☽ Moon - The Mother & Mind

Information about the Planets and Moon's Nodes
☉ Sun - ☽ Moon - ☿ Mercury - ♀ Venus - ♂ Mars - ♃ Jupiter - ♄ Saturn
☊ Rahu - ☋ Ketu
♅ Uranus - ♆ Neptune - ♇ Pluto
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☽ Moon - The Mother & Mind

Post by StarLore »

☽ Moon - The Mother & Mind

Brigu Sutras
☽ Moon - The Mother & Mind
Moon is the planet nearest to the Earth. It is the only planet in the solar system which revolves round the Earth. The Sun is the generator of power whereas Moon is conductor of power lent by the Sun. Moon shines only by the reflected light of the Sun. The distance between the Earth and Moon is approximately 2,38,000 miles. The Sun gives the spirit and life to all planets and Moon rules the lives of the beings on Earth. Sun represents individuality whereas Moon shows one's personality. Moon also represents mother if a person is born at night Moon is feminine. Hence the person under the rulership of Moon becomes timid, vacillating receptive and convertible. Moon governs the impregnation, conception, birth of child, the animal instinct the union and the embryo. It also rules the infant stage of a person and it has powerful influence on their lives. Afflicted Moon at the time of birth causes ailments frequently and does not allow to have proper growth. Natives ruled by Moon generally have white complexion and charming eyes. They are plump and of short stature. They walk with a rolling gait. Moon's influence is said to be cold, moist, phlegmatic and feminine. She is fruitful and convertible in nature according to her position in the chart and her aspects and location in the zodiac (by sign) at that time. Her proximity to the Earth and rapidity of motion render her a powerful significator in all branches of 15 astrology. She makes a complete transit of the zodiac (i.e. all the signs) every 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes. She rules liquids, fresh water, milk, public commodities like groceries, fish, drinks etc., also sailing, brewing, nursing and females generally. Moon influences the growth of all plant life. She governs the brain, breasts, left eye of the male and right eye of the female. Her day is Monday, metal silver, colour white; gem pearl and other white stones. People ruled by Moon are usually sensitive, emotional and domesticated, possessing a love for home and kindred. They have a good memory. Having a fertile imagination and being also very conscientious, they meet with many ups and downs in life. They are quite receptive and mediumistic and frequently possess musical talent They like water and natural beauty. If the Moon is not favourably disposed, the natives may be either too easy going and given to self gratification and over indulgence in eating, drinking or pleasure, or are too changeable, negative and uncertain. Person ruled by Moon do well as nurses, cooks, confectioners, grocers, gardeners, matrons, dealers in liquids, stewards, clerks, companions and in other occupations of a common, public or fluctuating nature. Waxing Moon is considered a benefic and waning Moon a malefic. Moon owns Cancer. She is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio. Her highest exaltation point is 3 degrees of Taurus and the lowest debilitation point is 3 degrees of Scorpio. The first 3 degrees of Taurus constitute Moon's exaltation portion and the remaining 27 degrees portion is her Mooltrikona. The whole of Cancer is her swakshetra.

Moon in Astrology
Moon planet is the closest celestial body to Earth, and it has the deepest impact upon human life. In fact, depth is what Moon is all about when it comes to its astrological interpretation.

It is the representation of our inner profundity, our emotions, instincts, mood swings, behavior, and how we feel about things and people.

If Sun governs our soul and spirit, Moon is what governs our mind and inner self.

Moon in Vedic astrology is the silver goddess that caresses us from the very beginning in the form of our mother. It is the representation of femininity, motherhood, care, compassion, love, and sensitivity.

People having a prominent Moon in the horoscope are often emotional beings with a nurturing attitude. Natives with Moon in Cancer often turn out to be the best parents in the world.

Astronomical Facts about Moon
It is the natural satellite of Earth and takes around 28 days to complete its orbit around Earth and this cycle is also associated with fertility and femininity.

Moon’s gravitational force is what causes the tides in the ocean, which is also suggestive of our emotional nature, as unfathomable as the deep blue ocean.

It is 3,84,403 km far away from Earth, yet the closest planet to us. The moon never goes retrograde as it orbits around the Sun along with Earth. The moon stays in each zodiac sign for around 2.5 days.

