House IX - Father & Spirituality

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House IX - Father & Spirituality

Post by StarLore »

House IX - Father & Spirituality

9th House
Vedic Name: Dharma Bhava
Significator: Jupiter
Associated with: Sagittarius
Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars
Weak for: Mercury and Venus
“Dharma” in astrology represents “uprightness or good virtue”, thus this house determines one’s religious aptitude, ethics, higher learning & values, and spiritual tendency. It shows one’s religious beliefs and helps to predict whether the person believes in a religion or not if the person would stick to the conservative religious values or not and so forth.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Indications of Dharm Bhava. Fortunes, wife's brother, religion, brother's wife, visits to shrines etc. be known from Dharm Bhava.

Effects of Dharm Bhava

(1) Combinations for Fortunes. O Brahmin, now listen to the effects of Dharm Bhava. One will be fortunate (or affluent), if Dharm' s Lord is in Dharm Bhava with strength.

(2) Should Guru be in Dharm Bhava, while Dharm' s Lord is in an angle and Lagn's Lord is endowed with strength, one will be extremely fortunate.

3. Fortunate (Affluent) Father. If Dharm' s Lord is with strength, as Sukr is in Dharm, while Guru is in an angle from Tanu Bhava, the native's father is fortunate.

4. Indigent Father. If Dharm's Lord is debilitated, while the 2 n and/or the 4 l from Dharm Bhava is occupied by Mangal, the native's father is poor.

5. Long-living Father. Should Dharm's Lord be in deep exaltation, while Sukr is in an angle from Tanu Bhava and Guru is in the 9 th from Navahs Lagn, the father of the native will enjoy along span of life.

6. Royal Status for Father. If Dharm's Lord is an angle and receives a Drishti from Guru, the native's father will be a king endowed with conveyances, or be equal to a king.

7. Wealthy and Famous Father. Should Dharm's Lord be in Karm Bhava, while Karm's Lord receives a Drishti from a benefic the native's father will be very rich and famous.

8-9. Virtuous and Devoted to Father. Should Surya be in deep exaltation, as Dharm's Lord is in Labh Bhava, the native will be virtuous, dear to the king and devoted to father. If Surya is in a trine from Lagna, while Dharm's Lord is in Yuvati in yuti with, or receiving a Drishti from Guru, the native will be devoted to his father.

10. Fortunes etc. Acquisition of fortunes, conveyances and fame will follow the 32 nd year of age, if Dharm's Lord is in Dhan, while Dhan's Lord is in Dharm.

11. Inimical to Father. There will be mutual enmity between the father and the native, if Lagn's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, but with the Lord of Ari. Further, the native's father will be of contemptible disposition.

12. Begged Food. If Karm's Lord and Sahaj's Lord are bereft of strength, while Dharm's Lord is in fall, or combust the native will go begging for his food.

13-25. Combinations for Father's Death. The father of the native would have passed away prior to the native's birth, if Surya is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, as Randhr's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, Vyaya's Lord is in Tanu Bhava and Ari's Lord is in Putr Bhava. Should Surya be in Randhr Bhava, while Randhr's Lord is in Dharm, the native's father will pass away within a year of his birth. If the Lord of Vyaya Bhava is in Dharm Bhava, while Dharm's Lord is in its debilitation Navahs, the native's father will face his end during the 3 rd , or the 16 th year of the native. Death of father will occur in the 2 nd , or the 12 th year, if Lagn's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, as Randhr's Lord is with Surya. Should Rahu be in the 8 th from Dharm, as Surya is in the 9 th from Dharm, death of father will take place in the 16 th , or the 18 th year of the native. If Sani is in the 9 th from Candr, as Surya is with Rahu, the native's father will die in the 7 l , or the 19* year of the native. The native in his 44 l year will lose his father, if Dharm's Lord is in Vyaya, as Vyaya's Lord is in Dharm. If Lagn's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, as Candr is in Surya's Navahs, the native in his 35 th , or 41 st year will lose his father. One will lose his father in the 50 th year, if Surya, being the Lord of Dharm, is conjunct Mangal and Sani. If Surya is in the 7 th from Dharm Bhava, as Rahu is in the 7 th from Sahaj Bhava, the 6 th , or 25 th year of the native will be fatal for father. If Sani is in the 7 th from Randhr Bhava, as Surya is in the 7 th from Sani, the ages of 21, 26, or 30 will be fatal for the father. If Dharm's Lord is in its debilitation Rasi, while his dispositor is in Dharm Bhava, the native will lose his father at the age of 26, or 30. Thus the Jyotishis may know the effects.

26. Fortunes. One will enjoy abundant fortunes, if Sukr is in deep exaltation and be in the company of Dharm's Lord, as Sani is in Sahaj.

27-28. Fortunate Periods. Abundant fortunes be acquired after the 20 th year, if Dharm has Guru in it, as its Lord is in an angle from Lagn. Should Budh be in his deep exaltation, as Dharm' s Lord is in Dharm itself, abundant fortunes will be earned after the 36 th year.

29. Should Lagn's Lord be in Dharm, as Dharm' s Lord is in Lagn and Guru is in Yuvati, there will be gains of wealth and conveyances.

30. Lack of Fortunes. If Rahu is in the 9 th from Dharm Bhava, as his dispositor is in Randhr Bhava and Dharm' s Lord is in fall, the native be devoid of fortunes.

3 1 . Food by Begging. Should Sani be in Dharm Bhava along with Candr, as Lagn's Lord is in fall, the native will acquire food by begging.

32. O Brahmin, these are the effects related to Dharm Bhava. I have explained briefly. These may be estimated with the help of the state of the Lords of Lagn and Dharm Bhava and in other manners as well.

Bhrigu Sutras
Faith, wisdom and divine worship; fortune or luck (bhagya), philosophy, religious and philosophical beliefs, meditation, intuition and forethought, places of worship, sacrifices and charity, father, preceptor (Guru), teaching, Dhanna, grandchildren, dreams and visions, knees; communication with spirits, long journeys, voyage, air travel, higher education, foreign travel.
Last edited by StarLore on Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: House IX - Father & Spirituality

Post by StarLore » ... houses.php

Ninth House
The 9th house rules one's teacher or preceptor, higher education and higher knowledge, long journeys, luck, fortune, publicity, grand children, worship, penance, dharma, prayer, spiritual initiation and inclination. This is the house of faith, wisdom and worship. The 9th house rules religious and philosophical beliefs, weather a parson is religious, devoted, charitable, orthodox or meditative all is to be ascertained from this house. It is considered to be an auspicious house as it shows one's fortune in the present life as a result of past actions. The ninth is the house of intuition and pure reason it rules the higher education, higher knowledge and higher thought. The degree of knowledge one may develop whether collegiate, academic, philosophical, religious, literary, artistic or scientific - is to be deduced from this house. The ninth house presides over research, invention, discovery and exploration. The ninth house governs publishing and all forms of advertising, long journey, sea voyage, air travel, etc. It determines the amount of travel in far-off places or countries and the success achieved there. We can say this is the house related to broadening one's horizons.

This house refers to the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius or the Dhanu or Dhanush. The natural significator of the ninth house is the planet Jupiter. The parts of the body ruled by the ninth house are the thighs, hip and the buttocks. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the ninth house signifies law courts, judges, clergy, religious majority, legal departments, matters relating to religion, temples, churches, publishing, universities and those connected with them, emigration and immigration, import and export of the nation. It governs all the matters signified by law and justice ministry.
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Re: House IX - Father & Spirituality

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Re: House IX - Father & Spirituality

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Re: House IX - Father & Spirituality

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