Mantreswara's Phala Deepika

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Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 19

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 19

Dasas and their effects

1. The nine planets who were worshipped in many ways with devotion for a
long time by sage Parasara, having been pleased bestowed upon him the
knowledge of accurately determining their effects (on births in this world). Being
convinced after many tests that they are unfailing, I take out the essence from the
astrological scripts containing his famous sayings and set forth the famous Maha

2. Count the stars from Krittika in groups of nine. The planets presiding over
the dasas belonging to the nine nakshatras composing each group are respectively
the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus and the
span of their dasa periods are respectively 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20 year.
Notes — The following table clarifies what has been mentioned above:—
Nakshatra Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord of
Dasa period
Krittika U. Phalguni U. Ashada Sun 6
Rohini Hasta Sravan Moon 10
Mrigasira Chlttra Dhanista Mars 7
Aridra Swati Satabhlsha Rahu 18
Punarvasu Visakha P. Bhadra Jupiter 16
Pushyami Anuradha U. Bhadra Saturn 19
Ashlesha Jyestha Revti Mercury 17
Magha Moola Aswini Ketu 7
P. Phalguni P. Ashada Bhara Venus 10

3. Now is described the method of finding the remainder of the dasa of
planet at the time of birth. Find out the nakshatra in which the Moon is posited at
birth and for how many ghatikas it will remain after birth in that nakshatra.
Multiply those ghatikas by the total period of the dasa and divide it by 60. The
quotient will represent the period in years still to elapse. Any remainder remaining
may be converted into months by multiplying by 30 and dividing by 60 and so on.
Notes — This is clarified below by an example. Suppose at the time of birth
20 ghatikas were still to elapse in Punarvasu nakshatra. Birth in Punarvasu means
that the dasa in operation would be of Jupiter. How much of Jupiter remains at the
time of birth.
20*16/60 = 16/3 = 5 years 4 months.
There is some difference of opinion between the author of Phala deepika and
other authorities about the method of above calculation. Accordingly in Shri
Mantreshwara every result is to be divided by 60 but according to other authorities
the division should be done by the whole measure.
(1) The generally recognised method
Add the ghatikas elapsed of the nakshatra and those still to elapse. Thus we
get the total number of ghatikas of the nakshatra. Mark these ghatikas as 'A'.
Mark the ghatikas still to elapse as (B). Now suppose the birth has
taken place in the dasa of Jupiter, then the remainder of the dasa of Jupiter at
birth will be calculated as under:
: If in A the dasa period is 16 years
: In 1 it will be — 16/A
: In B it will be — (16/A)*(B/1)
The result of this calculation will indicate the years, months, days etc., of the
remainder of the dasa at birth.
(2) Method of calculation according to Shri Mantreshwar —
(16/A)*(B/1) years.
The difference is that in this method the total number of ghatikas are not
taken into account. 'A' or the total numbner of ghatikas is always taken as 60. The
remainder of the dasa only the basis of 'B'.
This in our view is not correct as the total number of ghatikas are not always
Now-a-days the easiest method of the remainder of the dasa accordingly is
based on the longitude of the Moon 3-13°-12' (Cancer 13°-12'). Cancer is
composed of one quater or 3°-20' of Punarvasu, four quarters of Ashlesha. As the
longitude of 13°-12' in Cancer, it has passed the fourth quarter of Punarvasu in this
sign and is in Pushyami nakshatra. To find out how much it has moved in
Pushyami we will deduct 3°-20' of Punarvasu from the Moon's 13°-12'. Thus the
balance will come to 9°-52'. The extent of the whole of Pushyami is 13°-20'. The
lord of this nakshatra is Saturn whose total dasa period is 19 years. Therefore 13°-
20' being equal to 19 years, 9°-52' will be equal to 14 years 0 months of 22 days.
This indicates that the 14 years and 22 days are observed over at birth and that
would remain at credit at birth will be 19 years minus 14 years 22 days, that is, 4
years 11 months and 8 days.
All these detailed calculations will be avoided if we obtain the balance of
dasa at birth on the longitude by referring to ready made tables in Lahiri's annual

4. Note the exact position of the Sun in the Zodiac at the time of birth when
the Sun in his next round arrives at the same position, it is considered as a solar
year, which is also the year taken for Udu adasa system (Vimsottari or naksharta
dasa system). By subdividing the same, days are calculated.

5. If the Sun be badly placed at the time of birth, he in the course of his dasa
causes quarrels and sudden wrath of the king, the ralatives will suffer from disease
and the native will be wandering about. There will be intense anguish and danger
from concealed wealth. The grain will be in danger of being burnt by fire and wife
and sons (children) will be in distress.

6. Acquisition of wealth through cruel deeds, journeys and quarrels, roaming
through mountains and maintaining, real, renown success in ventures, severity in
temper and nature, devotion to duty and happiness, will be the effects during the
Dasa of the Sun if he is well placed.

7. Peace of mind, success in all ventures, acquisition of wealth, good food,
gains of wife, sons, clothes, ornaments cows, agricultural land and devotion to
Brahmins will be the effects during the dasa of the Moon.

8. The effects of the dasa of the Moon described above will be derived in
full if the Moon be endowed with full strength. From the first of Shukla Paksha
upto the tenth tithi, the Moon is possessed of medium strength. During this period
the effects will be medium. The ten days after, that is, from the 11th Tithi of the
shukla paksha to 5th Tithi of the krishna paksha the Moon is of full strength.
Therefore, the good effects from such a Moon will be realised in full.
During the remaining ten days i.e. from the sixth tithi of krishna paksha up
to Amavasya the Moon begins to wane and becomes weaker and weaker. Very little
good effects will be derived from such a Moon.

9. Effects like acquisition of wealth through fire, fighting etc., gain of money
by administering falsehood, cheating and cruel actions, suffering always form
bilious complaints, impurity of blood and fever, intrigues with low class women,
quarreling with his wife, children, relatives and elders and misery caused by it, and
enjoyment of fortune of others, will be experienced in the dasa of Mars.

10. Effects like meeting with friends, happiness, admiration from learned
persons, acquisition of fame, beneficience by preceptors, eloquency in speech,
helping others, happiness to wife, children, friends and relations are experienced in
the dasa of Mercury.

11. Effects like involvement in religious affairs, birth of children or
happiness in respect of children, honour from the king, praise by distinguished
persons, acquisition of elephants, horses and other conveyances, fullfilment of
one's ambitions and cordial relations with wife, children and meeting freinds, will
be experinced in the dasa of Jupiter.

12. Effects like obtaining of materials and facilities for his sport and
happiness, acquisition of good vehicles, cows, precious stones, ornaments, a
treasure, enjoyment in association with young women, intellectual pursuits.
Journey by sea (or river), conferment of honours by the king and celebration of
auspicious funcitions in the house, will be derived in the dasa of Venus.

13. Effects like his wife and children suffering from gout, rheumatism or
similar diseases, loss in agriculture, evil talk, intercourse with wicked women,
desertion of servants, separation from wealth, will be realised by the native in the
course of the dasa of Saturn.

14. There will be during the dasa of Rahu danger from the king, thief,
poison, fire and weapons, distress to children mental tension, loss of kinsmen,
humiliation from low caste people, loss of reputation, failure and losses in all
ventures and demotion in status.

15. Rahu's dasa will be full of auspicious effects if Rahu be associated with a
benefic or be posited in an auspicious house. The native will enjoy the spendour
like that of a king. He will achieve success in all his ventures and will live happily
in his house. He will accumulate lasting wealth and his fame will spread far and
wide on the Earth.

16. It is the view of those learned in Astrology that Rahu in Virgo, Pisces or
Scorpio will give the person concerned during his dasa, honour and happiness,
lordship of lands, conveyances and servants. All these will, however, be liable to
be lost at the conclusion of the dasa.

17. Effects like danger from enemies, thieves, wrath of the king, fear of
injury from weapon, diseases caused by heat, a stigma to family of the native, fear
from fire, deportation from the native place as a result of some serious accusation.
Notes — In verses 5 to 17 the effects of the dasa of the Sun, the Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in their usual order have been described
in a general way.
Now in verses 18 to 26 the effects of the dasa of all the planets have been
described again but they are in the order prescribed under the Vimsottari dasa
It appears that the effects given in verses 5-17 are such as could be ascribed
to the other dasa systems also.
There are some peculiarities in the Vimsottari dasa syatem, as the effects of
the dasas of planets will be governed by the rules laid down by Parasara. Under
these rules the lord of the 11th house (the house of gains) has been termed as papi.
Not only that the lord of the 3rd and 6th also have been allotted that same title. The
lord of the 3rd is the least papi and the lord of the 11th the biggest papi. Another
rule is that if a benefic be the lord of a kendra, he does not produce benefic effects,
and if the lord of a kendra be malefic, he does not produce inauspicious effects.
Therefore the effects given in verses 5-17 should not apply to Vimsottari
dasa system.

18. General effects like acquisition of wealth through cruel actions or
through kings or through fighting, buring in eyes, abdominal and dental disorders,
serious trouble to wife and children, loses of servants, and wealth, separation from
reverred elders and parents, will be dertvded during the dasa of the Sun.
Notes — In our view these effects will be experienced if the Sun is not
auspiciously disposed in any nativity. The Sun will definitely produce very good
results, if he is well phased. For example, in an Aries Langna nativity Sun as the
lord of the 5th or in Sagittarius Lagna chart Sun as lord of the 9th in the 9th or 10th
will raise the native to dizzy heights.

19. The general effects that will be experienced during the dasa of the Moon
will be gain of wealth through the mantras (hymns) and the beneficance of deities,
Brahmins and the king, acquisition of wife, wealth, and agricultural land, gain of
flowers, clothes, ornaments, and objects of enjoyment of various tastes. There will
be animosity with wicked people, loss of wealth and suffering from Rheumatism.
Notes — In this verse both auspicious and inauspicious effects have been
described of the dasa of the Moon. The good effects should be retained if the Moon
be endowed with strength, be auspiciously posited and be lord of a favourable
house. The adverse effects will be felt if the Moon be weak or be unfavourably

20. During the dasa of the Mars there will be, on the part of the native,
efforts to earn money through lands, litigation and the king. He will acquire
agricultural lands and cattle. There will be enmity with his son and brothers and he
will be attached to women of ill fame. He will suffer from impurity of blood,
diseases arising from heat and loss through fire. There will also be loss of wealth.

21. General effects like becoming wicked in disposition, suffering from a
dangerous disease, destruction of wife and children of the native, fear or danger
from poison, distress or trouble from enemies, diseases of the eye and heart,
animosity with friends and servants working on agricultural land and animosity
with the king, will be experienced when the dasa of Rahu be in operation.
Notes - Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. They are said to give effects
according to the houses they occupy according to the planets they are associated
with According to Laghu Parasari.
That is, if Rahu or Ketu be posited in kendra or trikona and be connected
with the lord of kendra or Trikona, they cause yoga which means they become
yogakarakas. Rahu or ketu will definitely produce immensely good results when
his dasa be in operation. Lagna Parasari goes to the extent of Saying.
This means that if Rahu arid ketu are well placed (i.e. in the langa, the 5th or
9th) give the effects of a yogakaraka planet in the an tar dasa of yogakaraka
Irrespective of the fact whether they are connected or not with a yogakarka planet.
See also in this connection what has been said about the effects of Rahu if he
is well disposed in verse 15th of this Chapter.

22. Acquisition of new clothes, and such other objects, servants, retinue and
similar grandeur, commanding great respect and dignity, birth of children, gain of
wealth and friends, receipts of admiration for the eloquence of his speech, will be
the good effects when the dasa of Jupiter be in operation. The evil effects of dasa
will be separation from elders, ear disease and phelgmatic troubles.

23. The general effects during the dasa of Saturn will be acquistion of wealth
consequent of the war or disturbances of the country, acquisition of servants and
old women, cattle like buffaloes, and bulls, trouble to wife and children, suffering
from windy diseases like rheumatism, gout etc., phlegmatic diseases, piles and
burning in hand and feet.

24. During the dasa of Mercury the native will get the benefit of learning
from preceptors or will himself become a very learned and influential preceptor.
There will be gain of agricultural lands, cows and horses and money from
Brahmins. He will get into association with persons of high status. He will worship
gods and acquire immense wealth. He will suffer from wind, heat and phlegm.

25. During the dasa of Ketu the native will suffer from sorrow and confusion
caused by females, trouble from the rich and loss of wealth. He will do injustice to
others. He will be banished from his country (native place). He will suffer from
dental trouble, pain in the legs and phlegmatic troubles.
Notes - Please see our comments under verse 21 about the effects of the dasa
of Rahu.

26. Acquisition of wife, jewels, cloths, lustrous gems, concealed treasure,
wealth, ornaments, horses, conch, etc., gain of money from trade, agricultrual
pursutis, export and import of goods, separation from elders (like parents), loss of
peace of mind and distress to kinsmen, will be the general effects experienced
during the dasa of Venus.
Thus ends the 19th Adhyaya on "Dasas and their Effects" in the work
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 20

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 20

Effects of Dasas of the lords of houses and their Antar Dasas

1. This Chapter deals briefly with the effects of a planet as a result of his
lordship of a house, when he is strong, with the effects when he is weak and
consequent effects that one has to undergo under circumstances.

2. When the lagna is endowed with full strength, the native will during the
dasa of the lord of the lagna attain a position of eminence in the world and live
happily. His body will remain sturdy and healthy and he will have lustre in his
face. His prosperity will increase and his life will progress just as the Moon's digits
in the bright half of the lunar month.

3. During the operation of the lord of the 2nd house, there will be acquisition
of family, good daughters, enjoyment of good food and earning of money through
lectures, eloquence of speech and consequent appreciation of the audience.

4. If the 3rd house and its lord be equipped with full strength, during the
dasa of the lord of the 3rd house, the native will receive full cooperation from his
brothers, he will receive auspicious news, he will have opportunity to exhibit his
courage and volour, become commander of an army and will attain honour. He will
receive support of the people and will become popular for his good quality.

