Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga

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Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga

Lords of Lagna and the seventh house occupies Lagna or the fourth house, aspected by benefics.

Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga indicates that you will enjoy the inflow of money or wealth without having to work too hard for it. This can also mean that you will be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. This might also mean that you are extremely fortunate when it comes to wealth. Regardless, you will acquire a substantial amount of property throughout your life. You will own properties especially in the form of real estate which you will come to your possession without much effort.


Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga

The Lord of the ninth is posited in a kendra and the Lord of the fourth is in exaltation, moolathrikona or own house.

Ayatna Griha Prapta Yoga indicates that you will enjoy the inflow of money or wealth without having to work too hard for it. This can also mean that you will be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. This might also mean that you are extremely fortunate when it comes to wealth. Regardless, you will acquire a substantial amount of property throughout your life. You will own properties especially in the form of real estate which you will come to your possession without much effort.

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