♂ Mars 7yrs

Information about Vimshottari Dasha
☉ Sun 6yrs - ☽ Moon 10yrs - ♂ Mars 7yrs - ☊ Rahu 18yrs - ♃ Jupiter 16yrs - ♄ Saturn 19yrs - ☿ Mercury 17yrs - ☋ Ketu 7yrs - ♀ Venus 20yrs
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♂ Mars 7yrs

Post by StarLore »

♂ Mars 7yrs

Excerpt from Mantreswaras Phaladeeplka Chapter 21

Effects of the antar dasas in the dasa of Mars

♂ Effects like suffering from diseases arising from the excess of bile and
heat, danger of wounds, separation from brothers, animosity with the kinsmen the
king, danger from thieves and fire, gain of money from agricultural operations and
litigation, will be derived by the native in the antar dasa of Mars in his own dasa.

Notes — In our view the results will be excellent if Mars be yogakarka in
any nativity. Mars, if strong, overcomes all opposition but Mars be weaker, be
afflicted in any way, the native's enemies gain an upper hand.

♂/☊ Effects like danger from weapons, fire, thieves, enemies and king, injury
from poison, loss of an elderly relation or preceptor, suffering from diseases in the
waist, eyes and head, danger of death (of the native himself) or some calamity, will
be felt during the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Mars.

♂/♃ Effects like worship of Brahmins and gods, pilgrimage to sacred places
and shrines, performance of meritorious deeds, showing hospitality to guests at
home, birth of children, acquisition of new friends, suffering from ear troubles in a
severe form or from phlegmatic trouble, will be experienced by the native in the
antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of Mars.

♂/♄ Effects like trouble after trouble to children, elderly relations, calamities
beyond number, loss of money through enemies, fear of sickness through heat and
wind, loss of wealth and happening of events causing mental distress, will be
realised by the native during the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Mars.

♂/☿ Harassment by king or governor, enmity with Sudras fear from enemies,
and thieves, loss of wealth, destruction of cattle, elephants and horses and
association with enemies are the likely effects for the native in the antar dasa of
Mercury in the dasa of Mars.

♂/☋ There will be danger from thunder bolt, sudden trouble from fire and
weapons, banishment from the country, destruction of wealth, or occurrence of
death (of the native) or loss of wife, in the antar dasa of Ketu in the dasa of Mars.

♂/♀ Defeat in battle, residence in a foreign country, theft, trouble in the left
eye, and loss of servants are the effects to be expected by the native in the antar
dasa of Venus in the dasa of Mars.

♂/☉ Honour from the king, enhancement in glory as a result of victory in
battle, acquisition of servants, wealth, grains, women and harem, widening of the
scope for livelihood and wealth through daring deeds, are what may be expected in
the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of Mars.

♂/☽ Acquisition of various kinds of wealth, birth of a son, gain of clothes,
bed, ornaments, gems and other kinds of property, severance from the enemies,
trouble to some elder and suffering from enlargement of spleen and excess of bile
will be the likely effects for the native in the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of
Last edited by StarLore on Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ♂ Mars 7yrs

Post by StarLore »

Excerpt from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

Ch. 54. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Mangal

1-2½. Effects, like gains of wealth by the beneficence of the king, beneficence of
Goddess Lakshmi, recovery of a lost kingdom and of wealth, birth of a son, will arise in
the Antar
Dasha of Mangal in his own Dasha, if he is in a Kendr, in Putr, in Dharm, in Labh, in
Sahaj, or in Dhan, or be associated with the Lord of Lagn.

3-4. Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king and acquisition of a house,
land, cow, buffalo etc. will be the effects, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi,
or in his own Navāńś and is endowed with strength.

5-5½. Urinary troubles, wounds, danger from snakes and the king will be the results, if
Mangal is in Randhr, or Vyaya, or is associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics.

6-8. There will be mental agony and body pains, if Mangal is the Lord of Dhan, or
Yuvati. Lord Shiva will give relief by restoring health and providing gains of wealth and
happiness, if the person concerned performs Rudr Japa and gives a red-coloured bull in

9-10½. Effects, like recognition from government, gain of house, land etc., happiness
from son, extraordinary profits in business, bathing in holy rivers, like Ganges and
foreign journeys, will be the auspicious effects in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha
of Mangal, if Rahu is in his Multrikon, in his exaltation Rāśi, in a Kendr, in Labh, Putr,
or Dharm and is associated with benefics.

11-14. Danger from snakes, wounds, destruction of cattle, danger from animals,
diseases, due to imbalance of bile and wind, imprisonment etc. will be the results, if
Rahu is in Randhr, or Vyaya, or receives a Drishti from, or is associated with malefics.
There will be loss of wealth, if Rahu is in Dhan and great danger of premature death, if
he is in Yuvati. The remedial measure to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil
effects are Naga Puja, offering food to Brahmins and Mrityunjaya Japa. They will help
in the prolongation of longevity.

