and in some way unusual; they may end just as suddenly as they began. A permanent partner will have to be a friend first and a lover second. You love your freedom so much that you're ready to run at the slightest provocation. This elusiveness and a noncommittal attitude results in late marriages for most with Venus in Aquarius. Any expression of possessiveness by your partner is not acceptable, as you demand near absolute freedom. You value your individuality very highly, and find it hard to allow a mate tell you what to do or how to live. Yet by the same token, you are willing to respect the independence and ideals of your partner. In the end then, you can therefore succeed very nicely in an open and understanding relationship.
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Re: ♀ Venus in ♒︎ Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Post by StarLore »

https://www.indastro.com/planet-sign/ve ... arius.html

Venus in Aquarius
Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, which is a neutral airy planet. Both Saturn and Venus consider each other a friend. However, Saturn is a guide; it gives obstacles in life to make you learn from your mistakes. When Venus is placed in the sign of Saturn, the person faces detachment from romance and challenges in love and married life. Natives with this placement of Venus have little regard for their family, friends and society.

These natives however do value their own freedom and personal space. They are freedom-loving souls who have their own set of rules to lead life and behave. Their attitude is cool, calm and collected. They have a sparkling personality, which shines even brighter when among friends. They have an open and direct approach to relationships and share a good understanding with partner. People with Venus in Aquarius get married at a late age. They seek more of a friend in their partner than a lover. Their spiritual knowledge is limited as they are more concerned with the social and corporeal aspects of life.
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Re: ♀ Venus in ♒︎ Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Post by StarLore »

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