☉ Sun in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Information about the Sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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☉ Sun in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Post by StarLore »

☉ Sun in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab
Last edited by StarLore on Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cancer - The Crab

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Plan ... cancer.php

Sun in Cancer Horoscope
In Cancer the Sun is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You're skeptical and distrustful of people. It's not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning. You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach. The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone's head off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened. You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those people who collects just about everything. It's hard for you to part with something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original "pack-rats." You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your "family of friends" is the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadow your sense of individuality. It's hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation. Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with "yes men" who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risk sweeping change. Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and having the protective shell in place, is overriding.
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Re: Cancer - The Crab

Post by StarLore »


Sun in Cancer
Cancer is a movable water sign, and its lord is Moon, which is a feminine watery planet. Sun is fiery masculine planet but it shares a friendly relationship with Moon. Despite contradictory energies, these planets balance each other, quite like how our mother and father work together. With Moon’s influence in this placement, the native is usually of a wavering mind. This indecisiveness hampers their undertakings. While the person is endowed with qualities of a king and earns a lot of fame, he or she struggles to enjoy the comfort associated with having a partner.

Natives with Sun in Cancer are virtuous beings, follow a pious path in life and abide by the moral principles. Such people tend to be good-looking and have a magnetic personality. Activities related to space and atmosphere interest them a lot, so they tend to do well as scientist too. They can also become artists depending upon the placement of other planets in the chart. These natives however have to work harder than usual to fulfill their goals and that keeps them distressed at times. Overall, this is a positive placement.
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Re: Cancer - The Crab

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Re: Cancer - The Crab

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Re: Cancer - The Crab

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Re: Cancer - The Crab

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