5. If the 4th house be vested with maximum strength, effects like going good
to the relation, success in agricultural pursuits, happy relations with wife,
acquisition of a conveyance, agricultural lands, houses, wealth, attainment of a
higher status, will be experienced by the native during the dasa of the lord of the
4th house.

6. If the 5th house be bestowed with full strength, effects like birth of a son,
happy associations and relationship with kinsmen, becoming minister of a king,
conferment of honours, involvement in virtuous actions and praise for it from the
people and enjoyment of many kinds of delicious preparations shared with others,
will be derived during the dasa of the lord of the 5th house.

7. If the 6th be very strongly disposed, effects like overcoming the enemies
by his valour, remaining free from diseases, being generous and powerful, enjoying
his wealth, splendour and prosperity will be realised by the native during the dasa
of the lord of the 6fh house.

8. If the 7th house be endowed with full strength, during the dasa of the lord
of the 7th, the native will acquire new clothes and ornaments and will live happily
with his wife. His virility or physical strength will Increase and auspicious
functions like marriage etc., will be celebrated in his house. He will perform
pleasure trips.

9. If the lord of 8th house be vested with full strength, during his dasa period
the native will be able to clear all his debts. He will achieve progress in his
profession and other activities. All disputes with him will come to an end and he
will acquire buffaloes, goats and other cattle and servants.

10. If the lord of 9th house be fully strong, during his dasa, the native will
enjoy continuous prosperity, happiness and wealth alongwith his wife, sons, grand
children and relations, will perform meritorious deeds and receive royal favour and
will be respectful to Brahmins and gods.

11. If the 10th house and its lord have full strength, in the dasa of the lord of
the 10th house, the native will succeed in every venture he undertakes, and he will
live happily. He will earn name and fame and will attain good reputation. He will
involve himself in virtuous actions for which he receives humiliations.

12. In the dasa of a strong lord of the 11th there will be continuous growth in
prosperity. He will have meetings with his near relatives and will have the comfort
of many servants. There will be domestic happiness and great prosperity.

13. During the dasa of the lord of the 12th, the native will spend
extravagantly on good causes. He will perform meritorious acts and thus be free
from the evil effects of the sins committed. He will also be conferred royal

14. The good effects described above in verses 2 to 13 are derived only
when the lord of the house concerned is auspiciously disposed (not placed in the
6th, 8th, or 12th), is posited in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation or is
retrograde. The effects will be adverse if such a planet is inauspiciously disposed,
is in his inimical sign, in his sign of debilitation or is eclipsed by the Sun's rays.
Now described below are the effects of the planet (lord of a house), who is not well

15. When the lord of the Lagna is badly placed, the native will be
imprisoned during his dasa. He will lead his life in cognito, will suffer fear,
diseases and mental anguish, will participate in funeral rites, will incur loss of
position and other misfortunes.
If the lord of the 2nd is in a similar position, the person conscemed during
his dasa will behave stupidly before an audiance, will not stick to his word or
family, write objectionable letters, will suffer from eye troubles, will have a harsh
tongue, incur lot of expenditure and will face displeasure of the king.

16. If the lord of the 3rd house be weak, there will be loss of brothers and
sisters during his dasa. His work will receive adverse criticism and he will be
harassed by secret enemies. The native will suffer from reverse and as a result will
be humiliated and lose his pride.
If the lord of the 4th house be weak, during his dasa the mother of the native,
his kinsmen and his friends will be distressed. There will be danger of destruction
of his house, agricultural lands and cattle and also danger from water.

17. If the lord of the 5th lacks strength and is badly placed, during his dasa,
the native will lose a son. He will suffer from aberration of mind, will be a victim
of deception and will wander here and there aimlessly. He will suffer from stomach
disorders, face wrath or displeasure of king and will feel physicially weak.
During the dasa of the lord of the 6th house who is deficient in strength,
there will be danger from thieves. He will face poverty, will be overpowered by
others and will suffer from diseases, will receive shabby treatment or indulge in
undesirable actions. He will serve others and suffer humiliation and loss of
reputation. He will have injuries in his body.

18. If the lord of the 7th be weak, during his dasa, the son-in-law of the
native will be in distress. The native will make separation from his wife and
something untoward will happen through the opposite sex and he will have affairs
with wicked women and will suffer from venereal diseases. He will be wandering
When the dasa of a badly placed and weak lord of the 8th house be in
operation, the person concerned will suffer from great sorrow, loss of intelligence,
intense sexual desire, jealousy, fainting fits, poverty, fruitless rambling, loss of
reputation, sickness and humiliation. Even his life may end during the dasa of such
a planet.

19. During the dasa of the lord of 9th house who is weak, the wife and
children of the native will be in trouble. He will suffer in many ways due to wrath
of deity that had been worshipped formerly. He will indulge in undesirable actions
and one of his elder brothers and his father may die and he himself may suffer
from penury.
When the lord of the 10th house be devoid of strength, during his dasa, the
native will face failure in all his undertakings and he will indulge in wicked
actions, he may have to live away from his homeland and may suffer distress on
that account. He will have to face untoward happenings and will incur loss of

20. If the lord of the 11th be adversely disposed and be weak, the brother
(elder) of the native will be in trouble. His son will be sickly, he (the native) will
suffer from misery, deception and ear diseases.
During the dasa of a weak lord of the 12th house, the native will suffer from
many diseases, dishonour and slavery. All his wealth will disappear like the
(waning) Moon in the dark half of the month.

21. Whatever has been stated in the Chapter 1, whatever has been mentioned
as belonging to the presiding planets (Chapter 2), whatever calling is declared
appropriate in chapter on profession (Chapter 5), whatever diseases have been
described as due to the several planets (Chapter 14), whatever has been said as the
effects of the aspect or association with the planets (Chapter 18), or of the presence
of planets in houses or of the lords of the several houses or the lord being
associated with others (Chapter 15, 16, 17), all this must be duly assigned to the
planets concerned in their respective dasas.

22. If a planet occupies Vargottamamsa he produces very favourable effects
in his dasa. Mixed effects are derived in the dasa of a planet who being Vargottama
is in his sign of deblitation or is eclipsed by the Sun's rays. Adverse results may be
when the dasa of any of the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house in the an tar dasa of
any of them be in operation. Similar will be the effect of the dasa of the planet
posited in the 6th, 8th, or 12th and an tar dasa of any one of them.

23. There will be theft in the house of the native, he will be troubled by
enemies and he will suffer great misery, during the dasa of a cruel planet (malefic)
and the an tar dasa of any of the lords of the 3rd, 5th or 7th nakshatra reckoned
from the Janma nakshatra (natal star). The same will be the results in the dasa of a
malefic and in the antar dasa of the lord of the Moon sign or of the 8th house there

24. The following dasas will bring misery and trouble :-
(1) The dasa of Saturn if it is the fourth in the order of main dasas.
(2) The dasa of Jupiter if it is the sixth
(3) The dasa of the Mars and Rahu if they are fifth.
(4) The dasa of a planet who is placed in the last degree of a sign.
(5) The dasas of the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses.
Notes — If any body is born in the dasa of Mars, Saturn's dasa will be the
fourth for him. For one born in the dasa of Venus, Rahu dasa will be fifth and
Jupiter's dasa the sixth for him. For one born in the dasa of Ketu, Mars dasa will be
the fifth for him.

25. If Mars in an Urdhvamukha sign or in his sign of exaltation be posited in
the 10th or 11th house, the native will acquire a kingdom in his dasa. He will
become a king and cause destruction of his enemies and will possess many
vehicles and a huge army and

26. If Venus be in his sign of exaltation or in his own sign and be posited in
the 10th, 11th or the 12th house, uneclipsed and free from the influence of a
malefic, the native during his dasa, will become very wealthy, will be full of glory
and splendour and will be endowed with gold and precious stones etc., will be
widely praised and enjoy all comforts.

27. All benefics if placed in their sign of debilitation, inimical signs or the
6th or 12th house, they will produce only adverse results while malefic similarly
placed will cause miseries during their dasa periods.

28. The native will face danger from enemies, suffer loss or position and
earn hostility oi persons who had been his friends, during the dasa of a planet and
the an tar dasa of the planet (1) who is inimical to the lord of the dasa, (2) who is in
an inimical sign, (3) one who is posited in the 6th or (4) who is inimical to lord of
the lagna.

29. Which ever house counted from the lord of the dasa is occupied by the
lord of antar dasa, it is the effects arising from that house during the antar dasa is
posited in 6th, 8th or 12th with reference to the lord of the dasa. In other positions
the effects will be good.

30. If a benefic or a lord of a benefic house is posited in his sign of
exaltation, he produces maximum good effects. The effects will be three-fourth if
such a planet be in his Moolatrikona sign. It will be half if he be in his own sign. It
will be one-fourth in a friend's sign, very little in his inimical sign and almost nil
when it is in his sign of debilitation. In the case of malefics or lords of malefic
houses the results will be reversed. When a planet is in combustion its effect will
be similar to that in his sign of debilitation.

31. Find out which amongst the following is the weakest — (a) Saturn, (b)
Mandi, (c) Rahu, (d) the lord of the 22nd decanate from the lagna, (e) lord of the
8th, (f) lords of the navamsa signs occupied by them. It is the dasa of the weakest
amongst them that proves fatal for the native and the death takes place when
Saturn in the course of his transit passes through an untoward house (6th, 8th or

32. See who amongst the following pairs of planets is stronger-la) the lord of
the house occupied by the lord of the 8th house and lord of the navamsa sign
occupied by the lord of the 8th house. And the lord of the 22nd decamate from the
lagna and the lord of decanate of the lagna. The death of the native takes place
when Jupiter in the course of his transit passes through any of the following places

(1) the sign occupied by the lord of the 8th house, (2) the navamsa occupied
by the lord of the 8th house, (3) in trlkona position to (1) and (2).

33. If Jupiter, the lord of the house occupied by the Moon and the lord of the
lagna be posited in kendra at birth, the middle portion of the life will be happy.
Planets in shirshodaya, ubhayodaya and prishtodaya signs give their results in the
beginning, in the middle and in the end respectively.

34. If the lord of the dasa be endowed with strength at the time of birth
passes in the course of his transit through his sign of exaltation, his own sign or a
friend's sign, promotes the growth of the house reckoned from the lagna.
Notes — Suppose Rahu is endowed with full strength in a nativity, his dasa
is in progress when in the course of his transit he will pass through the 11th house
counted from the lagna the native will have gains of wealth. When he passes
through the 10th in transit, the native will get promotion in his position. When it
will pass through the 9th the native will have dawn of fortune.

35. When a planet who's dasa is in progress be weak at birth, be eclipsed by
the Sun's rays, be in his sign of debilitation or be in a inimical sign, he will during
the course of transit through any house, cause its total destruction.
Notes — Suppose the lagna is Virgo and Saturn is posited in the 8th house in
his sign of debilitation. During the dasa of Saturn, if in the course of his transit he
passes through the sign Leo which is an inimical sign identical with the 12th
house, the 12th house will produce very evil effects during that period.

36. The effects will be good and auspicious, when in the course of his
transit, the Moon passes through (1) the exaltation house of the lord of the dasa, (2)
the houses friendly to the lord of the dasa and (3) the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th
and 11th houses reckoned from the lord of the dasa.
Notes — If any person wants, to know whether the Moon will give
auspicious effects on a particular day, he should expect good effects if the Moon is
in any one of the positions mentioned above with the lord of the dasa in progress.

37. If a planet whose antar dasa is in operation should on the course of his
transit at the time pass through his sign of debilitation, an inimical house or
become eclipsed, there will be much misery. Should he pass through his own,
exaltation house or be retrograde, the effects will then be good.

38. If the antar dasa of a planet is favourable, the good effects will be
experienced when the Sun, in the course of his transit, passes through his sign of
exaltation. Similar effects will be derived when Jupiter in the course of his transit
passes through that sign of exaltation. As regards the planet whose antar dasa is
likely to yield inauspicious or adverse effects, such evil effects will be realised
when the Sun in the course of his transit passes through the antar dasa lord's sign of
debilitation or inimical sign.

39. Rahu will affect the planet with whom he is associated. That planet
through good and auspicious by himself will produce evil effects particularly at the
end of his dasa.
Notes — In the example horoscope, Rahu is associated with Venus who is
posited in his own sign. Rahu will take over the nature and auspiciousness of
Venus and produce effects in dasa or antar dasa according to them. Venus on the
other hand will become afflicted and produce evil effects during his dasa or antar
dasa particlarly at their end.

40. The 2nd and 7th houses are maraka (death producing) houses. If the
lords of these houses or planets posited therein, are powerful they cause death
duing their dasa. If the lord of the 8th or 12th house be very weak, death is likely to
take place in the an tar dasa of any of the two.

41. The dasa of a planet who is lord of a kendra will be adverse if he
happens to be a benefic natural benefic and auspicious or favourable if he is a
(natural) malefic. The dasa of all the planets who are trikonas (1,5,9) will be
favourable. The lords of the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses, even if benefics, they will
always produce evil effects during their dasas. The lord of the 8th house, if he also
is the lord of the lagna will be auspicious and will produce good effects in his dasa.
The Sun and the Moon even if they own the 8th house give only good effects.
(They do not suffer from the stigma of being lords of the 8th house.) These are the
effects of several dasas according to Parasara's opinion.

42. If (1) the lord of a trikona be in a kendra, (2) the lord of a kendra be in a
trikona, they will both prove auspicious. If the dasa of one and the an tar dasa of
the ohter be in operation, the effects will be very favourable. They will help each
other, cooperate to make the period auspicious.

43. No planet produces good or bad effects to the native in accordance with
the house he owns during his dasa and his own antar dasa.

44. Find out what all planets are related (Chapter 25, verse 30) to the
particular planet whose dasa is under consideration. Note also the planets if any
which are similarly circumstanced (whether for good or bad) i.e. holding a position
coordinate to the one under reference. It is only in the antar dasas of these planets
that the original planet will in his main dasa manifest his effect.

