Yukthi Samanwithavagmi Yoga

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Yukthi Samanwithavagmi Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Yukthi Samanwithavagmi Yoga

The second Lord joins a benefic in a kendra or thrikona, or is exalted and combined with Jupiter.

Yukthi Samanwithavagmi Yoga indicates that you will have the gift of speaking. You will be able to talk eloquently and with vigour. You will have the ability to mesmerise people just by talking to them. You can even persuade people to do various things. You might be a skilled speaker who knows to say exactly what people wants/needs to hear. You can also be a skilled public speaker as you rarely lose your composure even if you are talking to a huge audience.


Yukthi Samanwithavagmi Yoga

The Lord of speech occupies a kendra, attains paramochha and gains Parvatamsa, while Jupiter or Venus is in Simhasanamsa.

Yukthi Samanwithavagmi Yoga indicates that you will have the gift of speaking. You will be able to talk eloquently and with vigour. You will have the ability to mesmerise people just by talking to them. You can even persuade people to do various things. You might be a skilled speaker who knows to say exactly what people wants/needs to hear. You can also be a skilled public speaker as you rarely lose your composure even if you are talking to a huge audience.

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