House X - Economy & Politics

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House X - Economy & Politics

Post by StarLore »

House X - Economy & Politics

10th House
Vedic Name: Karma Bhava
Lord of the house: Saturn
Associated with: Capricorn
Good for: Saturn and Mars
Weak for: Jupiter, Sun, and Moon
“Karma” means “action” in astrology. Karma is best described as the law of cause and effect. The 10th house of astrology is indeed the house of career and deals with the kind of work or action we perform. This house helps to predict the profession, prestige, and reputation.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Indications of Karm Bhava. Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from Karm Bhava.

Effects of Karm Bhava

1. 1 now explain the effects of Karm Bhava. Listen to these, o Maitreya, in the words of Brahma, Garga and others.

2. Paternal Happiness. If Karm' s Lord is strong and in exaltation, or in its own Rasi/Navahs, the native will derive extreme paternal happiness, will enjoy fame and will perform good deeds.

3. If Karm' s Lord is devoid of strength, the native will face obstructions in his work. If Rahu is in an angle, or in a trine, he will perform religious sacrifices, like Jyotishtoma.

4. If Karm' s Lord is with a benefic, or be in an auspicious Bhava, one will always gain through royal patronage and in business. In a contrary situation, only opposite results will come to pass.

5. Should Karm and Labh Bhava be both occupied by malefics, the native will indulge only in bad deeds and will defile his own men.

6. If the Lord of Karm Bhava is relegated to Randhr Bhava along with Rahu, the native will hate others; be a great fool and will do bad deeds.

7. If Sani, Mangal and Karm's Lord are in Yuvati, as Yuvati's Lord is with a malefic, the native will be fond of carnal pleasures and of filling his belly.

8-10 Should Karm's Lord be in exaltation and be in the company of Guru, as Dharm's Lord is in Karm the native will be endowed with honour, wealth and valour. One will lead a happy life, if Labh' s Lord is in Karm and Karm's Lord is in Lagn, or, if the Lord of Karm Bhava is yuti with the Lord of Labh Bhava in an angle. Should Karm's Lord in strength be in Meen along Guru, the native will doubtless obtain robes, ornaments and happiness.

11 . Should Rahu, Surya, Sani and Mangal be in Labh Bhava, the native will incur cessation of his duties.

12. One will be learned and wealthy, if Guru is in Meen along with Sukr, while Lagn's Lord is strong and Candr is in exaltation.

13. Should Karm's Lord be in Labh, while Labh's Lord is in Tanu Bhava and Sukr is in Karm, the native will be endowed with precious stones.

14. If the Karm's Lord is exalted in an angle, or a trine and is yuti with Guru, or receives a Drishti from Guru, one will be endowed with deeds.

15. Should Karm's Lord be in Lagn along with Lagn's Lord, as Candr is in an angle, or in a trine, the native will be interested in good deeds.

16. If Sani is in Karm Bhava along with a debilitated Grah, while Karm Bhava in the Navahs Kundali is occupied by a malefic, the native will be bereft of acts.

17. One will indulge in bad acts, if Karm's Lord is in Randhr Bhava, while Randhr's Lord is in Karm Bhava with a malefic.

18. Obstructions to the native's acts will crop up, if Karm's Lord is in fall, as both Karm Bhava and the 10 th from Karm Bhava have malefic occupations.

19-21 . Combinations for Fame. One will be endowed with fame, if Candr is in Karm Bhava, while Karm's Lord is in a trine from Karm Bhava and Lagn's Lord is in Lagn's angle. Similar effects will come to pass, if Labh's Lord is in Karm Bhava, while Karm's Lord is strong and gives a Drishti to Guru. Fame will come to the native, if Karm's Lord is in Dharm Bhava, as Lagn's Lord is in Karm Bhava and Candr is in Putr Bhava.

22. O excellent of the Brahmins, thus have been told about the effects of Karm Bhava in a brief manner. Other related effects be guessed by you based on the relationship of the Lords of Lagn and of Karm Bhava.

Bhrigu Sutras
Thighs, honour, dignity, public esteem, name and fame, power prestige, credit (for good work and conduct), success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, permanency (in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's parents, religious functions. Government, high position such as President, Prime Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honour from Government.
Last edited by StarLore on Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: House X - Economy & Politics

Post by StarLore » ... houses.php

Tenth House
The 10th house rules a person's work, commerce, trade, business, success, fame, rank or position in outer world. The 10th house is related to all matters affecting one's name, fame, honor and recognition; it is described as the house of honor, dignity and public esteem. The chief influence of the 10th house is on one's profession, occupation or business. It is rightfully called the apex of the horoscope, since it denotes a person's worldly attainments achieved through name and fame, power and prestige, credit and conduct, success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, and ambition and authority. One's public life and popularity, his worldly standing in terms of material success and his connection with people in high position should be judged from an examination of the strength of the 10th house.

This house refers to the tenth sign of zodiac, the Capricorn or the Makar or Makara. The natural significator of the tenth house is the planet Saturn and Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the tenth house are the gallbladder and the knees. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the tenth house deals with government and its affairs and its chief executive. It signifies the head of the State, whether monarch or president or prime minister, also royalty, nobility, the party in office, the national leaders, the upper level of society and those in authority, eminent and distinguished persons and the aristocracy. It governs the nation's honor, integrity, credit, power and status among the community of nations. This house provides the clue to the political situation prevailing in a country. It governs all the matters signified by the industries, public enterprises and commerce ministry.
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Re: House X - Economy & Politics

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Re: House X - Economy & Politics

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Re: House X - Economy & Politics

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