45. The lords of kendras and trikonas, even if they themselves be capable of
causing evil (owning to their having lordships of evil house), become yogakarakas
by their mere relationship and make the native prosperous.
Notes — For example for the Aries Ascendant both Saturn lord of the 10th a
kendra and also of 11th (for which he beccmes a papi) and Jupiter is lord of the 9th
a trikona and the 6th a dusthana. But they get related with each other (vide Chapter
15, verse 30) they become yogakarakas and thus auspicious in the nature.

46. If out of the lords of the 5th and 9th any one of them gets related to a
strong planet owning a kendra, he becomes a yogakaraka, (capable of promoting
the property of the native).

47. If the lord of a kendra be associated with any of the lords of the 5th or
the 9th, they both become yogakarakas.
If the lord of a kendra while being related to lord of one trikona, be also
related to the lord of the other trikona, a most powerful Raja Yoga will be the
Notes — Here it will be relevant to point out that if the same planet owns a
kendra and a trikona, he becomes a yogakaraka for that ascendant. For the Taurus
Ascendant Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th. Therefore he will be a yogakaraka. For
the Cancer and Leo Ascendants Mars owns the 5th and the 10th and the 4th and 9th
respectively. Thus Mars is a yogakaraka for these Ascendants. Saturn is a
Yogakaraka for the Libra ascendant being the lord of the 4th and the 5th. Venus is
yogakaraka for the Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants being lords of the 5th and
the 10th and the 4th and the 9th respectively.

48. Though the planets may be themselves (natural malefics) but If they are
related to a yogakaraka (planet producing prosperity) good effects will be
experienced by the native during their antar dasas leading him to affluence and

49. The lord of a trikoria house will during his dasa and the antar dasa of the
lord of a kendra will produce good effects. Even if the two planets may not be
connected the dasa of one and the antar dasa of the other will be productive of
good effects.

50-51. If Jupiter and Venus be lords of kendras, they become powerful to
cause evil effects. Should they occupy the maraka houses (2nd and 7th), they
become powerful marakas (inflicters of death).
Mercury in this respect is less powerful. The Moon comes next to Mercury.
Malefics when they be lords of kendras, become more and more auspicious
in their effects.

52. If Rahu and Ketu occupy a kendra or trikona they become yogakarakas if
they get connected with the lord of kendra or trikona.
If Rahu or Ketu should occupy the sign of a benefic which is not an
inauspicious house and are not connected with any planet, they produce good
effects in their antar dasas.
If Rahu and Ketu are not connected with any planet and are posited in an
auspicious house (kendra or trikona), they will produce good effects during their
dasa and the antar dasa of a yogakaraka.

54. During the dasa of a yogakaraka planet, the Raja Yoga begins when the
antar dasa of karaka planets are in progress. The antar dasas of malefics which
succeed them in their turn increase the same.
Notes — Another version of this verse as given by Pt. Gopesh Kumar Ojha
in his Hindi translation of Phaladeepika is as under :—
This means that if Raja yoga begins with the antar dasa of a maraka planet,
the native gets yogakaraka effects in name only. The real prosperity and glorious
effects of Raja yoga evade him.

55. The following planets cause great misery to the native —
(1) The planet posited in the 8th house.
(2) The planet who aspects the 6th house.
(3) The lord of the 8th house.
(4) The planet owning the decanate of the 8th house.
(5) The planet owning the sign occupied by Mandi.
From amongst the weakest will be capable of causing death of the native
during his dasa or antar dasa.

56. The dasa of a planet fallen from exaltation is termed Avarohini or
descending, while that of a planet in a friend's house is named Madhya or
middling. The dasa of a planet proceeding from his debilitation is called Arohini or
ascending. The dasa of a planet that is actually in his depression or inimical
navamsa is termed, Adhama or worst
Notes — It has already been mentioned earlier at which degree of a sign a
planet is in deep exaltation and what degree of a particular sign the planet is in
debilitation. For example the Sun is in deep exaltation at 10 degrees of Aries and
he is in deep debilitation at 10 degrees of Libra. During the interval the Sun
proceeds from 10 degrees of Libra trowards to 10 degrees of Aries and until he
reaches there, he will be called Arohi or ascending. But the interval, the Sun after
reaching 10 degrees Aries proceeds 10 degrees of Libra and until he reaches there,
he will be termed as Avarohi or descending. The effects of the dasa of an avarohi
planet are bad, while the effects of an Arohi planet are good. But even if a planet
be Avarohi his dasa will be ordinarily favourable if he is posited in his exalted or
friend's Navamsa, while even if a planet be arohi. If he be posited in his sign of
depression, in an inimical sign, in debilitated navamsa or in an Inimical navamsa,
his dasa will be Adhama or adverse.

57. Even if a planet be in his sign of debilitation or in his Inimical sign or be
eclipsed by the Sun's rays, his dasa will produce mixed effects, if he occupies an
auspicious house or Navamsa and will be capable of giving good effects in the
latter half of the dasa.

58. Death of the relative signified by a particular house will take place In the
main dasa of the planet in the house 12th to that house or of the planet owning it,
whoever is weaker.

59. If the lord of the dasa in the course of his transit passes through the
lagna, the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or 11th house reckoned from him or If the lord of
the dasa comes to the sapta varga places of the lagna, or when a friendly planet or a
benefic planet comes to the lagna, the Dasa will prove auspicious at that time i.e.
during the periods of transits mentioned above.

60. Note which planet's dasa or antar dasa is in progress and where he is
situated in the course of his transit with reference to the natal Moon. The dasa or
antar dasa will produce good effects during the periods of the lords of the dasa or
in the course of his transit comes to auspicious places with reference to the natal
Moon and Dasa effects will be adverse if the lord of dasa comes to inauspicious
houses from the position of natal Moon.

61. The Moon produces beneficial effects when in the course of her transit,
she passes through (1) the friend's house of the lord of the Dasa (2) the sign in
which the lord of the dasa is exalted and (3) houses 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 from the
lord of the dasa.

62. In the favourable positions mentioned in the previous verse, the sign
occupied by the Moon should represent some one of the 12 house, lagna, wealth
etc., at the time of birth. The one of these favourable positions promotes the
prosperity in respect of the house represented by the sign occupied. In the
unfavourable positions, the house represented by the sign occupied by the Moon
suffers damage.

63. While assessing the various effects in a nativity it is admirable to study
the principles laid down in Saravali (by Kalyana Varma), Hora Shastra by
Varahamihira and the Nakshatra Dasa. While making such an assessment, careful
note should be taken of the planets with reference to the lagna at the time of query
or janma rasi (Moon sign) or Lagna at birth. There will not be much difference
between the Prasna Lagna and the Janma Lagna in the matter of making
Notes — Sloka 32. — It may be interesting to note why Jupiter has been
particularly mentioned for causing the death of the person when he transits through
the Rasi and the Navamsa occupied by the Lord of the eighth house or its
triangular position. The reader will note that Jupiter is the only planet who is
exalted in the eighth house from his own sign. It only shows the magnanimity of
the planet who is defined to exhibit his full lustre even when he is posited in a bad
house as the 8th house. This is because he is a Philosopher.
Sloka 41. — The Sun and the Moon are declared to be auspicious even when
they own the 8th house. i.e. for the people born in Makara and Dhanus they are
respectively auspicious. This is because the Sun becomes the creater for person
born in Makara, while the Moon becomes the owner of the house in which lord of
Dhauns (Jupiter) is exalted. It is therefore relevant that both these planets should
prove auspicous to persons torn In Makara Lagna and Dhanus Lagna respectively.
Sloka 54. — The lord of a Kendra and Kona is termed the Yogakaraka.
Thus ends the twentieth chapter on "Dasas of Bhava Lords and their
Bhukties" in Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
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Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 21

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 21

Divisions of a sign

1. In this chapter is explained the method of calculating the antar dasa and
pratyantar dasa. There are antar dasas of all the nine planets in a dasa. For
example, in the dasa of the Sun there will be the antar dasas of the Sun and all the
other planets. The first antar dasa is of the same planet who is the lord of the dasa.
For example, in the dasa of Jupiter the order of antar dasas will be Jupiter, Saturn,
Mercury, Ketu, Venus, the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Rahu. In the dasa of Venus the
order of antar dasa will be venus, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn,
Mercury and Ketu.
As there are nine antar dasas in a dasa, there are nine pratyantar dasas in an
antar dasa. The first pratyantar dasa will be of the lord of antar dasa.
Whatever has been here described as effects of any planet, all this should
occur in the planet's dasa, in his antar dasa and in his pratyantar dasa.

2. The period of antar dasa in a dasa should be calculated by the rule of
three. Suppose if we have to know the duration of antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa
of Venus we should proceed as explained below. In 120 years the Sun's portion is
of 6years. In 1 year the Sun's portion will be (6/120)*1. Therefore, in 20 years the
Sun will have Antar Dasa of (6*1/120)*20 = 1 year.
The Sun's dasa is of 6 years and the dasa of Venus is of 20 years. Therefore
the figures of 20 and 6 have been taken above. The pratyantar dasa in any case can
also be calculated in the same manner. We have found out that in the dasa of Venus
the duration of Sun's an tar dasa is 1 year. Now let us find out how much will be
the duration of pratyantar dasa of the Sun in his antar dasas.
In 120 years the duration is 6 years
In 1 year it will be (6*1/120) = 1/20 years
(1/20)*360 days = 18 days.
Thus in the dasa of Venus, the duration of the pratyantar dasa of the Sun in
his antar dasa will be 18 days.
These informations are available in readymade tables in the various
Panchangas which can be usefully utilised.
Notes — Shri V. Subrahmaniam Sastry has explained the method of
calculation as under :—
"Multiply the years of maha dasa by the years of the planet whose antar dasa
is required. Divide the period by 120. The quotient will represent the years of antar
dasa. Multiply the remainder by 12 and divide the result by 120. The quotient will
represent the months, multiply the remainder by 30 and divide by 120. The
quotient will give the days and so on. The same process should be adopted for
calculating the sub-divisions. In any dasa the order of the antar dasa is similar to
that in the dasa of the first antar dasa commencing with that of its lord."
There is an easy method by mean of which the antar dasa can be
independently calculated. This may be helpful at times when the antar dasa tables
are not readily available.
Multiply the number of years of dasa period of the planet by the number of
years of dasa of the period of the planet antar dasa is required. The last figure in
the product always represents the decimal of a month and the rest represents the
total number of months. Then cutting of the last digit of the product, multiuply it
by 3 and keep that figure as days. Suppose we want to find out the antar dasa of
Mercury in the dasa of Saturn. Multiply the dasa period of Mercury 17 years by
that of Saturn viz. 19 years i.e. 19*17 = 323. By adopting the above method the
antar dasa of Mercury will be 32 months and 9 days i.e. 2 years 8 months 9 days.
Effects of antar dasas in the dasa of the Sun.

3. During the antar dasa of the Sun in his dasa. the person born will achieve
renown by the beneficience of the king. He will acquire wealth and wander about
in mountain and forest regions and will suffer from fever and heat troubles. He
may lose his father. Notes — The good effects may be expected when the Sun be
well placed and the evil effects will occur when the Sun is adversely posited.

4. Effects like destruction of enemies, relief from distress, influx of wealth,
acquisition of agricultural lands, building a house and meeting with friends are the
likely effects to be experienced by the native in the antar dasa of the Moon in the
dasa of the Sun. If the Moon be adversely placed the native will suffer from
consumption, watery diseases and there will be danger 'for the native.

5. Effects like sickness, loss of position, troubles from enemies, animosity
with kinsmen, fear from the king, destruction of wealth and ulcers in the body etc.,
will be derived by the native in the antar dasa of Mars in the dasa of the Sun.

6. Effects like rise of enemies, enmity with others, loss of wealth, theft,
disaster, fear from poison, headache, eye troubles and inclination towards
enjoyment of material comforts, will be realised by the native in the antar dasa of
Rahu and the dasa of the Sun.

7. Effects like destruction of enemies, influx of many kinds of wealth,
regular worship of gods. Brahmin, preceptor, entertainment of kinsmen, ear
troubles and diseases like tuberculosis, may be expected by the native in the antar
dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of the Sun.
Notes — The evil effects menioned above should arise when Jupiter be
adversely disposed.

8. Effects like loss of wealth, separation from the son, diseases to wife, death
of an elderly person (preceptor, father, uncle etc.), excessive expenditure,
destruction of clothes and other domestic articles, filthiness, and phlegmatic
troubles, will be experienced by the native in the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of
the Sun.

9. Effects like suffering from cutaneous eruptions, boils, leprosy, jaundice,
pains in the waist and stomach, and troubles from all the three humours viz., bile,
phlegm and wind, will be derived by the native, in the antar dasa of Mercury in the
dasa of the Sun.

10. Effects like loss of freinds, misunderstanding with the members of the
family, fear from enemies, loss of wealth, illness of an elderly relation and pains in
the leg, severe headache, will be felt by the native in the antar dasa of Ketu in the
dasa of the Sun.

11. Effects like headache, disorders of stomach, pain in the anus (piles),
carrying out of agricultural venture, loss of house and wealth, shortage of grain and
illness of children and wife, will be experienced in the antar dasa of Venus in the
dasa of the Sun.
Effects of antardasa in the dasa of the Moon

12. Birth of daughters, acquisition of clean and bright clothes, meeting with
respected Brahmin, happiness to mother and enjoyment of comforts of the couch,
will be the likely effects in the antar dasa of the Moon in her own dasa.

13. Bilious troubles, troubles from fire, diseases caused by impurity of
blood, distress from enemies and thieves, unhappiness, and loss of wealth, will be
likely effects that will be derived by the native, in the antar dasa of Mars in the
dasa of the Moon.
Notes - In our view for the Cancer and Leo Ascendant for which Mars is
yogakarka, the effects of the antar dasa will be excellent in the matter of
acquisition of wealth, growth of prosperity and earning name and fame, if Mars be
well disposed in the nativity.

