Matrudeerghayur Yoga

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Matrudeerghayur Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Matrudeerghayur Yoga

A benefic occupies the fourth, the fourth Lord is exalted, and the Moon is strong.

Matrudeerghayur Yoga indicates that you will be blessed with your mother’s company for a long time. Your mother will live a very long life. It is possible that she may even outlive you. This longevity can bring stability to your life. You might even feel like coming home to your mother every once in a while and have a somewhat stress free life. However, if your mother is not kind, you might have to deal with her for quite some time.


Matrudeerghayur Yoga

The Lord of the navamsa occupied by the fourth Lord is strong and occupy a kendra from Lagna as well as Chandra Lagna.

Matrudeerghayur Yoga indicates that you will be blessed with your mother’s company for a long time. Your mother will live a very long life. It is possible that she may even outlive you. This longevity can bring stability to your life. You might even feel like coming home to your mother every once in a while and have a somewhat stress free life. However, if your mother is not kind, you might have to deal with her for quite some time.

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