☉ Sun in ♏︎ Scorpio - The Scorpion

Information about the Sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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☉ Sun in ♏︎ Scorpio - The Scorpion

Post by StarLore »

Scorpio - The Scorpion
Last edited by StarLore on Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scorpio - The Scorpion

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Plan ... corpio.php

Sun in Scorpio Horoscope
Like the other water signs, this sign is very sensitive and emotional. With Scorpio, unlike the water signs Cancer and Pisces, the emotions remain under rigid control. They may not even be apparent to those who are very close to you. When your emotions do erupt, they do so very violently, often with a strong burst of sarcasm and vindictiveness. The strength of Scorpio is in the methods employed to meet every challenge. You approach everything with intensity and passion. Nothing is ever halfway because you put everything you have in your work; mind, heart, soul. You are one of those people who always gives 100% and sometimes more. Many born under the sign Scorpio become classic workaholics. You may have an undesirable trait commonly found in the Scorpio person, holding a grudge for a very long time. The underside of Scorpio is often possessed with uncontrollable jealousies and the strongest passions. When offended the reaction is surely revenge. The higher side of Scorpio still dominates people and situations, but with much for the common good. This sign produces very few lukewarm people. You are either very bad or very good. In Scorpio, the Sun is intense, skeptical and secretive. There is an intensity and a secretiveness in your makeup which results in an inscrutable persona most people cannot penetrate. This trait makes the Scorpio personality hard to detect. You like to remain incognito, and do so with your very secretive nature. You are a master at hiding your emotions. You neither flinch nor blush. It's hard for you to share your inner feelings with anyone. You can be very critical and demanding, creating a forceful and dominating demeanor. You are strong-willed and determined, and you usually act with incisiveness. Your critical nature allows you to make shrewd and unusually accurate judgments at a rapid rate. You can penetrate the hidden agenda of those you meet. It is in your nature to protect yourself by knowing what your opponents are thinking and doing. You have uncanny intuition and accurate perceptions, making you almost psychic in understanding and making emotional connections with other people. Very few successfully earn your trust. Often, you experience difficulties with the authority figures in your life. At home, you may be something of a tyrant, wanting everything done your way. You think you are always right and won't tolerate dissent. There is a tendency for you to impose your will on friends and family since you feel so passionately that your ideas are in their best interest. No one takes relationships more serious than you. Although you are highly attracted to, and attractive to, the opposite sex, in many respects you function well as a 'lone wolf' type.
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Re: Scorpio - The Scorpion

Post by StarLore »


Sun in Scorpio
Scorpio is a fixed watery sign associated with passion and ambition having Mars as its lord. Both Sun and Mars are masculine fiery planets and are friends to each other. Despite this relationship, we should consider the fact that Scorpio is associated with 8th house which relates to death like experiences and sudden transformations. Native having Sun is Scorpio is a pool of emotions. These people have lots of feelings and mysteries buried deep within their heart. Such people are highly emotional and compassionate towards others. They are also prone to lying and a sense of unhappiness pervades their life. They are usually dissatisfied in their married life too. There is an inherent lust to indulge in arguments, promote quarrelsomeness. They are also quite unfortunate in terms of enjoying parental love.

Nevertheless, these are some of the most ambitious people with higher than average self-respect. They are quite cautious in their money matters and plan their expenditure wisely. These people feed on challenges. They have a hunger for success and thrive in demanding situations and positions. However, natives with Sun in Scorpio should exercise care in situations involving weapons and fire.
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Re: Scorpio - The Scorpion

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Re: Scorpio - The Scorpion

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Re: Scorpio - The Scorpion

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Re: Scorpio - The Scorpion

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