14. Occuring of a severe reproach or fault, increase of enemies, illness of
kinsmen danger from thunder storms, lightning and illness caused by food, drink or
indigestion, will be the likely effects to be experienced by the native, in the antar
dasa of Rahu in the dasa of the Moon.

15. Taking great delight in making gifts and other magnificient actions,
conferment of honours by the king, meetings with friends, acquisition of new
clothes and ornaments, and enjoyment of all kinds of happiness, will be the likely
effects to be derived by the native, In the antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of the

16. Affliction with many kinds of diseases, illness of friend, son and wife
and danger of a great calamity or death, will be the likely effects for the native,
during the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of the Moon.

17. Acquisition at all times of elephants, horses, cows, wealth, ornaments
and property, happiness and achievement of self knowledge will be the effects for
the native in the antar dasa of Mercury in the dasa of the Moon.

18. Effects like loss of mental equilibrium, danger from water, loss of
wealth, kinsman and servants, will be experienced by the native in the antar dasa of
Ketu in the dasa of the Moon.

19. Embarkation on the sale or purchase of gold, water conveyances, jewels,
women, agricultural products etc., acquisition of children, friends, cattle and
grains, will be effects for the native in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of the

20. Honour from the king, commission of valourous deeds, relief from
diseases, suffering from diseases caused by bile and wind, victory over enemies
and the downfall of the latter, are the likely effects that will be realised by the
native in the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of the Moon.
Effects of the antar dasas in the dasa of Mars

21. Effects like suffering from diseases arising from the excess of bile and
heat, danger of wounds, separation from brothers, animosity with the kinsmen the
king, danger from thieves and fire, gain of money from agricultural operations and
litigation, will be derived by the native in the antar dasa of Mars in his own dasa.
Notes — In our view the results will be excellent if Mars be yogakarka in
any nativity. Mars, if strong, overcomes all opposition but Mars be weaker, be
afflicted in any way, the native's enemies gain an upper hand.

22. Effects like danger from weapons, fire, thieves, enemies and king, injury
from poison, loss of an elderly relation or preceptor, suffering from diseases in the
waist, eyes and head, danger of death (of the native himself) or some calamity, will
be felt during the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Mars.

23. Effects like worship of Brahmins and gods, pilgrimage to sacred places
and shrines, performance of meritorious deeds, showing hospitality to guests at
home, birth of children, acquisition of new friends, suffering from ear troubles in a
severe form or from phlegmatic trouble, will be experienced by the native in the
antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of Mars.

24. Effects like trouble after trouble to children, elderly relations, calamities
beyond number, loss of money through enemies, fear of sickness through heat and
wind, loss of wealth and happening of events causing mental distress, will be
realised by the native during the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Mars.

25. Harassment by king or governor, enmity with Sudras fear from enemies,
and thieves, loss of wealth, destruction of cattle, elephants and horses and
association with enemies are the likely effects for the native in the antar dasa of
Mercury in the dasa of Mars.

26. There will be danger from thunder bolt, sudden trouble from fire and
weapons, banishment from the country, destruction of wealth, or occurrence of
death (of the native) or loss of wife, in the antar dasa of Ketu in the dasa of Mars.

27. Defeat in battle, residence in a foreign country, theft, trouble in the left
eye, and loss of servants are the effects to be expected by the native in the antar
dasa of Venus in the dasa of Mars.

28. Honour from the king, enhancement in glory as a result of victory in
battle, acquisition of servants, wealth, grains, women and harem, widening of the
scope for livelihood and wealth through daring deeds, are what may be expected in
the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of Mars.

29. Acquisition of various kinds of wealth, birth of a son, gain of clothes,
bed, ornaments, gems and other kinds of property, severance from the enemies,
trouble to some elder and suffering from enlargement of spleen and excess of bile
will be the likely effects for the native in the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of
Effects of antar dasas in the dasa of Rahu

30. Effects like illness through water and poison, snake bite, cohabitation
with another man's wife, separation from or loss of one's near and dear ones,
speaking harshly, and mental anguish through wicked people, will be the
characteristics of the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Rahu.

31. Happiness, worshipping Brahmins and gods, freedom form diseases,
association with a woman with attractive eyes and discussion with leameds about
the interpretation of sacred scriptures, will be the main features of the antar dasa of
Jupiter in the dasa of Rahu.

32. Disputes with wife, sons and brothers, loss of position, destruction of
servants, injury to the body and suffering from diseases due to excess of wind and
bile, will be the likely effects for the native, in the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa
of Rahu.

33. Acquisition of wealth and children, association with friends, feeling of
inferiority in an acute form, and dexterous handling of adornment and skilful
Mercury will mark the antar dasa of Mercury in the dasa of Rahu.

34. Effects like danger from fever, fire, weapons and enemies, suffering
from headache, trembling of the body, injury to friends, suffering caused by
wounds and poison and animosity with friends, will be experienced in the antar
dasa of Ketu in the dasa of Rahu.

35. Acquisition of wife (marriage), enjoyment of cohabitation with wife,
acquisition of elephants, horses and land and enjoyment thereof, animosity with
kinsmen and suffering caused by excess of wind and phlegm, will be the likely
effects in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of Rahu.

36. Troubles from enemies, many calamities, troubles from poison and fire,
injury from weapons, pain in the eyes, great damage from the king or government
and distress to wife and children will mark the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of

37. Loss of wife, quarrel with other people, mental anguish, troubles to
friends, danger from water, loss of agricultural products, wealth, catttle and
children will be the likely effects in the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of Rahu.

38. Danger from the king, fire, thieves, and weapons, one's own death
caused through a terrible disease, loss of position, troubles, from heat and eye
troubles, will be the likely features of the Antar dasa of Mars in the dasa of Rahu.
Effects of the Antar dasas in the dasa of Jupiter

39. Dawn of fortune, increase in lustre, reverence from all sides, brith of a
son, development of good qualities, honour from the king, association with one's
preceptor and pious men and fulfilment of all ambitions, will be the characteristics
of the antar dasa of Jupiter in his own dasa.

40. Effects like association with prostitutes, taking alcholic drinks and such
other actions, reaching highter eminence, distress to members of the family and
cattle, extravagance, excessive fear, distress to children and eye troubles, will be
realised by the native in the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Juptier.

41. Coming to grief through women, gambling and drinking, sickness
caused by the imbalance of three humours viz. bile, wind and phlegm will be the
effects according to one school of thought, in the antar dasa of Mercury in the dasa
of Jupiter. According to view taken by others during this antar dasa, the native will
engage himself in the worship of gods and Brahmins and acquisition of children,
wealth and happiness.

42. There will be wounds from weapons, animosity with servans, distress to
wife and children, trouble form bilious disorders, separation from elders and other
kinsmen and danger to one's own life, in the antar dasa of Ketu in the dasa of

43. Acquisition of wealth, cattle, grains, wife, son, food, drinks, ornaments,
bead and articles of domestic use and enjoyment thereof and reverrence to gods
and Brahmins will be the auspicious features of the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa
of Jupiter.

44. Effects like victory over enemines, honour from the king, birth of
children and grandchildren, gains of wealth, acquisition of palanquin and horses,
and residence in a populous city with all comforts, will be derived in the antar dasa
of the Sun in the dasa of Jupiter.

45. Acquisition of many women, gain of wealth, worship of gods and
Brahmins, achievement of name and fame, gain from agricultural pursuit, profit in
trading and destruction of enemies, will mark the antar dasa of the Moon in the
dasa of Jupiter.

46. Satisfying the relatives, addition of wealth from a host of enemies,
acquisition of good lands, doing charitable acts, celebrity of power, some injury to
preceptor or an elder or a severe hurt to the eye, will be the effects that may be
expected in the antar dasa of Mars in the dasa of Jupiter.

47. Distress to or from kinsmen, mental tension, sickness, danger from
theives, illness of a preceptor or an elder, stomach disorders, trouble from the king,
increase in troubles from enemies and loss of wealth will be likely results in the
antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Jupiter.
Effects of antar dasas in the dasa of Saturn

48. Gains in agricutural activities, acquisition of more buffaloes and
servants, gain of wealth from a person of Sudra community acquistlon of a woman
old in age, Increase in sinful deeds and lethargy, will be the effects for the native in
the antar dasa of Saturn in his own dasa.

49. Increase in good fortune, honour form the king, victory over enemies,
company of females, success and company of friends, suffering from diseases
caused by the three humours and sickness to brothers and children, will be the
characteristic features of the antar dasa of Mercury in the dasa of Saturn.

50. Suffering from trouble caused by wind and fire, trouble from enemies,
constant quarrels with wife and children, danger from snakes and inauspicious
happenings will be the effects for the native in the antar dasa of Ketu in the dasa of

51. Effects like happiness from wife, children and friends, Increase of wealth
due to agriculture and trade by sea voyages and becoming widely renowned, will
be experienced in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of Saturn.

52. Death or constant danger from enemies, sickness to preceptor or an
elder, stomach disorder, eye troubles and loss of wealth and rains will be the
features of the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of Saturn.

53. Death of the native or loss of wife, troubles, to friends, danger from
diseases arising from water and wind and likelihood of falling sick, will be the
effects for the native in the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of Saturn.

54. Effects like loss of position, quarrels with relations suffering from fever,
trouble from fire, weapon and poison, increase in the number of enemies, trouble
from hernia and eye disease, will be derived in the antar dasa of Mars in the dasa
of Saturn.

55. Deviating from the path of righteousness, loss of life or danger from
diabetes, enlargement of spleen, and a continuous fever or wound, will be the main
inauspicious effects in the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Saturn.

56. Taking delight in worshipping gods and Brahmins, enjoyment of living
in one's own house with children and substantial increase in wealth and grains, will
be the likely effects in the antar dasa of Jupiter, in the dasa of Saturn.
Effects of the Antar Dasas in the Dasa of Mercury

57. Following the path of virtuous, association with the learned, having an
unbiased mind of clear intellect, acquisition of wealth through Brahmin, great fame
through learning and continuous happiness, will be the effects in the antar dasa of
Mercury in his own dasa.

58. Loss of peace of mind as a result of unhappiness, sorrow and quarrels,
trembling of the body, association with enemies, and loss of agricultural crops and
conveyances, will mark the antar dasa of Ketu in the dasa of Mercury.

59. Worship of gods, preceptors and Brahmins, involvement in charitable
and virtuous actions acquisition of clothes and ornaments and meetings with
friends, may be expected by the native in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of

60. Acqulstion of gold, corals, horses and elephants and house, comforts of
food and drinks and conferment of honour by the king are the likely expectations
in the antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of Mercury.

61. Effects like headache, severe pain in the neck, eye troubles, leprosy, ring
worm and danger to life, may be experienced in the antar dasa of the Moon in the
dasa of Mercury.

62. Danger from fire, eye troubles, danger from thieves, continuous
unhappiness, loss of position and trouble from windly diseases, will be the likely
effects in the antar dasa of Mars in the dasa of Mercury.

63. Headache, eye pain, stomach disorder, weakness caused by affliction
with consumption or other diseases, destruction of wealth, danger from fire, poison
and water and loss of honour or position may be expected by the native, in the
antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Mercury.

64. Destruction of enemies, freedom from diseases, success in gaining self
knowledge, honour from the king and great interest in penance and religious
activities, will be the likely effects in the antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of

65. Effects like heavy loss of wealth and righteousness, failure in all
ventures and diseases arising from wind and phlegm, will be experienced in the
antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Mercury.
Effects of antar dasas in the dasa of Ketu

66. Quarrels with enemies, misunderstanding with friends, hearing of bad
words, troubles from fever and heat, loss of wealth and taking shelter in another
man's abode may be expected in the antar dasa of Ketu in his own dasa.

67. Quarrel with a pious man of lore, misunderstanding with wife and
kinsmen, birth of a daughter, loss of reputation and humiliation and annoyance
from others will be the features of the antar dasa

68. Death of preceptor or an elder of the family, misunderstandings with
relatives, trouble from fever, fighting a rebellion for the king, disease caused by
phlegm and wind and gain from foreign trade, should be expected in the antar dasa
of the Sun in the dasa of Ketu.

69. Sudden gains or loss of wealth, separation from son, a laboured delivery
that engenders much sorrow, acquisition of servants and birth of daughter, will
happen during the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of Ketu.

70. Quarrels with members of family, loss of brothers and danger from
thieves, fire and enemies, will be effects in the Antar Das of Mars in the dasa of

71. Quarrels on account of enemies, danger from the king, fire and thieves,
hearing of harsh words from wicked persons and indulging in acts to cause harm to
others, will be the features of the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Ketu.

72. Birth of a very good son, worship of gods, acquisition of wealth and
land, receiving of gifts from many places and honour from the king, will be the
effects in the antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa Ketu.

73. Loss of servants, annoyance from or to others, quarrels with enemies,
loss of a limb, loss of position and wealth, should be expected in the antar dasa of
Saturn in the dasa of Ketu.

74. Birth of a good son, praise from employer, acquisition of land and
wealth, harassment by a chief of enemies and loss of cattle and agriculture, will be
the likely effects in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of Ketu.
Effects of the antar dasas in the dasa of Venus

75. There will be plentiful acquisition of clothes, ornaments, conveyance,
perfumes and the like, enjoyment of the couch, gain of wealth and splendour of the
body, in the antar dasa of Venus in his own dasa.

76. Suffering from diseases in the eye, stomach and cheeks, danger from the
king and troubles from elder members of the family, will be the likely effects in the
antar dasa of the Sun in the dasa of Venus.

77. Injury to nails, head and teeth, diseases arising from wind and bile, loss
of wealth, dysentry, consumption and enlargement of the spleen, will be the
characteristic features of the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of Venus.

78. Pollution of blood, diseases arising from excess of bile, acquisition and
accumulation of gold, copper, and land, dedication of a young woman, loss of
profession, are the likely effects in the antar dasa of Mars in the dasa of Venus.

