Rohini - The Red One

Information about 27 Nakshatras
☋ Ashwini - ♀ Bharani - ☉ Krittika - ☽ Rohini - ♂ Mrigashirsha - ☊ Ardra - ♃ Punarvasu - ♄ Pushya - ☿ Ashlesha -
☋ Magha - ♀ Purva Phalguni - ☉ Uttara Phalguni - ☽ Hasta - ♂ Chitra - ☊ Swati - ♃ Vishakha - ♄ Anuradha - ☿ Jyeshtha - ☋ Mula - ♀ Purva Ashada - ☉ Uttara Ashada - ☽ Shravana - ♂ Dhanishta - ☊ Shatabisha - ♃ Purva Bhadrapada - ♄ Uttara Bhadrapada - ☿ Revati
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Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore »

Rohini - The Red One ... ac027e24c9

Rohini (रोहिणी) is a goddess in Hinduism and the favorite consort of Chandra, the moon god. She is a daughter of Daksha and sister of the 26 other Nakshatras.

As per Shiva Purana, when Daksha gave away his 27 daughters, he got an undertaking that Chandra would not show favoritism towards any of his wives. However, Moon God (Chandra) is drawn to Rohini. Daksha comes to know of Chandra Deva spending more time with Rohini gets cursed by Daksha. However, Moon God (Chandra) prays to Shiva and gets a boon with a compromise. During Krishnapaksha Chandra would wane and during Shuklapaksha, the bright part of the lunar fortnight, Chandra would wax. This explains the waning and waxing moon.

The moon is exalted in this nakshatra and very powerful in this nakshatra. In Vedic theology the moon is considered a manifestation of the mind of God.

Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated as birth of Lord Krishna when Sun is in own sign and Moon in Rohini Nakshatra.

In most of ancient Hindu Puranas, we have this famous word ‘Rohini Sakata Bhedanam’. This phenomenon was observed during the times of Ramayana when Ravana abducts Sita and also during Mahabharata War. Great wars and destruction happened every time this peculiar phenomenon appeared in the sky.

In 46th chapter in Aranya Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, Rohini is mentioned as dear wife of the moon and compared with Sita. Here bad planet would be Saturn when he abducts Sita.

Taam apashyat tato baalaam raaja putriim yashasviniim || 3–46–5
rohiNiim shashinaa hiinaam grahavat bhR^isha daaruNaH |

Explanation: Rohini is the principle star and dear wife of the Moon will be in lunar asterism of the same name, and when she comes in the view of planets like Saturn and Mars astrology predicts earthly havocs. Hence, Ravana is compared with such a planet and Sita with Rohini.

In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, King Dhritarashtra is the King of the Kuru Kingdom and we can find similar comparison In Bhīṣmaparva 2, Vyāsa informs King Dhritarashtra on bad omens that happened during Mahabharata war and explains about Saturn in Rohini.

Rohiṇīṃ pīḍayanneṣa sthito rājañśanaiścaraḥ
vyāvṛttaṃ lakṣma somasya bhaviṣyati mahadbhayam

Explanation: Saturn stands tormenting Rohini, O king. The (hare) sign of the Moon has disappeared. There will be great danger/fear.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore » ... shatra.php

The fourth constellation, sign ruled by Venus and the star is governed by Moon.

Symbol: A cart or a chariot
Meaning: Reddish one or the red woman
Deity: Brahma or Prajapati, the creator
Location: 10.00 Taurus to 23.20 Taurus
Stars: Aldebaran
Lord: Moon
Varna (Caste): Shurda (labor class)
Guna (Quality): Rajasic (Activity)
Gana (Nature): Manushya (Human)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Serpent
Alphabets: O as in Omega, Va as in Value, Vi as in Victor, Vu as in Wood

Part of the body: Mouth, tongue, tonsils and parts of neck.

Diseases: Sore-throat, cold, cough, pain in the legs and feet, goiter and apoplexy.

