Nishkapata Yoga

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Nishkapata Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Nishkapata Yoga

The fourth house is occupied by a benefic, or a planet in exaltation, friendly or own house, or the fourth house is a benefic sign.

Nishkapata Yoga indicates that you will be someone who has a pure heart. You are a loving person and either consider everyone as equals or put them above you with immense respect. You hate it when people are being a hypocrite and do not follow what they preach. You also hate it when they act all high and mighty or self-righteous. Further, you also abhor secrecy and want things to be out in the open so that there is no betrayal or cheating.


Nishkapata Yoga

Lord of Lagna joins the fourth house in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic or occupy Parvata or Uttamamsa.

Nishkapata Yoga indicates that you will be someone who has a pure heart. You are a loving person and either consider everyone as equals or put them above you with immense respect. You hate it when people are being a hypocrite and do not follow what they preach. You also hate it when they act all high and mighty or self-righteous. Further, you also abhor secrecy and want things to be out in the open so that there is no betrayal or cheating.

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