79. Acquisition of wealth, birth of a son, speaking good words, reverence to
and from members of the family, overcoming the enemy and imprisonment of the
latter and injury from poison, fire and thieves, may be expected in the antar dasa of
Rahu in the dasa of Venus.

80. Performance of religious duties, worship of gods, association with wife
and children and enjoyments derivable from the position of authority, will be the
results in the antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa of Venus.

81. Honour from the citizens, military or police or from the king, acquisition
of a good wife, influx of many kinds of wealth and acquisition of items of comfort
and luxury, will mark the antar dasa of Saturn in the dasa of Venus.

82. There will be comfort from sons, acquisition of many kinds of properties
and wealth, name and feme, conferment of power and authority, destruction of
enemies, and suffering from diseases caused by the three humours, viz wind, bile
and phlegm, may be expected in the antar dasa of Mercury in the dasa of Venus.

83. Separation from children or loss of children, unhappiness, disease in
some limb, lot of suffering through fire, losses and association with prostitutes,
will be the main features in the Antar dasa of Ketu in the dasas of Venus.

84. Predictions about the results of dasa and Antar dasas described above,
should be made after taking into account the person's status class, occupation,
colour, outward appearance and his sense ot hearing.
What applies to dasa and antar dasa, should be applicable to pratyantar,
sookshma and prana dasa as well.

Thus ends the twenty first chapter on "Sub-Divisions of Dasas" in
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika -Chapter 22

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 22

Kalachakra dasa

1. (A) Three nakshatras from Aswini, viz. Aswini, Bharani and Krittika
comprise of 12 quarters. Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer are the four navamsa of
Aswini. Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio will be the four navamsa of Bharani.
Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces will be the four navamsas of Krittika. In
this order (Apasavya or Apradakhina order) divide the three nakshatras by the 12
(B) There will be 12 navamsa of three nakshatras from Rohini viz., Rohlni,
Mrigasira and Aridra counting them in reverse order from Scorpio i.e. Scorpio,
Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and
Sagittarius, divide them by the 12 navamsas. Scorpio will be the navamsa of the
first quarter of Rohini, Libra will be the navamsa of 2nd quarter of Rohini and so
on ultimately finding that in this order Sagittarius will be the navamsa of the fourth
quarter of Aridra. (This is known as Savya—reverse, Apradakhina or anticlockwise

2. These are the trends of nakshatras reckoned in their order (from Aswini)
to be distinguished as Apasavya and Savya. The years assigned to a planet
constitute the dasa period of the sign owned by that planet. This is the peculiarity
in the' Kalachakra system, say the wise.

3. The Sun's dasa period is 5 years (Leo is the sign owned by the Sun,
therefore dasa period of Leo will be 5 years). The dasa period of the Moon is 21
years (the dasa of Cancer owned by the Moon will be the same). The dasa of Mars
will be of 7 years (the dasa of Aries and Scorpio will be the same). The dasa of
Mercury will be 9 years (the dasa period of Gemini and Virgo owned by Mercury
will be the same). The dasa of Jupiter will be 10 years (the dasa of Sagittarius and
Pisces owned by Jupiter will be the same). The dasa of Venus will be of 16 years
(the dasa period of Taurus and Libra owned by Venus will be the same). The dasa
of Saturn will be of 4 years (the dasa period of Capricorn and Aquarius owned by
Saturn will be the same). The effects of kalachakra dasa are to be declared on the
basis of the sign whose dasa be in progress and its lord.

4. In this kalachakra system consisting of dasas. An tar dasas, etc., I shall
now expound the formula for the several nakshatra padas from Aswini onwards.
Every such formula consists of nine syllables indicating by their number (as per
katapayadi memories) the particular rasyapaharas composing the dasa of the
nakshatra pada under consideration and consequently by total life period
appertaining thereto by means of the years allotted to the several owners of the

5. For those born in the first pada of Aswini the following will be the 9 dasas
(1) Aries-Mars (2) Taurus-Venus (3) Gemini-Mercury (4) Cancer-Moon (5) Leo-
Sun, (6) Virgo-Mercury (7) Libra-Venus (8) Scorpio-Mars and (9) Sagittarius-
For those born in the 2nd pada of Aswini, the following will be the 9 dasas
(1) Capricorn-Saturn (2) Aquarius-Saturn (3) Pisces-Jupiter (4) Scorpio-Mars (5)
Libra-Venus (6) Virgo-Mercury (7) Cancer-Moon (8) Leo-Sun and (9) Gemini-
For those born in the third pada of Aswini, the 9 dasas will be as follows —
(1) Taurus-Venus (2) Aries-Mars (3) Pisces-Jupiter (4) Aquarius-Saturn (5)
Capricorn-Saturn (6) Sagittarius-Jupiter (7) Aries-Mars (8) Taurus-Venus and (9)
For those born in the 4th pada of Aswlni the 9 dasas will be as follow (1)
Cancer-Moon (2) Leo-Sun (3) Virgo-Mercury (4) Libra-Venus (5) Scorpio-Mars
(6) Sagittarius-Jupiter (7) Capricorn-Saturn (8) Aquarius-Saturn and (9) Pisces-
6. For those born in the first pada of Bharanl the 9 dasas will be as follow (1)
Scorpio-Mars (2) Libra-Venus (3) Virgo-Mercury (4) Cancer-Moon (5) Leo-Sun
(6) Gemini-Mercury (7) Taurus-Venus (8) Aries-Mars and (9) Pisces-Jupiter.
For those born in the 2nd pada of Bharani, the 9 dasas will be as follow (1)
Aquarius-Saturn (2) Capricorn-Saturn (3) Sagittarius-Jupiter (4) Aries-Mars (5)
Taurus-Venus (6) Gemini-Mercury (7) Cancer-Moon (8) Leo-Sun and (9) Virgo-
For those born in the 3rd pada of Bharani, the 9 dasas will be (1) Libra-
Venus (2) Scorpio-Mai's (3) Sagittarius-Jupiter (4) Capricorn-Saturn (5) Aquarius-
Saturn (6) Pisces-Jupiter (7) Scorpio-Mars (8) Libra-Venus and (9) Sagittarius-
For those born in 4th pada of Bharani the 9 dasas will be in the following
order (1) Cancer-Moon (2) Leo-Sun (3) Gemini-Mercury (4) Taurus-Venus (5)
Aries-Mars (6) Pisces-Jupiter (7) Aquarius-Saturn (8) Capricorn-Saturn and (9)

7. The formula for Aswini and Bharani are described above. The four
formulas given for the four padas of Aswini will also respectively apply to the four
padas of Krittika in the Apasavya pradakshina triad. Formulas for Rohini and
Mrigasira in the Savya triad are stafed in the next two verses and the four formulas
given for the four padas of Mrigasira should also be used again for the four padas
of Aridra.

8. For those born In the first pada of Rohini the 9 dasas will be in the
following order (1) Sagittarius-Jupiter (2) Capricorn-Saturn (3) Aquarius-Saturn
(4) Pisces-Jupiter (5) Aries-Mars (6) Taurus-Venus (7) Gemini-Mercury (8) Leo-
Sun (9) Cancer-Moon.
For the 2nd pada of Rohinl the order of 9 dasas will be as follows (1) Virgo-
Mercury (2) Libra-Venus (3) Scorpio-Mars (4) Pisces-Jupiter (5) Aquarius-Saturn
(6) Capricorn-Saturn (7) Sagittarius-Jupiter (8) Scorpio-Mars and (9) Libra-Venus.
For those born in the 3rd pada of Rohini, the order of the 9 dasas will be (1)
Virgo-Mercury (2) Leo-Sun (3) Cancer-Moon (4) Gemini-Mercury (5) Taurus-
Venus (6) Aries-Mars (7) Sagittarius-Jupiter (8) Capricorn-Saturn (9) Aquarius-
For those born in the 4th pada of Rohini, the order of the 9 dasas will be (1)
Pisces-Jupiter (2) Aries-Mars (3) Taurus-Venus (4) Gemini-Mercury (5) Leo-Sun
(6) Cancer-Moon (7) Virgo-Mercury (8) Libra-Venus (9) Scorpio-Mars.

9. For those born in the first pada of Mrigasira the order of the 9 dasas will
be (1) Pisces-Jupiter (2) Aquarius-Saturn (3) Capricorn-Saturn (4) Sagittarius-
Jupiter (5) Scorpio-Mars (6) Libra-Venus (7) Virgo-Mercury (8) Leo-Sun and (9)
For the 2nd pada of Mrigasira the 9 dasas will be as follow (1) Gemini-
Mercury (2) Taurus-Venus (3) Aries-Mars (4) Sagittarius-Jupiter (5) Capricorn-
Saturn (6) Aquarius-Saturn (7) Pisces-Jupiter (8) Aries-Mars and (9) Taurus-Venus.
For the 3rd pada of Mrigasira the 9 dasas will be in the following order—
(1) Gemini-Mercury (2) Leo-Sun (3) Cancer-Moon (4) Virgo-Mercury (5) Libra-
Venus (6) Scorpio-Mars (7) Pisces-Jupiter (8) Aquarius-Saturn (9) Capricorn-
For the 4th pada of Mrigasira the order of the 9 dasas will be as follow —
(1) Sagittarius-Jupiter (2) Scorpio-Mars (3) Libra-Venus (4) Virgo-Mercury (5)
Leo-Sun (6) Cancer-Moon (7) Gemini-Mercury (8) Taurus-Venus and (9) Aries-
Described an order of dasas for the 4 padas of Aswini, BHarani, Rohini and
Mrigasira, there are In all 27 nakshatras. For the remaining 23 nakshatras (each has
four padas) the order of their dasas will be the same as for the above four
nakshatras as explained below:—
(a) The order of the dasas of the four padas of Krittika. Punarvasu, Ashlesha,
Hasta, Swati, Moola, Uttarashada, Poorvabhadra and Revati will be the same as for
(b) The order of the dasas of the four padas of Pushyami, Chittra,
Poorvashada, Uttarabhadra will be the same as for Bharani.
(c) The order of the dasas of the four padas of Magha, Visakha and Sravana
will be the same as for Rohinl.
(d) The order of the dasas of the four padas of Aridra, Poorva-phalguni,
Uttaraphalguni, Anuradha, Jyestha, Dhanishta and Shatabhisha will be the same as
for Mrigasira.

10. The initial Mahadasha of a life belongs to the lord of the sign owning the
nakshatra pada occupied by the Moon at the time of birth, being so much of the
sign Mahadasha as corresponds to the Ghatlkas that yet remain of the nakshatra
pada and the order of Mahadashas follows the natural order of the nakshatra pada
reckoned from the aforesaid one. This is the opinion, say the sages, held by some
learneds in Astrology.

11. There are number of formulas each composed of a number of mnemonic
syllables, refering to the several nakshatra padas beginning with the first pada of
Aswini and giving signs in a certain order. It is with reference to the order of sign
in these formulas that the rasi Mahadashas of which a life is to consist should be
determined. The Vakyakrama, men of one school say, should be adhered to.
12. In the order of sign Vakyakrama, the function at the end of Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces give rise to (1) Manduka gati, (2) Aswa or Turaga gati and (3)
Simhavalokana respectively and the dasas of those intervals cause woeful effects.

13. The sub-period of any of the planets constituting a Mahadasha is thus
obtained. Find out the mnemonic syllable (out of the nine syllables) composing a
formula whose sub-period is wanted and find out the owner of the sign signified by
that syllable. Multiply the number of years assigned to this planet by the number of
years fixed for the planet whose Mahadasha is under consideration and divide the
product by the total of years constituting the entire Ayus of the formula chakra. The
quotient in years etc., will represent the sub-period required.

14. The total number of years indicated by the Sun of nine mnemonical
syllables of any formula represent the number In years of Parama Ayus for that
formula. Thus the Parama Ayus in years for the 12 Rasiamsas reckoned from Aries
in an Apasavya Chakra will be 100, 85, 83, 86 repeated thrice while those for the
12 Rasiamsas reckoned from Scorpio in a Savya Chakra will be the same but in the
reverse order, that is 86, 83, 85 and 100 repeated thrice.
Utpanna, Adhana and Kshema Mahadashas

15. Whatever effects have been declared by me in the case of several
Mahadashas (dasas), the same should be stated by wise astrologer in the cases of
these dasas also.

16. Which is the 5th nakshatra from the Janma nakshatra? The Mahadasha
coming from such counting is known as Utpanna Mahadasha. Count the 8th
nakshatra from the Janma nakshatra. The Mahadasha commencing from this
nakshatra is known as Adhana dasa. Similarly the dasa commencing from the 4th
nakshatra from the Janma nakshatra is known as Kshema dasa.
If all, these three dasas operate at the same time (year, month.etc.), that
period may cause the death of the native. The third dasa for the Alpayu class, the
5th dasa for the Madhyayu class and the 7th dasa for Deerghayu class are
considered as maraka dasas (death inflicting dasas).
Nisarga dasa

17. The years of dasa allotted in Naisargika dasa to the various planets are as
follows—The Moon 1 Year, Mars 2 Years, Mercury 9 years, Venus 20 years,
Jupiter 18 years, the Sun 20 years, Saturn 50 years. According to Yavanas the
Lagna dasa Is included in the 50 years of Saturn dasa. This is not accepted by
others. A well placed planet in a nativity produces favourable effects while the
effects of the one adversely placed will not be auspicious. The dasas play their part
in the order given here according to the natural strength of the planets concerned.
Amsa dasa

18. Convert the rasi, degree and minutes into minutes. Divide that by 2400.
The remainder indicates the Ayush kala. yielded by the planet. Divide these
Ayuskalas by 200. The quotient will represent the number of years. Multiply the
remainder by 12 and divide the product by 200. The quotient = months. The
remainder should be multiplied by 30 and the product should be divided by 200.
Quotient = days. This is the view of Satyacharya. If a planet is in his sign of
exaltation or retrograde the years, months and days yielded by him should be
trebled. If the planet be in his own navamsa, decanate or Vargottama the years,
months and days yielded by him should be doubled. If the planet be in his sign of
debilitation or eclipsed, the years, months and days yielded by him should be
reduced to half. But this procedure of reduction of the dasa period of eclipsed
planets does not apply to Venus and Saturn.

