☊ Rahu 18yrs

Information about Vimshottari Dasha
☉ Sun 6yrs - ☽ Moon 10yrs - ♂ Mars 7yrs - ☊ Rahu 18yrs - ♃ Jupiter 16yrs - ♄ Saturn 19yrs - ☿ Mercury 17yrs - ☋ Ketu 7yrs - ♀ Venus 20yrs
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☊ Rahu 18yrs

Post by StarLore »

☊ Rahu 18yrs

Excerpt from Mantreswaras Phaladeeplka Chapter 21

Effects of antar dasas in the dasa of Rahu

☊ Effects like illness through water and poison, snake bite, cohabitation
with another man's wife, separation from or loss of one's near and dear ones,
speaking harshly, and mental anguish through wicked people, will be the
characteristics of the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Rahu.

☊/♃ Happiness, worshipping Brahmins and gods, freedom form diseases,
association with a woman with attractive eyes and discussion with leameds about
the interpretation of sacred scriptures, will be the main features of the antar dasa of
Jupiter in the dasa of Rahu.

☊/♄ Disputes with wife, sons and brothers, loss of position, destruction of
servants, injury to the body and suffering from diseases due to excess of wind and
bile, will be the likely effects for the native, in the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa
of Rahu.

☊/☿ Acquisition of wealth and children, association with friends, feeling of
inferiority in an acute form, and dexterous handling of adornment and skilful
Mercury will mark the antar dasa of Mercury in the dasa of Rahu.

☊/☋ Effects like danger from fever, fire, weapons and enemies, suffering
from headache, trembling of the body, injury to friends, suffering caused by
wounds and poison and animosity with friends, will be experienced in the antar
dasa of Ketu in the dasa of Rahu.

☊/♀ Acquisition of wife (marriage), enjoyment of cohabitation with wife,
acquisition of elephants, horses and land and enjoyment thereof, animosity with
kinsmen and suffering caused by excess of wind and phlegm, will be the likely
effects in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of Rahu.

☊/☉ Troubles from enemies, many calamities, troubles from poison and fire,
injury from weapons, pain in the eyes, great damage from the king or government
and distress to wife and children will mark the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of

☊/☽. Loss of wife, quarrel with other people, mental anguish, troubles to
friends, danger from water, loss of agricultural products, wealth, catttle and
children will be the likely effects in the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of Rahu.

☊/♂ Danger from the king, fire, thieves, and weapons, one's own death
caused through a terrible disease, loss of position, troubles, from heat and eye
troubles, will be the likely features of the Antar dasa of Mars in the dasa of Rahu.
Last edited by StarLore on Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☊ Rahu 18yrs

Post by StarLore »

Excerpt from Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra

Ch. 55. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Rahu

1-4. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, enthusiasm, cordial relations with the king,
happiness from wife and children and increase in property, will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Rahu, if Rahu is in Kark, Vrischik, Kanya, or Dhanu and
is in Sahaj, Ari, Karm, or Labh, or is yuti with a Yog Karak Grah in his exaltation Rāśi.

5-6. There will be danger from thieves, distress from wounds, antagonism with
government officials, destruction of kinsmen, distress to wife and children, if Rahu is in
Randhr, or Vyaya, or be associated with malefics.

7. If Rahu is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord, or is in Dhan, or Yuvati, there will be distress and
diseases. To obtain relief from the above evil effects Rahu should be worshipped (by
recitation of his Mantras) and by giving in charity things, connected with, or ruled by

8-12½. Effects, like gain of position, patience, destruction of foes, enjoyment, cordial
relations with the king, regular increase in wealth and property, like the growth of Candr
of the bright half of the month (Shukla Paksh), gain of conveyance and cows, audience
with the king by performing journey to the West, or South-East, success in the desired
ventures, return to one’s homeland, doing good for Brahmins, visit to holy places, gain
of a village, devotion to deities and Brahmins, happiness from wife, children and grand
children, availability of sweetish preparations daily etc. will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Rahu, if Guru is in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, in his
own Navāńś, or in his exalted Navāńś, or, if Guru is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon with
reference to Lagn.

13-14½. Loss of wealth, obstacles in work, defamation, distress to wife and children,
heart disease, entrustment of governmental authority etc. will result, if Guru is in his
debilitation Rāśi, is combust, is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, is in an enemy Rāśi, or is
associated with malefics.

