☉ Sun in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Information about the Sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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☉ Sun in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish

Post by StarLore »

☉ Sun in ♓︎ Pisces - The Fish
Last edited by StarLore on Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pisces - The Fish

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Plan ... pisces.php

Sun in Pisces Horoscope
In Pisces, the Sun is sensitive and idealistic. You are "tuned in" to your environment, and aware of everything happening in your world, and to everyone around you. Pisces is the dream sign of the zodiac. You may be one of the true dreamers of the world, often getting caught up in impractical plans and ideas. You absorb the ideas and the mental outlook of those around you, for better or for worse. The decisions that you make may be workable, if sometimes emotional and erratic. Often these decisions are made on hunches and feelings with little or no foundation in fact. Creative, spiritual and often a bit mystical, you can be impractical and illogical. You're a moody and introspective person, and it's hard for others to understand you. It may be hard for you to understand yourself sometimes. Your temperament varies from being optimistic to being acutely pessimistic. Although you may be very shy and unassuming, you care deeply about your stature and succeeding in your endeavors. You may feel vulnerable and anxious when you are unsure of your status and circumstances. You have a deeply hidden inner pride and when this is attacked in any way, you react emotionally. Compassionate, tolerant, kind, and loving, you are easily influenced by others because you don't want to hurt anyone. Always charming and likable, you are good to those in distress. You are as fond of animals as you are people. You are sympathetic to the world's unfortunate, including every stray animal and helpless soul you meet. You are more concerned with others' well-being than your own, and you want to save people from themselves. You are easily taken in by a hard-luck story and often leave yourself open to be used. You are always there with a shoulder to cry on for your friends in need. Frequently people take advantage of this compassionate nature. If you are a typical Pisces, you're likely to suffer from an inferiority complex. You probably lack an adequate sense of self-confidence, as you are so very sensitive, shy and introspective. You never feel that you do enough, so you often overwork, putting stress on your physical body. In your quiet way, you accomplish much. Having a natural tendency to become a workaholic, you must have a generous amount of escape time, preferably with total solitude. Pisces, more than any other sign, draws strength or weakness from the rest of the horoscope. The nature of Pisces is very adaptable and pliable. You may have to fight for a sense of stability and to resist the impulses of the moment.
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Re: Pisces - The Fish

Post by StarLore »


Sun in Pisces
Pisces is a dual water sign ruled by Jupiter. Since both the planets can be termed friendly towards each other, Sun in Pisces brings a lot of positive results. People having this placement of Sun are quite friendly in nature. They enjoy the comfort of servants and have a good partner and children. Male natives having Sun in Pisces tend to be fond of women. These natives are fond of travelling too. They live a happy life and earn a lot of wealth. And their intellect and intuition supports them in all endeavors. They are introspective in nature. They can be good thinkers and speakers too. Generally, these natives earn wealth through the medium of water. Some of them do well in fields like astrology too.

Sun in Pisces also gives a moody temperament to the native. Sometimes, these people find it hard to understand themselves. They are in fact quite emotional. Others’ opinions affect them to a lot extent. They are quite adaptable and flexible; adjust their attitude as per the situation. They tend to be helpful too, always there for friends and loved ones. When it comes to career, these natives work hard and often become a workaholic. This tendency however leads to mental distress at times. They are intensely ambitious too, how people see them affects their undertakings. They care a lot about their respect and status in society.
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Re: Pisces - The Fish

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Re: Pisces - The Fish

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Re: Pisces - The Fish

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