Grihanasa Yoga

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Grihanasa Yoga

Post by StarLore »

Grihanasa Yoga

The Lord of the fourth is in the twelfth house aspected by a malefic.

Grihanasa Yoga indicates that the native will suffer tremendous loss concerning real estate. You might have a decent amount of wealth with you and you might invest your wealth in houses. However, this will lead to a great loss. You are likely to lose all your houses in your life to some misfortune. You might experience just one misfortune that will be bad enough to sweep off all your houses at once, or you might also experience a series of misfortunes that will push you to the same situation.


Grihanasa Yoga

The Lord of the navamsa occupied by the Lord of the fourth is disposed in the eleventh house.

Grihanasa Yoga indicates that the native will suffer tremendous loss concerning real estate. You might have a decent amount of wealth with you and you might invest your wealth in houses. However, this will lead to a great loss. You are likely to lose all your houses in your life to some misfortune. You might experience just one misfortune that will be bad enough to sweep off all your houses at once, or you might also experience a series of misfortunes that will push you to the same situation.

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