15-16. Effects, like good reputation and renown, honours by government, increase in
wealth and grains, happiness at home, gain of property, happiness from wife and
children etc. will be realized in the Antar Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Mangal, if Guru
is in Dharm, or Putr, in a Kendr, or in Labh, or in Dhan, or, if Guru is in his exalted, or
own Navāńś.

17-19½. Acquisition of a house, land, well-being, gain of property, sound health, good
reputation, gains of cattle, success in business, happiness to wife and children, reverence
from government, gain of wealth etc. will be beneficial effects, if Guru is in a Kendr, in
a Trikon, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Guru is associated with the
Lord of Dharm, Karm, or Bandhu, or Lagn, or, if Guru is in a benefic Navāńś etc.

20-22. Danger from thieves, snakes, wrath of the king, bilious diseases, oppression by
goblins (Prot), loss of servants and co-borns, will be evil effects, if Guru is in Ari,
Randhr, or in Vyaya, or, if Guru is in his debilitation Rāśi, or, if Guru is associated with,
or receives a Drishti from malefics, or, if Guru is otherwise weak. There will be
suffering from fever, or danger of premature death, if Guru is the Lord of Dhan. The
remedial measure to be adopted to combat the above evil effects is recitation of Shiva

23-25. Effects, like recognition from the king, increase in reputation, gain of wealth and
grains, happiness from children and grandchildren, increase in the number of cows etc.
will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Śani in the Dasha of Mangal, if Śani is in a
Kendr, in a Trikon, in his Multrikon, in his exalted, or his own Navāńś, or, if Śani is
associated with the Lord of Lagn, or, if Śani is associated with benefics. Results will
generally fructify on Saturdays in the month of Śani.

26-26½. Danger from Yavana kings (foreign dignitaries), loss of wealth, imprisonment,
possibility of affliction with diseases, loss in agricultural production will result, if Śani is
in his debilitation Rāśi, or in an enemy Rāśi, or, if Śani is in Randhr, or in Vyaya.

27-29½. Effects, like great danger, loss of life, wrath of king, mental agony, danger from
thieves and fire, punishment by the king, loss of co-borns, dissensions amongst members
of the family, loss of cattle, fear of death, distress to wife and children, imprisonment
etc. will be felt, if Śani is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord and is associated with malefics.

30-32. There will be journeys to foreign lands, loss of reputation, violent actions, loss
from sale of agricultural lands, loss of position, agony, defeat in battle, urinary troubles
etc., if Śani is in a Kendr, in the 11th, or in the 5th from the Lord of the Dasha.

33-35. Effects, like death, danger from the king and thieves, rheumatism, pains, danger
from the enemy and members of the family, will be experienced, if Śani is in the 8th, or
the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha and is associated with malefics. There will be relief
from the evil effects by the beneficence of Lord Shiva, if Mrityunjaya is performed in
the prescribed manner.

36-37½. Effects, like association with pious and holy persons, performance of Ajaya
Japa, charities, observance of religious rites, gain of reputation, inclination towards
diplomacy, availability of sweetish preparations, acquisition of conveyances, clothes and
cattle etc., conferment of authority in the king’s retinue, success in agricultural projects
etc., will be experienced in the Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Mangal, if Budh is
in a Kendr, or in a Trikon from Lagn.

38-39. Diseases of heart, imprisonment, loss of kinsmen, distress to wife and children,
destruction of wealth and cattle etc. will result, if Budh is in his debilitation Rāśi, if
Budh is combust, or, if Budh is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

40-40½. There will be journeys to foreign lands, increase in the number of enemies,
affliction with many kind of ailments, antagonism with the king, quarrels with kinsmen
etc., if Budh be associated with the Lord of the Dasha.

41-43½. Fulfillment of all ambitions, gain of wealth and grains, recognition by the king,
acquisition of a kingdom, gain of clothes and ornaments, attachment to many kind of
musical instruments, attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army, discussions
on Shastras and Puranas, gain of riches to wife and children and beneficence of Goddess
Lakshmi will be the very auspicious results, if Budh is in a Kendr, or Trikon from the
Lord of the Dasha, or, if Budh is in his exaltation Rāśi.

44-45½. Effects, like defamation, sinful thinking, harsh speech, danger from thieves, fire
and the king, quarrels without reason, fear of attacks by thieves and dacoits (armed
robber bands) during travels, will be derived, if Budh is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th
from Mangal, or is associated with malefics.

46-47. There will be a possibility of critical illness in the Antar Dasha of Budh, if he is
Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from these evil effects are
recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam and giving a horse in charity.

