Bandhu Pujya Yoga

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Bandhu Pujya Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Bandhu Pujya Yoga

The benefic Lord of the fourth is aspected by another benefic and Mercury is situated in Lagna.

Bandhu Pujya Yoga indicates that you are someone who has a good reputation among your friends and family. You will be respected and adored by the people around you due to your great personality. You may show incredible gestures of love and empathy when the going gets tough. You are someone upon whom people can place their faith and let their guard down. However, it must be mentioned here that you are more revered by the people around you than you are loved, even though the distinction isn’t quite apparent.


Bandhu Pujya Yoga

The fourth house or the fourth Lord has the association or aspect of Jupiter.

Bandhu Pujya Yoga indicates that you are someone who has a good reputation among your friends and family. You will be respected and adored by the people around you due to your great personality. You may show incredible gestures of love and empathy when the going gets tough. You are someone upon whom people can place their faith and let their guard down. However, it must be mentioned here that you are more loved by the people around you than you are revered.

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