19. When malefic planets occupy the 6 houses counted backwards from the
12th, the whole, a half, a third, a fourth, a fifth and sixth respectively of their
Ayurdaya is lost. When benefic planets occupy such positions, the loss is half of
that incured in the case of malefic ones. When several planets are in a house, only
the strongest of them causes a reduction in Ayurdaya. All planets except Mars lose
a third of their Ayurdaya when in inimical houses. The number of years contributed
by the Lagna according to Satyacharya's view corresponds to the number of
navamsas that have risen. Even if the Lagna be strong or of medium strength, the
same rule holds.

20. The rule of Satyacharya is prefered (to that laid down by Maya or
Jeevasarman). But some make the process inconsistent and unwarantable by a
series of multiplications. The dictim of Acharyas (Satya and others) is the
(1) When several multiplications crop up, only one that is the niftiest, to be
gone through.
For instance when a planet is in his own house, and in his exaltation and in
retrograde motion, the Ayurdaya is not to be doubled first and then the result
trebled and the second result further trebled. According to the rule, the Ayurdaya
should be trebled once for all.
(2) Again, when there are several reductions applicable, only one, that the
greatest should be made.
For instance a planet may be in an inimical sign and may be eclipsed by the
Sun, it is enough if the reduction by half i.e. Astangata reduction be made.
(this verse is from Brihat Jataka Chapter 13).
Pindayur Dam

21. If the Sun and other planets are in their deep exaltation, the number
Pindayurdaya Year allotted them are as follows — The Sun 19, The Moon 25,
Mars 15, Mercury 12, Jupiter 15, Venus 21, and Saturn 20. All the reductions
should be gone through as before. When a malefic planet is posited in the lagna,
take only the degrees, minutes etc., indicating the lagna leaving out the signs.
Multiply the total ayus by this and divide by 300. The whole Ayurdaya should be
reduced by this result. If the lagna be aspected by a benefic, the period to be
reduced will be only half of the above result. So say those well versed in Ayurdaya

22. In the Pindayurdaya system when Amsa (lagna navamsa) is stronger the
lagna ayus (or lagna dasa) corresponds to the lagna navamsa. When lagna (sign) is
strong, the number of years for lagna corresponds to the number signified by the
sign etc., counted frorn Aries and not the lagna navamsa.

23. The years assigned to the several planets in verse 21 are to be adopted in
full when they are in exaltation. When a planet is in his point of debilitation, the
period assigned to him is reduced by half; when he occupies an intermediate
position, the reduction is to be proportionate, say the wise.

24. The Pindayurdaya system is advocated as the best by Manitha,
Chanakya, Maya and others. But Satyacharya has pronounced this method to be
faulty and Varahamihira has also made similar pronouncement.

25. Jeevasharma lays down in according with his own doctrine that the
maximum period of life given by each planet from the Sun onwards is 1/7th of the
maximum aggregate period (120 years and 5 days). In this Ayurdaya also all the
reductions are enjoined. The lagna Ayur should be calculated in the same way as in
the other system.

26. The full period of life in the case of men has been declared as 120 years
(12 x 10) by some. There are others who have stated that the full period will be the
time taken by Saturn to make 3 complete revoluation (in his orbit). There is a third
school according to which the full life period of man is the time taken by the Moon
for making 1000 revolutions. But we are of the opinion that the full period of man's
life in this kaliyuga is only 100 years as stated in the Vedas.

27. Of the lagna. the Sun and the Moon whichever is strongest will have his
dasa first. Then will come the dasa of the planet in kendra and other position.
When several occupy any one these positions the preference will be given to the
planet who predominates in strength. When they happen to be equal in strength,
that who gives longer period, in years of Ayurdaya will have his turn first. When
there is equality even in regard to the number of years of Ayurdaya of the planets,
that who rises first after being eclipsed by the Sun, gets his dasa prior to others.
If such planets should, however, chance to have equal strength, equal
Ayurdaya and equal rising after their conjunction with the Sun. then the planet
which is anterior in the general order of precedence among the significations
would rule the dasa in question, and this general order of procedure is usually
taken to the (1) the lagna, (2) the Sun. (3) the Moon, (4) Mars, (5) Mercury, (6)
Jupiter, (7) Venus and (8) Saturn.
And the strength of any planet for this purpose is obtained by multiplying
his position by the distance of the planet from his nearest Bhava-Sahdhi and
dividing the product by the distance between the Bhavamsa and one of its Sandhis.

28. Amsayurdaya is to be calculated upon the predominance in strength of
the lagna. Pindayurdaya upon the Sun's superiority in strength and
Naisargikayurdaya when the Moon's power is strongest. We shall now state what
should be done when the three (lagna, the Sun and the Moon) are of equal strength.

29. Add the three Ayurdays and divide the sum by 3. The quotient will be the
Ayurdaya required. If only two of them are strong, add the two Ayurdayas and take
half the result. When the three planets are all weak, adopt the method advocated by
Jeevasharma for finding out the Ayurdaya.

30. Kalachkra dasa system has to be resorted to only when the lord of the
navamsa occupied by the Moon is strong. The dasa calculation as per nakshatra
method is always considered as the best.

31. The full period of life in the case of man and elephant is given as 120
years and 5 days while in horses it is 32 years. It is 25 years in the case of asses
and camels and 24 for bulls and buffaloes. Twelve years are allotted for dogs and
16 years for sheep and like.

32. This Ayus span of life has been declared by wise men with respect to
only those who are engaged in the practice of various actions, who keep their
senses under control, who eat wholesome diet, who are devoted to the Vedic class
and the gods and who preserve the landmark of character and conduct peculiar to
their high family.
Notes — This chapter is based entirely on the translation of this chapter of
Phaladeepika by Shri V. Subrahmanya Sastri.
Thus ends the twenty second chapter on "Kalachakra Dasa etc" in
Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
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Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 23

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 23


The planets are always round the orbit influencing persons favourably and
unfavourably. These influences are known as transit effects. Generally the transit
effects are gauged from the sign in which the Moon is posited, for example, there
is inauspicions effect of the transit of Jupiter in the 4th house and 6th house from
the Moon while his transit to the 5th house from the Moon produces auspicious
In the consideration of transit effects the planet's natal position remains the
same. It is only when the transit effects are to be ascertained their present position
is taken into account. This information is available in Panchanga or Ephemeris. As
has been said ahove, it is usual to assess the transit effects of a planet from his
position from the Moon. The question arises as to whether Jupiter who gives evil
effects from his position from the Moon but if Jupiter is well placed from the other
planets in the natal chart, will he still produce the same evil effects. Take the
reverse of it. Suppose that Jupter in his transit is at an auspicious place from the
natal Moon but is not in auspicious position from the natal Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and the Lagna. Will the Jupiter be treated as auspicious?
The intention of mentioning all this is that there is a system under which the effects
of planets are ascertained by the position in transit not only from their position
from the Moon but also with reference to the Lagna and all other planets with
referense to their placement in the natal chart. This is called the Ashtakavarga
Ashtaka means eight. These eight are the Lagna and the seven planets. The
planet which is in an auspicious position from more of the eight viz., Lagna and
the seven planets, should be considered beneficial in his effects.

1. In order to ascertain the good and had effects by the several planets in
their transit through the signs of the Zodiac, the Ashtakavarga system has been
very highly spoken of the great sages and I now set forth the mode of
accomplishing it. Notes — The meaning of Ashtakavarga is literally the group of 8
things. In other words, it is the combination of the good and bad positions of a
planet with respect to the 7 planets and the Lagna (8 things). So is the combination
of benefic and malefic dots in a native's chart with reference to these 8 planets
(here Lagna is also treated as a planet).

2. In the ancient times the Rasi chakra etc., were drawn on the ground and
the places where dots are to be indicated were shown by placing beads but now we
use pen and paper and dots are marked at the places where beads are to be placed.
Although in the verses the word 'beads' has been used, we in own translation
replace 'beads' with 'dots' or bindus.
Draw a horoscope on a paper and place the all seven planets at their
appropriate positions. Suppose we have to prepare Ashtakavarga chakra of the
horoscopoe given below. Rahu and Ketu being shadowy planets have no place in
the Ashtakarvarga chart. First we will describe how the Sun's Ashtakavarga is
The Sun's Ashtakavarga
0 000 0000
000 0000
00000 0000 000

3. With reference to Ashtakavarga the Sun has been declared highly
auspicious in l-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 position from himself. Mark bindus in 3-2-4-7-8-9-
10-11 places. The Sun is auspicious in 3-6-10-11 positions from the Moon, in 1-1-
2-4-7-8-9-10-11 positions from Mars and Saturn, in 5-6-9-11 positions from
Jupiter, in 6-7-12 positions from Venus, in 6-9-10-11 and 12 positions from
Mercury and in 3-4-6-10-11-12 from the Lagna. The other positions may be treated
as inauspicious.
By marking bindu at the positions we will get the Sun's Ashtakavarga. The
total number of bindus is 48 detailed as under — From the Sun 8, from the Moon
4, from Mars 8, from Mercury 7, from Jupiter 4, from Venus 3, from Saturn 8, and
from the Lagna 6.
Moon's Ashtakavarga

4. The Moon is auspicious in 3-6-7-8-10-11 positions from the Sun, in l-3-6-
7-10-11 posiflons from herself, in 2-3-5-6-9-10-11 positions from Mars, in 3-4-5-
7-8-10-11 positions from. Mercury, in 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 Jupiter in 3-4-5-7-9-10-11
positions from Venus, in 3-5-6-11 positions from Saturn and in 3-6-10-11 positions
from the Lagna. The total of the number of auspicious bindus comes to 49 as
detailed below : -
From the Sun 6. form the Moon 6, from Mars 7, from Mercury 8, from
Jupiter 7, .from Venus 7, from Saturn 4 and from the Lagna 4.
0000 0000 00000 0000
L 00
000 0 000 000

5. Mars is benefice in 3-5-6-10-11 positions from the Sun, in 3-6-11
positions from the Moon, in 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 positions from himself, in 3-5-6-11
positions from Mercury, in 6-8-11-12 positions from Jupiter in 6-8-11-12 portions
from Jupiter, in 6-8-11-l2 posidonsfrom Venus, in 1-4-7-8-9-10-11 positions from
Saturn and in 1-3-6-10-11 positions from the Lagna.
Mars Ashtakavarga
00 0000 0000 000
00 00 0000 0000
The total number of benefic bindus received by Mars are 39 as detailed
below. From the Sun 5, from the Moon 3, from himself 7, from Mercury 4, from
Jupiter 4, from Venus 4, from Saturn 7, and from the Lagna 5.
Mercury's Ashtakavarga

6. Mercury is benefic in 5-6-9-11-12 places from the Sun, in 2-4-6-8-10-11
places from the Moon, in 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 places from Mars, in 1-3-5-6-7-10-11-
12 places from himself, in 6-8-11-12 places from Jupiter, in 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11
places from Venus, in 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 places from Saturn and in 1-2-4-6-8-10-
11 places from the Lagna.
The total number of benefic bindus received by Mercury is 54 detailed as
0000 0000 000
000 0000
00000 00000 0000 00000
From the Sun 5, from the Moon 6, from Mars 8, from himself 8, from
Jupiter 4, from Venus 8, from Saturn 8 and from the Lagna 7.

7. Jupiter is benefic in 1-2-3-4-7-8-9-10-11 places from the Sun, in 2-5-7-9-
11 places from the Moon, in 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 places from Mars, in 1-2-4-5-6-9-10-
11 places from Mercury, in 1-2-4-5-6-9-10-11 places from himself, in 2-5-6-9-10-
11 places from Venus, in 3-5-6-12 places from Saturn and in 1-2-4-5-6-7-9-10-11
places from the Lagna.
The total number of benefic bindus received by Jupiter is 56 as detailed
From the Sun 9, from the Moon 5, from Mars 7, from Mercury 8, from
himself 8. from Venus 6, from Saturn 4 and from the Lagna 9.
Jupiter's Ashtakavarga
000 00000 00000 0000
L 00
000 00000 00 0000

8. Venus is benefic is 8-11-12 places from the Sun, in 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11-12
places from the Moon, in 3-4-6-9-11-12 places from Mars, in 3-S-6-9-11 places
from Mercury, in 5-8-9-10-11 places from Jupiter, in 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10-11 places
from himself, in 3-4-5-8-9-10-11 places from Saturn and in -2-3-4-5-8-9-11 places
from the Lagna.
Thus the total number of benefic bindus received by Venus is 52 as detailed
Ashtakavarga of Venus
000 0000 000 000
000 0000 00000 0000
From the Sun 3, from the Moon 9, from Mars 6. from Mercury 5, from
Jupiter 5, from himself 9. from Saturn 7 and from the Lagna 8.
Saturn's Ashtakavarga
00 00 0000 000
000 L 00
000 0000 000

9. Saturn is benefic in 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 places from the Sun, in 3-6-11 places
from the Moon, in 3-5-6-10-11-12 places from Mars, in 6-8-9-10-11-12 places
from Mercury, in 5-6-11-12 places from Jupiter, in 6-11-12 places from Venus, in
3-5-6-11 places from himself and in 1-3-4-6-10-11 places from the Lagna.
Thus the total number of benefic bindus obtained by Saturn is 39 as detailed
below :
From the Sun 7, from the Moon 3, from Mars 6, from Mercury 6, from
Jupiter 4, from Venus 3, from himself 4 and from the Lagna 6.
Note - In the above Ashtakavargas where the benefic bindus have been
marked the planet will produce good effects while transiting the house concerned.
It will produce evil effects when transiting the houses without benefic Bindus. For
example, when Saturn in the course of his transit passes through 1-2-4-7-8-10-11
places from the Sun, he produces benefic effects. In the example horoscope, the
Sun is in Scorpio, therefore, from the Sun 1 Scorpio, 2 Sagittarius, 4 Aquarius, 7
Taurus, 8 Gemini. 10 Leo and 11 Virgo are favourable places for the transit of
Saturn. He will not produce benefic effects while transiting other places viz, Aries,
Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. The same should apply to the other planets
including the Lagna. The number of benefic bindus has also its significance.
The planet will produce full benefic effects while passing through the house
with 8 benefic blndus. He will produce adverse effects where there are no benefic
bindus. When there are four benefic blndus. In respect of four planets, the effects
will be benefic and in respect of the other four, the effects will be adverse (8th
include the Ascendant). In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn shown above, there are
seven benefic blndus In Leo. That sign proves adverse from Venus for the
transiting Saturn. It will be seen from the example birth chart that Venus is in
Scorpio and from him the benefic places for Saturn are 6-11-12. Leo is 10th from
Scorpio. It is on this account in the Saturn's Ashtakavarga he acquires 10 benefic
bindus, as these are benefic dots for the transiting Saturn from the Sun, the Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the Lagna. Quite good results will accrue
because of 7 bindus. The sign which contains only 1 benefic Bindu, the Saturn
while in transit to that sign will produce very adverse effects. Medium effects may
be expected in case of 4 benefic bindus. Increasingly good effects may be expected
when there are 4 or more benefic bindus and increasingly bad effects from signs

containing less than 4 bindus.