Astrological Facts about Moon

Transit in each sign: 2.5 days
Direction: North-west
Metal: Silver
Gem: Pearl
Day: Monday
Color: White
Temperament: Cold
Gender: Female
Ruling Body Part: Bodily Fluids
Status in Imperial Stars: Queen
Friends: Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Enemies: None
Neutral: Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Own Sign: Cancer
Exalted in: Taurus
Debilitated in: Scorpio
Mool Trikon: Taurus
Mahadasha Period: 10 years
Relation: Mother
Professions: Liquid, dairy products, shipping, navy, water-related, cotton textile, music, poetry, beauty, sculpture, drawing etc.

Significance of Moon in Vedic astrology
Moon in Vedic Astrology is believed to emit calm and feminine energy. It is the queen among the nine imperial stars and rules our minds and emotions.

This fastest moving planet waxes and wanes frequently, partly the reason for our mood swings and crabbiness.

The moon is what balances the fierce energy of the Sun with its calming and nurturing properties. Moon in fact reflects the sunlight at night to keep us from the all-encompassing darkness.

It also rules over liquids and water, the fundamental needs to sustain in the world and grow. People who are born when the moon is waxing are usually extrovert and bold while those born in the waning Moon are introverted and submissive.

It is the waning and waxing of the Moon that is associated with our emotional temperament, mood swings, climatic changes, oceanic tides, fertility, and menstruation. Thus, its effect upon human beings is both psychological as well as physiological.

A positively placed Moon in the horoscope makes the person mentally and emotionally strong. Such a person has a good concentration and capability of emotional connection with people.

Natives with strong Moon are usually compassionate and nurturing. They usually think of others’ well-being first than meeting their own needs. Such people are usually connected with their surroundings on an emotional and psychological level.

A weak Moon in the horoscope reflects an emotionally weak person, cries a lot, laughs a lot, and is not in control of their sensitivity. Such a person faces a lot of difficulties on an emotional level due to their temperamental makeup.

They can also face mental distress and problems. Moreover, their health also gets affected. Such people need to live a calm life, away from the disturbances, maybe close to a water body for the most soothing effect.

Since Moon is connected to fertility and bodily fluids, the negative influence of the moon in the horoscope can affect health issues related to blood, lungs, breasts, milk, chest, cough, and reproductive system.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Moon

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/moon ... rology.php

Moon in Vedic Astrology

Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Basic Astronomical facts about Moon
It is the only natural satellite of earth and only object in space visited by humans. It has a diameter of about 3,475 kilometers. Its mean distance from the earth is about 3,84,403 kilometer. Moon takes 27.3 days to make one orbit around the Earth and it also takes exactly same duration, which is 27.3 days to complete one rotation on its axis. That's why we always see the same face of the Moon. The Moon's gravity is about one-sixth than that of the Earth's. The surface of the Moon has many craters formed by meteor crashes. Moon is the causes tides in the Earth's large water bodies, because of the gravity force Its average geocentric motion per day is 13°10'35". The Moon never seems retrograde as it rotates round the Sun along with Earth.

The Moon in Hindu Mythology
Three supreme gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva disguised as monks, came to test Anasuya, the wife of Atri Rishi and demanded that she feed them milk from her breasts. The great Anasuya with her spirutal powers got to know the truth and and turned these three gods into babies and feed them as they desired. Immensely pleased and impressed with Anasuya, lords of the universe blessed her to have great children. Shiva's blessing caused the birth of Durvasas rishi, Vishnu's blessing resulted in the birth of Dattatreya, and Brahma's boon caused the Moon's birth.

The Moon was then worshipped by all the celestials. He later married all the twenty seven daughters of Daksha and they were non other than twenty seven constellations or nakshatras. Out of his twenty seven wives Moon preferred only Rohini, and always remained with her. Other twenty-six sisters pleaded Moon to spend equal time with all of them. But Moon ignored them and with no option left these twenty-six sisters complained to their father, Daksha, who tried twice to reason with Moon, his son in law, but Moon ignored it as well. Daksha then lost his temper and cursed the Moon to suffer with consumption.

Every day the Moon started to wane, losing his glow and no remedy could cure him. The gods also got alarmed at the possibility life on Earth will be affected without Moon, approached Daksha and asked him to modify his curse so that life continues on Earth. Daksha then modified his curse on condition that Moon has to spend one day with each of his wives and the consumption will effect him for fourteen days and in next fourteen days he will gain back his form. Thus, the Moon now waxes and wanes in cycle of twenty seven days and he visits each of his wife once a month, for one day. Moon had no children by his twenty-seven wives, but he have four sons by another wife, named Manohara. But most famous son of the Moon is the planet Mercury.