48-49½. Beneficence of the king, gain of wealth, little gains of land at the
commencement of the Dasha and substantial later, birth of a son, conferment of
authority by government, gain of cattle etc. will be the results in the Antar Dasha of Ketu
in the Dasha of Mangal, if Ketu is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, in Sahaj, or Labh, or, if Ketu
is associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

50-51½. Birth of a son, increase in reputation, beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi, gains
of wealth from employees, attainment of the position of a Commander of an Army,
friendship with the king, performance of oblations, gains of clothes and ornaments etc.
will be the beneficial effects, if Ketu is a Yog Karak and is endowed with strength. (Ketu
assumes the role of a Yog Karak, if he is yuti with a Yog Karak Grah (Lord of a Kendr
and a Trikon)).

52-54. Effects, like quarrels, tooth trouble, distress from thieves and tigers, fever,
dysentery, leprosy and distress to wife and children etc. will be experienced, if Ketu is in
the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. If Ketu is in Dhan, or in Yuvati,
there will be diseases, disgrace, agony and loss of wealth.

55-56½. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, great enjoyment and comfort of luxuries,
gain of elephants, horses, clothes etc., will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Śukr in the
Dasha of Mangal, if Śukr is in a Kendr to Lagn, if Śukr is in his exaltation, or in his own
Rāśi, or, if Śukr is Lagn’s, Putr’s, or Dharm’s Lord. If Śukr is related to Lagn’s Lord,
there will be happiness to wife and children, opulence and glory and increased good

57-60. Gain of property, celebrations on the birth of a son, gain of wealth from the
employer, acquisition of a house, land, villages etc. by the beneficence of the sovereign,
will be the results, if Śukr is in the 5th, the 9th, the 11th, or the 2nd from the Lord of the
Dasha. In the last part of the Dasha there will be functions of songs and dances and
bathing in holy water. If Śukr is connected with, or related to the Lord of Karm, there
will be construction of wells, reservoirs etc. and performance of religious, charitable and
pious deeds.

61-62. There will be sorrows, physical distress, loss of wealth, danger from thieves and
the king, dissensions in the family, distress to wife and children and destruction of cattle,
if Śukr be in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, or be associated
with malefics.

63. If Śukr be the Lord of the 2nd, or the 7th, there will be pains in the body in his Antar
Dasha. For regaining good health the remedial measure to be adopted is giving a cow, or
female buffalo in charity.

64-66. Effects, like acquisition of conveyances, gain of reputation, birth of a son, growth
of wealth, amicable atmosphere in the family, sound health, potency, recognition by the
the king, extraordinary profits in business and audience with the king etc. will be
experienced in the Antar Dasha of Sūrya in the Dasha of Mangal, if Sūrya is in his
exaltation, in his own Rāśi, or, if Sūrya is in a Kendr, in a Trikon, or in Labh along with
Karm’s Lord and with Labh’s Lord.

67-67½. Distress to the body, agony, failure in ventures, possibilities of suffering from
troubles in the forehead, fever, dysentery etc. will be the effects, if Sūrya is in the 6th,
the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha, or, if Sūrya is associated with malefics.

68-69. There will be attacks of fever, danger from snakes and poison and distress to son,
if Sūrya be the Lord of the 2nd, or the 7th. The remedial measure to gain good health
and wealth is to perform worship of Sūrya in the prescribed manner.

70-73. Acquisition of more kingdom, gain of perfumes, clothes, construction of
reservoirs, shelters for cows etc., celebrations of auspicious functions, like marriage etc.,
happiness to wife and children, good relations with parents, acquisition of property by
the beneficence of the sovereign, success in the desired projects will be the effects in the
Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Mangal, if Candr is in her exaltation Rāśi, or in
her own Rāśi, or in a Kendr, or in Dharm, or in Bandhu, or in Karm, or in Lagn along
with the Lords of those Bhavas. The good effects will be realized in full, if Candr is
waxing. Waning Candr will reduce the impact of the effects to some extent.

74-76. The effects, like death, distress to wife and children, loss of lands, wealth and
cattle and danger of a war etc. will be experienced, if Candr is in his debilitation Rāśi,
or, if Candr is in his enemy Rāśi, or, if Candr is in Ari, in Randhr, or in Vyaya from
Lagn, or from the Lord of the Dasha. There will be the possibility of premature death,
distress to the body and mental agony, if Candr is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. The
remedial measures to be adopted to obtain relief from the above evil effects, are
recitation of Mantras of the Goddess Durga and the Goddess Lakshmi.
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Re: ♂ Mars 7yrs

Post by StarLore »

Posts: 2272
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Re: ♂ Mars 7yrs

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