10. As explained in the notes above the planets produce good or bad effects
as the case may be, which ever may preponderate in the Ashtakavarga calculations
from the signs they occupy at the time of birth; but two things are to be kept in
mind - (a) If a planet in course of transit passes through his own sign, his sign of
exaltation, his friend's sign or an upachaya house, he causes reduction in the evil
effects and enhancement of the benefic effects.
Notes — For example in course of his transit a planet in his own sign, sign
of exaltation, friend's sign or upachaya house, which contains only 3 benefic
bindus the bad effects will be substantially neutralised. If there be 5 benefic bindus,
the auspicious results will be enhanced.
(b) If a planet in course of his transit passes through his sign of debilitation,
enemy's sign or Anupachaya, producing evil effects because of insufficient benefic
bindus, these effects will be enchanced by such a transit If there are adequate
number of benefic bindus or more expected to produce good effects, these good
effects will be reduced by such a transit.

11. When all the Ashtakavargas have been prepared it should have been seen
how many bindus the various signs contain. The native may suffer loss of his life if
the particular planet in course of his transit passes through with no bindu. The
effects according to the author in accordance with the number of bindus will be as
under :—
1. Bindu Destruction or loss
2. Bindus Expenditure
3. Bindus Fear
4. Bindus Accomplishment of the desired
5. Bindus Acquisition of a beautiful wife
6. Bindus Gain of wealth or property
7. Bindus Acquisition of a kingdom or high
government position.

12. The various signs occupied by the planets at the time of birth should be
treated as Lagnas and benefic bindus should be compounded in 8 ways due to the
countings by houses from the each of the seven planets and the Lagna and effects
should be assessed of the various houses counted from that planet on the basis of
bindus they contain.
Notes — For example in the Sun's Ashtakavarga, the Sun is in Scorpio.
According to the author this should be treated as the Lagna as shown below:
When the Sun in the course of his transit passes through a house containing
4 or more bindus, benefic effects may be expected. Thus when the Sun transits
Taurus which contains 7 bindus, excellent results will be produced in respect of
that house (which counted from the Sun will be the house of marriage conjugal life
etc.). There is only one bindu, in the house 5th from the Sun. The transit of the Sun
to that house will cause trouble in respect of children, stomach, disorders, mental
worry etc.
0 000 0000
000 0000
0000 L
00000 0000 000

13. This verse explains as to when a planet will reduce good or bad effects
of a house according to the number of bindus it contains.
Note the sign and navamsa occupied by a planet at birth. When the planet in
the course of his transit passes through so much distance in that house, he produces
the effects of that house good or bad as the case may be.
Note — For example in the example horoscope the longitude of Jupiter is 14
degrees. In the Jupiter's Ashtakavarga, Virgo centals 7 bindus. Jupiter in the course
of his transit to Virgo will produce good effects due from the number of bindus
when he has traversed 14 degrees in that sign.

14. After the preparation of the Ashtakavarga of any planet, it should be seen
which house contains the highest number of bindus and what house it is from the
house occupied by the karaka planet which is to be treated as the Lagna or the first
house. When a planet — malefic or benefic in the course of his transit passes
through that house, he enchances its good effects. The reverse will be the case
when the planet in the course of his transit passes through a house containing few
or no benefic bindus.

15. When a number of planets in course of their transits pass through a
house containing a good number of benefic bindus in the Ashtakavarga of a planet,
they produce substantially good results of the house, the countig being reckoned
from the house occupied by the karaka planet whose Ashtakavarga is under
consideration. The previous verse gives the time of position of benefic bindus in a
house. We give below the Prastar Ashtakavarga of Saturn
Ashatakavarga chakra of Saturn
Saturn 0 0 0 0
Jupiter 0 0 0 0
Mars 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venus 0 0 0 0
Mercury 0 0 0 0 0 0
Moon 0 0 0
Lagna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 4 3 1 7 6 4 3 1 3 3 2
Saturn remains In a sign for 2 1/2 years. When will he produce his good or
bad effects. One way to find out this has been given in verse.

16-19. To ascertain the same draw a table of 96 squares and suppose we
have to find out the effects of Saturn's transit, prepare a table for Saturn as given
above. It has been stated that in preparing Saturn's Ashtakavarga benefic bindus
will fall in 1-2-4-7-10-11 house from the Sun. The Sun is in Scorpio, so from
Scorpio the 1-2-4-7-10-11 houses will fall in Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus,
Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Put benefic bindus in these places. Similar benefic bindus
should be placed. Saturn Ashtakavarga has to be prepared in this manner.
Divide sign into 8 divisions. Each division will be of 3 degrees and 45
minutes. Whatever be the sign the first division belongs to Saturn. Thus Saturn is
the lord of the first division of 3 degrees and 45 minutes. The 2nd, 3nd, 4th, 5th,
6th 7th and 8th divisions are owned by Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the
Moon and the Lagna. This is why in the above Saturn's Ashtakavarga the order of
planets in the table is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon
and the Lagna. It will be seen that in Leo there are benefic bindus of Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Mercury and the Lagna. When Saturn in the course of his
transit passes through these divisions, benefic effects will be produced. There will
be adverse effects when Saturn passes through the division of Venus because his
division is deviod of benefic bindus
This is the sense of the verses 16-19.

20. The Sarvashtakavarga containing the results of Ashtakavargas of all the
planets is prepared by putting in each sign the sum total of all the figures in the
seven Ashtakavargas. If a sign contains figures exceeding 28, the results of the
transit in that sign will be auspicious. If the number of figures be less than 28, it
should be understood that effects of transit of planets in the sign will produce
danger or sorrow, the intensity of diversity being in proportion in the number.
Notes — We would better clarify this how the sarvashtakavarga is prepared.
In accordance with the example the Ashtakavargas of the Seven planets, show the
benefic bindus as under:—
1 3 7 4
The Sun's
4 4 3
4 5 4
The Moon's
6 L
3 1 6
2 4 4 3
2 2 4 4
4 4 5 4
L 5
5 5 4 6
3 5 5 4
6 5 2 7
3 4 3 6
3 4 5 4
2 2 4 3
1 3 4 6
19 26 33 28
24 25 26 36
21. There are two principles laid down in this verse —
(1) If in the auspicious houses reckoned from the Moon, there be more than
28 benefic dots, such houses flourish, the houses are harmed if the benefic dots be
less than 28.
(2) Note which houses reckoned from the Moon are occupied by benefic
planets. If there be more than 28 benefic dots in such houses, their effects get
promoted. The effects of the houses will cause damage if the benefic dots be less
than 28.

22. The Ashtakavarga figures are to be computed according to rules
prescribed in this chapter with respect to the positions of planets (existing) at the
time of birth of any person, is that particular rasi, month, hour etc. signified by the
sign containing the greatest number of benefic dots, one ought to get performed
anything auspicious when the planets concerned transit those houses.

23. The effects of the house will be promoted even if it be occupied by a
malefic if such a planet be in his own house. If a planet be in his sign of
debilitation or in his enemy's house, the house occupied by him will be damaged.

24. If a benefic planet happens to own a dusthana (6th, 8th, 12th) will
destroy the house occupied by him even if he may be occupying his sign of
exaltation. A malefic in exaltation will do good to the house occupied by him if he
happens to own good houses.

Thus ends the twenty third chapter on "Ashtakavarga" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 24

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 24

Effects of Ashtakavarga according to Horasara

Note — Horasara is a recognised work on Hindu Astrology written by
Prithuyasas, son of Varahamlhira. Its English translation done by Mr. R.
Santhanam has been published by Ranjan Publications, the Publishers of this book.

1. The 9th sign reckoned from the sign occupied by the Sun is called the
house of lather. Multiply the benefic bindus in that house by the figure denoting
the Sodhyapinda
Note — After the trikona and ekadhipatya reductions have been made in any
Ashtaka Varga, the sum-total of all the remaining figures is called the sodhyapinda
in that Ashtakavarga (vide verse 3 infra).

2. The figure so arrived at should be divided by 27. When Saturn passes
through the nakshatra represented by treat figure, in course of his transit,
something untoward will happen to the father of the native.

3. Or when Saturn in the course of his transit passes through the nakshatra in
trine to the nakshatra aforesaid, the death of the father or a similar elderly relation
may be expected. The sum-total of the figures remaining after the 2 reductions is
known a sodhyapinda.

4. The death of the father takes place in the dasa of the lord of the navamsa
in which the lord of the 4th house is posited. The same may happen to the father or
a similar elderly relative of the native in the dasa of the lord of the 4th house.

5-6. Add 8 to the sodhyapinda of the Sun's Ashtakavarga and divide the
figure so arrived at by 12. When the Sun passes in the course of his transit through
the sign represented by the remainder (counted from Aries) or its triangular sign,
the death of the father may be expected. A wise man should thus fix up with the
helptof all the other planets the demise in other cases.

7. Multiply the number of benefic bindus in the sign 4th from the Moon. In
the Ashtakavarga of the Moon, by the figure of the sodhyapinda in the
Ashtakavarga of the Moon. Divide the product by 27. When Saturn in the course of
his transit passes through the nakshatra represented by the remainder (counted
from Aswini) or its triangular nakshatra, the death of the mother may be expected.

8. Note the position in navamsas of the lords of the 4th and the 8th houses
from the Moon. The death of the mother of the native takes place, when the Sun in
the course of his transit passes through a position triangular to those, the death of
the mother may be expected.
Note the position of the navamsas of the lord of the 4th and the 8th houses
from the Lagna. The death of the father takes place when the Sun in the course of
his transit passes through a position triangular to these navamsa signs.

9. In the Ashtakavarga of Mars, note the number of benefic bindus in the
sign 3rd to the sign occupied by Mars. The native will have the same number of
In the Ashtakavarga of Mercury, note the number of benefic bindus in the
house 4th to that occupied by Mercury. The native will have the same number of
relations or maternal uncles.

10. In the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter, the number of children will be the same
as the number of benefic bindus in the house 5th to that occupied by Jupiter. From
that number take away as many benefic bindus of planets as are occupying
inimical or depression houses. The remainder will represent the number of children
the native may expect.

11. In the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter add up all the benefic bindus remaining
after the trikona and ekadhipatya sodhana and from this sum deduct the number of
bindus in the malefic signs. The number of the children the native will have will be
represented by the remainder.

12. In the Ashtakavarga of Venus note the sign containing the largest number
of benefic bindus. If the wile of the native be born in the direction of the quarter
indicated by that sign, increase of progeny through her is assumed. If the number
of benefic bindus be meagre, wealth or progeny through her will be poor.

13. In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn, multiply the sodhyapinda figure by the
number of benefic bindus In the house 8th from the Lagna and divide the product
by 27. The death of the native may be expected when Jupiter or Saturn In the
course of his transit passes through the nakshatra (counted from Aswini) indicated
by the remainder.

14. In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn add up the number of benefic bindus in
the houses from the Lagna to that occupied by Saturn both Inclusive. In the same
way add up the benefic bindus in the houses from Saturn to the Lagna both
Inclusive. The years indicated by these figures will bring distress, danger or
disaster to the native.