Profession: Related to public service enterprises, hotels, restaurants, bakeries, bars, dealers in dairy farms, ice cream, paints, dyes, acids. marriage broker, shipping clearance agent and sugar, petrol, oils, milk, glass, plastic, perfumeries, soap, clearing agent, judge, politician, tannery and yarn.
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Re: Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore » ... Patry.html

Rohini “the red one” 10.00 to 23.20 Taurus
Symbol: cart or a chariot, temple, banyan tree
Deity: Brahma, or Prajapati, the creator
Stars: The Hyades are five stars in the head of the Bull.
Aldebaran is the red eye of the Bull. This star gives enthusiasm, intelligence, eloquence and public honors, but there can be sickness and violence.
Mythology: Of the 27 daughters, Rohini was the Moon’s (Soma) favorite wife. He spent more time in this nakshatra, because of her beauty and seductive qualities. The other sisters became jealous and the father (Prajapati) cast a spell on Soma where he became ill each month but then recovered. This is why the Moon waxes and wanes each month.
Indications: The “star of ascent”. The myth of Soma above implies the suffering our intense desires may bring, for the Moon could not help his desire for Rohini. This is a passionate, sexually seductive nakshatra. These people are attractive, alluring, and beautiful. They love and appreciate luxury, art, music and all the finer things life has to offer. They are extremely materialistic and frown on those who don’t measure up to their taste and high cultural standards. As the myth implies they can be over-sexed, and use sex to get what they want. This is a growth-oriented nakshatra ruling crops and fertility. It implies that these people can rise to the top and achieve their desires. Theypossess fertility for procreation, meaning they have children. This nakshatra gives wealth, but it must harness its worldly materialistic desires.
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Re: Rohini - The Red One

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Re: Rohini - The Red One

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Re: Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore »

Last edited by StarLore on Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore » ... ology.html

Rohini Nakshatra in Astrology

Rohini Nakshatra: range 10°00 Taurus - 23°20 Taurus.
Ruling planet: Moon
Deity: god brahma, prajapati.
Symbol: chariot, temple, banyan tree.
Gana (nature): manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male serpent.
Sounds: oh,va,vee, vo.
Primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation).

Rohini Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Venus (Taurus) and ruled by Moon. Rohini is the fourth lunar mansion. Rohini Nakshatra, is the favorite Nakshatra of the Moon. The deity of Rohini is prajapati, lord brahma, the creator of the universe, who can bestow everything so we should be careful what we want. Rohini is translated to mean the ‘’red one’’ or the ‘’red cow’’ or ‘’the growing one’’. It is located near the pale rose star of aldebaran. It consist of five stars in the head of the Taurus the bull. Taurus is the earthy sign related with energy of where we experience the beauty and joy of life and we can be settled and peaceful and calm. Rohini Nakshatra allows for growth and creation on all levels, bestowing great creativity. The Moon is in Rohini is about contentment, peace and being happy.

The shadow side of Rohini is the person is desirous and attached to love ones, and favorite objects and indulgence and materialism of life. This is the nature of Taurus, it can bring attachment, and greediness, too much of comfort and love and it can be problematic. The native can be stubborn, short temper, critical nature and have issues with jealousy.

Rohini is the Moon favorite Nakshatra of the Moon. People born in this Nakshatra have large, clear and expressive eyes, feminine features, thick lower lip, and smiling face. They are beautiful, sensual, charming, graceful and prosperous.

Rohini pada 1: falls in aries navamsa ruled by Mars. It relate to passionate and carnal nature. The focus on indulgence and extravagance side of the Nakshatra.

Rohini pada 2: falls in Taurus navamsa ruled by Venus. It relate to abundance and resourceful and fulfilment of desire and too much indulgence in materialism of the life.

Rohini pada 3: falls in Gemini navamsa ruled by Mercury. This relate to art, science and business, and this the most flexible and jovial side of the Nakshatra

Rohini pada 4: falls in Cancer navamsa ruled by Moon. This relate to focus on home and material security, and excessive possessive and narrow minded side of the Nakshatra.