A powerful race of hindu kings are supposed to be the direct descendant of Moon god know as Chandravanshi, first king of this dynasty was Bharat, a legendary emperor of India, he conquered all of India, uniting it into a single entity. Bhārat today is the official name of the Republic of India and later Pandavas and Kauravas were born in this dynasty. Names mentioned for the Moon in hindu mythology are Amalendu (stainless clean), Chandra (glittering, shining), Divyendu (divine spark), Dvijendra (twice-born), Himanshu (snow covered), Mayank (deer marked), Nishanath (lord of the nght), Nishikant (lover of night), Rakesh (ruler of the day of full moon), Shashank (natural satellite), Shashi (hare-like), Soma (the cooling one ), Sudhakar (source of nectar), Sudhanshu (drop of nectar).

Basic Astrological facts about Moon
Gender of Moon: Feminine.
Moon is the karaka or significator of: Mind and Emotion.
Moon as relationship signifies: Mother.
Planetary cabinet status of Moon: Queen.
Temperament of Moon: Fickle and Changeable.
Element governed by Moon: jala or Water.
Primary quality or guna of Moon: Sattva Guna or Serenity.
Caste of the Moon: Vaishya or Trader.
Nature of Moon: Benefic when waxing otherwise malefic.
Directional strength of Moon: In the Fourth House.
Directional weakness of Moon: In the Tenth House.

Moon rules the zodiacal Sign: Cancer
Moon rules the zodiacal House: Natural astrological Fourth house.
Sign of exaltation of Moon: Taurus.
Sign of debilitation of Moon: Scorpio.
Determent or weak sign of Moon: Capricorn.
Moon's friends are: Sun and Mercury.
Moon's enemies are: None.
Moon is neutral with: Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Moon's Vimshottari Dasha period: Ten Years.
Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Moon are: Rohini Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra and Shravana Nakshatra.

Body part governed by Moon: The Face.
Day of the week governed by Moon: Monday.
Direction ruled by Moon: North-West.
Season governed by Moon: Varsha or Rainy season.
Metals governed by Moon: Silver.
Gemstone governed by Moon: Pearl.
Substitute gemstones governed by Moon: Moonstone.
Colors ruled by Moon: White and Silvery.
Food and flavors governed by Moon: Things of salty taste.
Geometrical shape governed by Moon: A circle.
Numbers as per Numerology governed by Moon: Numbers 2, 11, 20, 29 and all those that adds up to 2, are governed by it.

Positive key words for Moon: Sympathy, Receptivity, Protective & Good memory.
Negative key words for Moon: Touchiness, Worry, Emotional instability, Moodiness & smothering love.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Moon
Body parts and function governed by it are the breasts, stomach, alimentary canal, lower ribs, womb, menstrual cycle and lymphatic system.

Professions governed by the Moon
Employment in fields related to fluids, liquids, water, real estate, service industry and public relation. Traders dealing in sugar, milk, milk products, dairy farm, cloth manufacturers and merchants. Sailors, fishermen, liquor dealers, brewery workers, nurses, midwives, domestic help, poultry raisers, chinaware and glassware manufacturers, fruit and vegetable farmers, restaurant owners and workers, waiters and waitresses.

The Mantras for Moon:
Beej Mantra of Moon:Om shram sree shrau sah somaye namah

The Moon Stotra:Dadhishankha tushaarabham kshiro darnava sambhavam namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam

Gayatri Mantra of Moon:Om padma dhwajaaya vidmahae heem rupaaya dheemahi tanno soma prachodayaat
Remedies for Moon to be performed if Sun is not well placed in the horoscope:
Worshiping the ruling deity of the Moon, Devi Parvati or Gouri.
Recitation of Annapoorna stotra.
Reciting of Moon Mantras.
Charity: Donate cow’s milk, rice and white cloth on Monday to virgin females.
Fasting: On Mondays.
Pooja: Devi Parvati or Gouri pooja.
Rudraksh: Wear two mukhi (two faced or Gauri Shankar) Rudraksh.
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Re: Moon

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Re: Moon

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Re: Moon

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Re: Moon

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