Durmukha Yoga

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Durmukha Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Durmukha Yoga

Malefics occupies the second and its Lord joins an evil planet or is in debilitation.

Durmukha Yoga indicates that you might not have a very attractive face. Your beauty, or the lack of it, can be in your life from your birth. However, it can also be due to some external factors later in your life. You might find yourself in an accident which will leave scars on your face or leave your face disfigured. Further, you will also have an irritable personality. You tend to get angry extremely quickly.


Durmukha Yoga The Lord of the second house being evil, joins Gulika or occupies unfriendly and debilitated Navamsa with malefics.

Durmukha Yoga indicates that you might not have a very attractive face. Your beauty, or the lack of it, can be in your life from your birth. However, it can also be due to some external factors later in your life. You might find yourself in an accident which will leave scars on your face or leave your face disfigured. Further, you will also have an irritable personality. You tend to get angry extremely quickly.

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