15-17. There will be gains of land, good food, gains of cattle etc., inclinations towards
charitable and religious work etc., if Guru is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, the 11th, the 2nd, or
the 3rd from the Lord of the Dasha and is endowed with strength.

18-20. Loss of wealth and distress to body will result, if Guru is in the 6th, the 8th, or
the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Guru is associated with malefics. There will
be danger of premature death, if Guru is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. The person will get
relief from the above evil effects and enjoy good health by the beneficence of the Lord
Shiva, if he worships his idol, made of gold.

21-24. Effects, like pleasure of the king for devotion in his service, auspicious functions,
like celebration of marriage etc. at home, construction of a garden, reservoir etc., gain of
wealth and cattle from well-to-do persons, belonging to the Sudra class, loss of wealth
caused by the king during journey to the West, reduction in income, due to lethargy,
return to homeland, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Śani in the Dasha of Rahu, if
Śani is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, in his Multrikon, in
Sahaj, or in Labh.

25-26. Danger from menials, the king and enemies, distress to wife and children, distress
to kinsmen, disputes with the coparceners, disputes in dealings with others, but sudden
gain of ornaments, will result, if Śani is in his debilitation Rāśi, in his enemy’s Rāśi, or
in Randhr, or Vyaya.

27-29. There will be heart disease, defamation, quarrels, danger from enemies, foreign
journeys, affliction with Gulma, unpalatable food and sorrows etc., if Śani is in the 6th,
the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. Premature death is likely, if Śani is
Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. Remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects
and to regain good health is giving a black cow, or a she-buffalo in charity.

30-33. Auspicious effects, like Raj Yog, well being in the family, profits and gain of
wealth in business, comforts of conveyances, marriage and other auspicious functions,
increase in the number of cattle, gain of perfumes, comforts of bed, women etc., will be
derived in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Rahu, if Budh is in his exaltation
Rāśi, in a Kendr, or in Putr and, if Budh is endowed with strength. Good results, like Raj
Yog, beneficence of the king and gain of wealth and reputation, will be realized
particularly on Wednesday in the month of Budh.

34-35. Sound health, Isht Siddhi, attending discourse on Puranas and ancient history,
marriage, offering of oblations, charities, religious inclination and sympathetic attitude
towards others will result, if Budh is in a Kendr, in the 11th, 3rd, 9th, or 10th from the
Lord of the Dasha.

36-38. There will be opprobrium (Ninda) of deities and Brahmins by the native, loss of
fortune, speaking lies, unwise actions, fear from snakes, thieves and the government,
quarrels, distress to wife and children etc., if Budh is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya, or, if
Budh receives a Drishti from Śani.

39. If Budh is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord, there will be fear of premature death. Remedial
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

40-41. During the Antar Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Rahu there will be journeys to
foreign countries, danger from the king, rheumatic fever etc. and loss of cattle. If Ketu is
yuti with Randhr’s Lord, there will be distress to the body and mental tension.
Enjoyment, gain of wealth, recognition by the king, acquisition of gold etc. will be the
results, if Ketu is associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

42-42½. There will be Isht Siddhi, if Ketu is related to the Lord of Lagn. If he is
associated with the Lord of Lagn, there will definitely be gain of wealth. There will also
definitely be increase in the number of cattle, if Ketu is in a Kendr, or in a Trikon.

43-45. Effects, like danger from thieves and snakes, distress from wounds, separation
from parents, antagonistic relations with kinsmen, mental agony etc. will be derived, if
Ketu is without strength in Randhr, or Vyaya. If Ketu is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord, there
will be distress to the body. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil
effects is giving a goat in charity.

46-47½. Effects, like gains of wealth through Brahmins, increase in the number of cattle,
celebrations for the birth of a son, well-being, recognition from government, acquisition
of a kingdom, attainment of a high position in government, great enjoyment and
comforts etc. will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Śukr in the Dasha of Rahu, if
Śukr is with strength in a Kendr, in a Trikon, or in Labh.

48-50½. Construction of a new house, availability of sweet preparations, happiness from
wife and children, association with friends, giving of grains etc. in charity, beneficence
of the king, gain of conveyances and clothes, extraordinary profits in business,
celebration of Upasayan ceremony of wearing the sacred thread (Janou) etc. will be the
auspicious results, if Śukr be in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, in is exalted, or in his
own Navāńś.