Ascendant in Rohini: attractive, magnetic eyes, charismatic, wealthy, popular romantic, artistic, sex symbol, sensual nature, indulgent, and sexual addiction.

Sun in Rohini
beautiful, seductive, sensual, artistic nature, poietic, musical gift, robust nature, liked by many people.

Moon in Rohini
wealthy, lovely appearance, balanced mind, good in singing, and drama, famous, and well built physique.

Mars in Rohini
Passionate in love and relationships, desire for pleasure, sex, and comfort. They are active in their social circle and liked by most of the people.

Mercury in Rohini
Very creative mind, emotional, intelligent, and expressive through art, beauty, and fashion, interested in acting, designing, interior decoration, and music.

Jupiter in Rohini
There is a great love for the creative arts, culture, history. It shows the expansion of love, food indulgence, and beauty at a higher and more spiritual level.

Venus in Rohini
Having loving, sensual, peaceful, content, and joyful nature. Have proportionate good physics and beautiful in appearance.

Saturn in Rohini
having solid, realistic and grounded future materialistic stability. Saturn in Rohini people health, wealth resist to change.

Rahu in Rohini
too much of materialistic desires nature, chase material comfort and pleasure. Rahu in Rohini can become a relentless search to experience love in many directions. They search for a partner through whom they can find the ultimate answers of true love and happiness that their soul want.

Ketu in Rohini
Ketu is uncomfortable of Rohini’s passionate nature. They both aim is for moksha,but the expression differs. Ketu will feel debilitated in Rohini, indicating a past life of luxury and pleasure that the soul was never at ease with.
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Re: Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore »
Vrindavani Briant
Nov. 7, 2019

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Rohini are below:

Sanskrit Name: रोहिणी (Rohini). One meaning of Rohini is “the red one,” indicating beauty, passion, and a unique charm.

Planetary Ruler: Moon. In Vedic theology the moon is considered a manifestation of the mind of God. It is associated with creativity, the mind, and the emotions. The moon is especially significant in Vedic astrology, where a person’s sign is considered their moon sign.

Nakshatra Group: Humanlike. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Rohini is a humanlike nakshatra. People in this group are generally hardworking and motivated to achieve material success. Although they are generally kind, they can also be vindictive and self-serving.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus. Taurus natives are light-hearted and likeable individuals fond of sensual pleasures. They are reliable, obedient, and generous.

Deity: Brahma. In Vedic theology, Brahma is the deity tasked with the creation of our universe. He is the head of the Brahma-sampradaya, the succession of spiritual gurus who have passed Vedic knowledge down since the time of creation.

Symbol: Oxcart or temple. This represents firmness, tradition, religion, and focus on nature.

Power: Growth. Those born under this star are natural creators. They are gifted at preparation, instigating growth, and healing.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Rohini are Oh (ओ), Va (वा), Vi (वी), and Vu (वु). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Rohinis stand out for their creative abilities. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and the chemistry between the moon and Venus in this nakshatra results in an incredible creative ability. You are artistic, intelligent, and your creative side helps you initiate a variety of projects.
Cool-headed individuals who rarely get swept away by emotion, Rohini natives are steady and dutiful in the execution of their responsibilities. You can be counted on to speak honestly and insightfully. You are drawn to nature for its beauty and simplicity, and, like the earth itself, you provide a stable foundation on which great success can be built.

Your likeable and easy-going nature makes you easy to befriend. You don’t make things complicated and others appreciate you for that. Gentle, kind, and compassionate, you often put others before yourself. Your charisma and your attractive features ensure that you always have romantic possibilities.

Rohini Careers
Rohinis are reliable and steady workers. Your clear thinking and trustworthiness make you an ideal candidate for positions of authority, but you are also invaluable in supportive roles.