51-53½. There will be diseases, quarrels, separation from one’s son, or father, distress to
kinsmen, disputes with coparceners, danger of death to oneself, or to one’s employer,
unhappiness to wife and children, pain in the stomach etc., if Śukr is in Ari, Randhr, or
Vyaya, in his debilitation, or in an enemy’s Rāśi, or, if Śukr is associated with Śani,
Mangal, or Rahu.

54-55½, Enjoyments from perfumes, bed, music etc., gain of a desired object,
fulfillment of desires will be the results, if Śukr is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in the 11th, or
in the 10th from the Lord of the Dasha.

56-59. Effects, like danger from the wrath of Brahmins, snakes and the king, possibility
of affliction with diseases, like stoppage of urine, diabetes, pollution of blood, anaemia,
availability of only coarse food, nervous disorder, imprisonment, loss of wealth, as a
result of penalties, or fines, imposed by government, will be derived, if Śukr is
associated with malefics in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will
be distress to wife and children, danger of premature death to oneself, if Śukr is Dhan’s,
or Yuvati’s Lord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are
worship of Goddess Durga and Goddess Lakshmi.

60-61½. Effects, like cordial relations with the king, increase in wealth and grains, some
popularity/respect, some possibility of becoming head of a village etc., will be
experienced in the Antar Dasha of Sūrya in the Dasha of Rahu, if Sūrya is in his
exaltation, in his own Rāśi, in Labh, in a Kendr, or in a Trikon, or in his exalted, or own

62-63½. There will be good reputation and encouragement and assistance by
government, journeys to foreign countries, acquisition of the sovereignty of the country,
gains of elephants, horses, clothes, ornaments, fulfillment of ambitions, happiness to
children etc., if Sūrya is associated with, or receives a Drishti from Lagn’s, Dhan’s, or
Karm’s Lord.

64-65. Fevers, dysentery, other diseases, quarrels, antagonism with the king, travels,
danger from foes, thieves, fire etc. will be the results, if Sūrya is in his debilitation Rāśi,
or, if Sūrya is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
66. Well-being in every way and recognition from kings in foreign countries will be the
results, if Sūrya is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in the 3rd, or in the 11th from the Lord of the

67. There will be danger of critical illness, if Sūrya is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. Worship
of Sūrya is the remedial measure, recommended to obtain relief from the above evil

68-70. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, respect from the king, gains of wealth,
sound health, gains of garments and ornaments, happiness from children, comforts of
conveyances, increase in house and landed property etc., will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Rahu, if Candr is in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, in a
Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh, or, if Candr is in a friendly Rāśi, receiving a Drishti from

71-72. Beneficence of the Goddess Lakshmi, all-round success, increase in wealth and
grains, good reputation and worship of deities will be the results, if Candr is in the 5th,
9th, in a Kendr, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

73-75. There will be the creation of disturbances at home and in the agricultural
activities by evil spirits, leopards and other wild animals, danger from thieves during
journeys and stomach disorders, if Candr is bereft of strength in the 6th, 8th, or 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha. There will the possibility of premature death, if Candr is
Dhan’s, or Vyaya’s Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil
effects is to give in charity a white cow, or a female buffalo.

76-77½. Effects, like the recovery of a lost kingdom and recovery of lost wealth,
property at home and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth, blessings by
the household deity (Isht Dev), happiness from children, enjoyment of good food etc.,
will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Rahu, if Mangal is in
Labh, Putr, or Dharm, or, if Mangal is in a Kendr, if Mangal receives a Drishti from
benefics, or, if Mangal is in his exaltation, or in his own Rāśi.

78-79½. There will be acquisition of red-coloured garments, journeys, audience with the
king, well-being of children and employer, attainment of the position of a Commander
of the Army, enthusiasm and gain of wealth through kinsmen, if Mangal is in a Kendr, in
the 5th, 9th, 3rd, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

80-82. Distress to wife, children and co-borns, loss of position, antagonistic relations
with children, wife and other close relations, danger from thieves, wounds and pain in
the body etc. will result, if Mangal is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha,
receiving a Drishti from malefics.

83. There will be lethargy and danger of death, if Mangal is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord.
The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is giving a cow, or a
bull in charity.
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Re: ☊ Rahu 18yrs

Post by StarLore »

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Re: ☊ Rahu 18yrs

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