Some ideal professions include:

Politician, financial adviser, banker, or accountant
Artist, musician, actor, or dancer
Beautician, model, or fashion designer
Physician, alternative health practitioner, or nurse
Agricultural worker, farmer, or real estate agent
Taurus is the sign of the bull, and like the bull you are steady and down-to-earth. However, you also manifest the bull’s obstinacy and stubborn nature. Once your mind is made up it is very difficult for you to change it. This can make you close-minded, refusing to accept information or ideas that don’t fit in with your beliefs.

You are fond of your pleasures, whether that pleasure comes from things or relationships. This can turn into possessiveness if you allow yourself to get too attached. Material luxury appeals strongly to you and you can get too swept up in your endeavours to attain it. You may forget to consider the cost of what you are sacrificing, and whether or not the sacrifice is really worth it.

You like to be liked and you like to get ahead in life. You usually achieve both of these things, but the way you do it can be questionable. You can be opportunistic and self-serving, and may use seduction and manipulation to get your way. You are good with people and capable of getting what you want from them, but use this ability with caution.

Other Personality Traits
You are sensitive. Your connection with the moon and the soft, feminine nature of Taurus means that you are attuned to the emotions, the mind, the heart, and other subtleties of human nature. Your sensitivity to others makes you especially skilled at dealing with people, but you can be overly affected by their words and actions.

You will probably be well-educated. Thanks to your intellect you enjoy and excel at academics. You will probably attend higher education, and you may get your degree from a prestigious school.

You are spiritually-inclined. Spiritual growth is the primary, innermost motivation of this nakshatra. You are drawn to spirituality and religion and are a person of strong faith and devotion.

You have a pleasant voice. You could excel as a singer, a profession that you would enjoy for its creativity and the attention it brings. Even if you don’t sing, your speaking voice is soothing to listen to.

Your are successful and fortunate. Your lot in life is a fortunate one. According to Vedic lore, Rohini and the 26 other nakshatras are the wives of Chandra, the moon god. Rohini is his favorite wife. Therefore, Rohini natives experience more good fortune than most. Rohini is considered the star of ascent — you will likely rise to prominence in society and fulfill many of your desires.

Rohini Compatibility
Rohini sexuality is symbolized by a male serpent. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Mrigashira nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Rohinis are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Krittikas in Taurus
Mrigashiras in Taurus
Uttara-phalgunis in Virgo
Chitra (for male natives)
Chitras in Virgo (for female natives)
Jyeshta (for female natives)
Anuradha (for male natives)
Uttara-ashadhas in Capricorn
Purva-bhadrapada (for female natives)
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Rohini’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (10:00-13:20 degrees Taurus): Aries. You are courageous and more inclined to leadership than other Rohinis. You are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. However, you are short-tempered and can indulge excessively in material pleasures, especially sex.

Second Quarter (13:20-16:40 degrees Taurus): Taurus. Artistic ability abounds in you and everything you do has a touch of artistry. You are attractive in appearance. Your manner is self-controlled. Although you appreciate the finer luxuries of life, you rarely get carried away in indulgence. Intelligent and curious, your knowledge covers a wide range of subjects.

Third Quarter (16:40-20:00 degrees Taurus): Gemini. Communication comes naturally to you. You are a skilled speaker, writer, and conversationalist. You are flexible and don’t get upset when plans change — you understand that change is part of life. You have a sharp intellect and your observant and shrewd nature gives you keen insight into whatever situation you find yourself in.

Fourth Quarter (20:00-23:20 degrees Taurus): Cancer. You are intuitive and make decisions best when you follow your gut. Family is very important to you, and you prioritize your family over other things in your life. Material success comes naturally to you — wealth will likely come your way, if you were not already born into it. However, your attachment to what is yours can make you possessive.

Rohini in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Rohini is Sthira, “fixed or steady.” Rohini is an excellent nakshatra for:

Marriage ceremonies
Building a home
Buying land
Planting trees
Undergoing a medical treatment
Learning art, music, or dance
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Re: Rohini - The Red One

Post by StarLore »

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