15. The figure Indicating the sodhyapinda In the Ashtakavarga of Saturn be
multiplied by the figure indicated by the number of benefic bindus in the 8th house
form the Lagna. Divide the product by 27. The figure so arrived at will indicate
total number of years of the longevity of the native. The time of death may be
determined according to principles already described (see verse 13).
Tiikona sodhana

16-17. Note — Now we come to the method of working out trikona
sodhana. This, is an important part of the ashtakavarga scheme. Before we come to
what Shri Mantreshwara has said about it, we will acquaint the readers with some
points which will facilitate the clear understanding of the trikona sodhana.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are triangular signs: The other triangular signs are
Aries, Virgo and Capricorn; Gemini. Libra and Aquarius and Cancer, Scorpio and
We have already described how the Ashtakavarga is prepared there are seven
Ashtakavargas viz., those of the Sun, the Moon, Mars. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
Trikona sodhana (rectification) is carried out in all the seven Ashtakavargas. For
example, if we have to carry out trikona sodhana of the Sun's Ashtakavarga, we
should note the number of benefic bindus in all the three triangular signs — Aries,
Leo and Sagittarius.
There are 3 benefic bindus in Aries, 5 in Leo and 4 in Sagittarius.
There is great difference of opinion amongst the ancient learneds about the
method of trikona sodhana. They are given below:
(1) The first view is that amongst the three signs deduct the figure of least
number of bindus in a sign from the figures of bindus of the other two signs. In the
Sun's Ashtakavarga Aries has 3 bindus, Leo 5 and Sagittarius 4. Amongst these
three signs Aries has the least number of bindus. Deduct this from the figures of
Leo's bindus viz., 5 i.e. 5-3=2. Similarly deduct 3 from 4 the figure of bindus of
Sagittarius, that is 4-3=1. In Aries there will be 3-3=0
Similarly in the next set of triangular signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn,
Taurus has 7 bindus, Virgo 3 and Capricorn 3. Virgo and Capricorn has the least
number of bindus. Thus as result of trikona sodhana Taurus will have 7-3=4
bindus, Virgo 3-3=0 bindus and Capricorn 3-3=0 bindus.
As regards Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Gemini has 4, Libra 4 and Aquarius
6 in the Sun's Ashtakavarga. Gemini and Libra have the least number of bindus.
Therefore as a result of trikona sodhana Aquarius will have 5-4=1, Libra 4-4=0 and
Gemini 4-4 = 0 bindus.
Sun 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 5 1 48
Moon 4 5 4 4 6 6 3 1 3 6 3 4 49
Mars 4 4 3 2 5 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 39
Mercury 4 5 4 4 5 6 4 5 5 4 4 4 54
Jupiter 5 5 4 4 7 7 2 5 6 5 3 3 56
Venus 4 3 6 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 6 3 52
Saturn 2 4 3 1 7 6 4 3 1 3 3 2 39
Total 26 33 28 24 40 36 26 25 24 29 27 19 337
In the fourth set of triangular signs in the the Sun's Ashtakavarga, Cancer has
4, Scorpio 5 and Pisces 1. Pisces has the Least number of bindus. Therefore as a
result of trikona sodhana. Cancer will be 4-1=3, Scorpio 5-1=4 and Pisces 1-1=0
Thus the following principles are to be observed in trikona sodhana:—
(a) Of the three triangular signs, the figure of the sign having the least
number of bindus, has to be deducted from the figures of all the signs and the
remainder will represent the final rectified figure of the signs.
(b) No change is necessary in the figures of the other signs if one of the
signs has 0 bindus.
(e) If the figures of all the three signs are the same, then that figure should
be deducted from the feaures of all the seris, that result having been that all the
signs will have Zero as remainders.
Above view is that of Parasara. Now we give another view in regard to
trikona sodhana.
Suppose we have to do trikona sodhana in the Sun's Ashtakavarga. Aries has
3 bindus, Leo 5 and Sagittarius 4. The smallest figure is 3. Therefore according to
this view the figures of all the three signs should be adopted as 3.
Taurus has 7 bindus, Virgo 3 and Capricorn 3. 3 being the smallest figure,
this may be adopted for all the three signs.
In the Sun's Ashtakavarga, Gemini has 4, Libra 4 and Aquarius 5. 4 should
be adopted for all these three signs.
Cancer has 4, Scorpio 5 and Pisces 1 bindus. Here the figure 1 should be
adopted for all the three signs.
The above is the view of Shri Balabhadra as given in his book Hora Ratna.
Now we give the view of Shri Mantreshwara as laid down in verses 16-17.
(1) Of the three signs in a trikona group, find which sign contains the least
number of benefic bindus. The figures in the other two sings should be reduced to
that extent. If there be no bindus in any sign, no such reduction will be necessary in
the other two signs of the triangular group.
(2) If there be no bindus in two of the signs of a group, remove the figures in
the third. When all the three signs of a group have the same number of bindus,
remove all.
Notes — Here it will be relevant to quote the views of Jataka Parijat also (1)
In the Ashtakavarga of any one of the Sun and other planets take the signs by the
triangular groups (i) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, (ii) Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (iii)
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and (iv) (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; and examine the
benefic bindus in the 3 signs composing any group. If in any one sign of a group,
the number of benefic bindus be less than that in each of the remaining two, or
equal to that in each of the other two or be zero, the same will have to be
substracted from the number of benefic bindus in each of the three signs of the
group chosen.
(2) If a sign in a triangular group has the least number of bindus, the other
two signs must have their benefic bindus altered into this least number. If a sign
has no benefic bindus, the remaining signs of the same group will keep their
figures unaltered. If all the signs of a triangular group have the same number of
benefic bindus they must all be removed (i.e., replaced by zero).
Ekadhipatya Sodhana

18. Ekadhipatya sodhana should be undertaken after carrying out the trikona
sodhana. When both the houses owned by a planet contain benefic bindus, then
only this rectification would be called for.

19. Of the two signs having a common lord, if one alone be occupied and
contain a less number of benefic bindus than the number in the other, the figure in
the latter is to be made equal to the former.

20. If one of the two signs owned by the same planet be occupied and has
more benefic bindus than the other, remove the figure in the latter. If two signs
only one of which is occupied, contain the same number of benefic bindus, the
figure in the unoccupied sign should be removed.

21. If both the signs owned by a planet be unoccupied and have the same
number of benefic bindus, the figures of both should be removed. If both the signs
owned by a planet, be occupied by planets, no rectification will be necessary.

22. No rectification is called for if one of the two signs (whether occupied or
unoccupied), contain no benefic dots. If both the signs be unoccupied and have an
unequal number of benefic bindus the greater figure is to be replaced by the lesser

23. The net figure after the two rectifications in the several signs are
required to be multiplied each into its sign factors (Rasi mana). The net figures in
the signs that are associated with the Sun and other planets are to be multiplied by
the appropriate planetary factors (or Grahamana).
The multipliers of the signs and planets 25. The multipliers of the various
signs are as under
Aries 7 Libra 7
Taurus 10 Scorpio 8
Gemini 8 Sagittarius 9
Cancer 4 Capricorn 5
Leo 10 Aquarius 11
Virgo 5 Pisces 12
These are called sign or rasi multipliers. The multipliers in respect of the
planets are different.

26. The multipliers of the various planets are as under:
Sun 5 Jupiter 10
Moon 5 Venus 7
Mars 8 Saturn 5
Mercury 5
The multiplication by the planet or Graha factors should be effected
separately and should be treated as distinct from the sign or rasi. Multiplication.

27. After multiplying and then adding the two products, the total should
again be multiplied by 7 and divided by 27. The quotient obtained will be the Ayus
(span of life) in years contributed by that planet.

28. The remainder multiplied by 12 and divided by 27 will indicate the
months. The remaindec after this operation should be multiplied by 30 and divided
by 27 to get the days and to get the Ghatikas etc., 27 years constitute a mandala
Some reductions have to be made further.

29-30. The period contributed by a planet has to be reduced as follows:
(1) By half if the planet is in conjuction with another planet.
(2) By half if the planet is in his sign of debilitation or combust.
(3) By one third if the planet occupies an inimical sign
(4) By one third if the planet occupies house in the visible half of the
(5) By one third if a planet gets defeated in planetary war or occupies a
position within the Pata range of the Sun and the Moon.

31-32. When several reductions have to be made in the case of a single
planet, only one and that the greatest should be made. All the figures should then
be added up and the sum total should be multiplied by 324.
The product should then be divided by 365. The quotient will be the correct
rectified Ayus contributed severally by the planets and may be shown in years,
months, days etc., and will be their dasa periods.

33. The dasa periods of each of the serveral planets should be calculated in
this manner. According to the author the method of calculating the dasa periods by
the Ashtakavarga process is the best of all.

34-35. In the sarvashtakavarga the figures indicating the number of benefic
Hindus in the 12 houses reckoned from —
(1) The Sun are 3,3,3,3,2,3,4,5,3,5,7,2 = 43
(2) The Moon 2,3,5,2,2,5,2,2,2,3,7,1 = 36
(3) Mars 4,5,3,5,2,3,4,4,4,6,7.2 = 49
(4) Mercury 3,1,5,2,6,6,1.2,5,5,7,3 = 46
(5) Jupiter 2.2,1,2,3,4,2,4,2,4,7,3 = 36
(6) Venus 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,2,3,4,3,4,3,6,3 = 40
(7) Saturn 3,2,4.4,4,3,3,4,4,4,6,1 = 42
(8) Lagna 5,3,5,5,2.6,1,2,2,6,7,1 = 45
Total Sarvashtakavarga figure = 537

36. The Ashtakavarga system considered as the most effective for all
undertakings. There is no other way to determine the good or bad result of any of
the event at any time.

37. The signs which have 30 or more benefic bindus always prove benefic.
The effect will be medium or benefic for bindus between 25 and 30. The houses
containing less than 25 will cause misery.
number of bindus in the 10th house and the figure in the 12th less than that of the
11th, and the figure in the lagna more than that of the 12th.

39. In whichever houses from the lagna to the 12th house the number of
benefic bindus are more, good results may be expected in the course of the transits,
when the number is less, only adverse effects will come to pass.

40. The principle laid down in the previous verse is applicable only to
houses other than the 6th, the 8th and the 12th. All auspicious functions and
ceremonies should be performed during the transits through the signs which
contain greater number of benefic bindus

41-42 The figures in the houses reckoned from the Lagna to Saturn, both
inclusive, should be added up and the figure so arrived at, be multiplied by 7 and
the product be divided by 27.
The native will suffer from some calamity or disease in the year signified by
the quotient. The same process may be adopted in regard to the houses reckoned
from Saturn to the Lagna. This principle would also apply to Mars and Rahu and
the years worked out by the method indicated above will bring adverse events for
the native.

43. The year indicated by the figure obtained by (1) adding the number of
benefic bindus in the houses occupied by benefic planets and (2) then multiplying
the same by 7 and (3) dividing the product by 27, will be the year when auspicious
events will take place, such as, acquiring of issues, wealth and happiness.

44. In this verse the author concludes to say that in this chapter he has
described the effects due to Ashtakavarga. The same have been treated in greater
detail in other works by the learneds in this divine science.
Notes—Readers are advised to refer to Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra and
Jataka Parijata published by Ranjan Publications.
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Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 25

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 25

Calculation of the positions of Gulika
and other Upagrahas and their effects

1. The author in this verse pays obeisance to all the upgrahas viz., (1) Mandi
(Gulika), (2) Yamakantaka. (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhooma, (6) Patha or
Vyatlpatl, (7) Parldhi, (8) Indra Dhanus and (9) Ketu or Upketu.

2. When the duration of the day is 30 ghatikas, the positions of Mandi or
Gulika on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of 26, 22, 18,
14, 10, 6, 2 ghatikasa (from Sunrise) during day time. These figures have to be
proportionately increased or diminished according to the duration of the day
chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. At night (from Sunset) the positions of
the lord of the seven muhurtas are counted not from the lord of the week day
chosen; but that of the 5th. The position of mandi at night will be different on the
week days viz., at the end of 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 respectively.

3. The position of Yamakantaka during day time on week days is at the end
of ghatikas 18, 14,10. 6, 2, 26 and 22; of Ardhapranara, at the end of Ghatikas 14,
10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18.

4. The position of Kala on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is
at the end of Ghatikas 2, 26. 22, 13, 14, 10 and 6, respectively during day time.
These figures have, as already stated for Mandi, to be proportionately changed and
their exact positions fixed as in the case of Lagna.

5. The position of Dhuma is ascertained by adding 4 signs, 13° and 20' to the
longitude of the Sun. The position of Vyatlpata will be found if the longitude of
Dhuma is substracted from 12 signs. The position of Paridhi (or Parivesha) can be
found by adding 6 signs to the figure of Vyatipata. The position of Indra Dhanus
(or Indra Chapti) is calculated by substracting longitude of Paridhi from 12 signs.
The position of Upaketu is to be found out by adding 16 degrees and 40 minutes to
the figure of Indra Dhanus. Upaketu increased by one sign wil give the longitude
of the Sun.
Notes — We will illustrate the above by giving an example:
(1) Sun add 7-26 +
(2) Subtract the figure
of Dhuma from 12
12-0-0 -
(3) Vyatipata + 6 signs 11-20-40
(4) Deduct Paridhi
from 12 signs
12-0-0 -
(5) Add 16°-40' to
India Dhanus
+ 16-40
Add 1 sign to
+ l-00-0
7-26-0 Sun

6. In the chapter on 'houses' the effects of these have already been described
in a collective manner. It is only the effects on the houses of those that have been
left out there, will be described here in detail.

7. Nevertheless, some special effects of Gulika (Mandi) and other Upagrahas
which have been described by the ancient learneds, are enumerated here iri brief.

8. If Gulika be in the Lagna, the native will be a thief, cruel and devoid of
politeness. He will not be very fat. He will have defects in his eyes. He will have
few issues and little intelligence. He will not take interest in the study of Vedas and
Shastras. He will eat much but will be unhappy . He does not live long. He will be
of angry temperament, stupid and a coward. He will be lustful and deprived.

9. If Gulika be in the 2nd house, the native will not have a pleasant manner
of speech. He will be quarrelsome and will ever remain short of wealth and grain.
He will mostly live away from his native place. He will not stick to his word and
will be incapable of discussing things in which the use of intellect is necessary.

10. If Gulika be in the 3rd house, the native will be greedy and voitable. He
will generally like to lead a lonely life. He will be very fond of liquors. He will get
little happiness from brothers and sisters.
He will be fearless and devoid of sorrow. He exhibits ostentation in the
acquistion of wealth.

11. If Gulika be In the 4th house, the native will be without relations and
wealth. He is deprived of comforts of conveyances.
If Gulika be in the 5th house, the native will be badly disposed and fickle
minded. He will be short lived.
If Gulika be in the 6th house, the native takes interest in demonology. He
will be brave and will vanquish his enemies. He will be blessed with a son
possessing good qualities.

12. If Gulika be in the 7th house, the native will be quarrelsome and a public
enemy. He will be dull minded, some what of angry temperament and ungrateful.
He will have many wives.

13. If Gulika be in the 8th house, the native will be short statured.
He will have a deformed face and impaired eyes.
If Gulika be in the 9th house the native will be devoid of elderly relations or
preceptor and children.
If Gulika be in the 10th house, the native does not perform auspicious or
good deeds and will not be charitable.
If Gulika be in the 11th house, the native will be happy, powerful and
lustreful. He will also be blessed with children.

14. If Gulika be in the 12th house the native will have no liking for sexual
pleasures. He will be poor and incur heavy expenditure.
The Janma Lagna or Janma Rasi of the native will be a sign that is triangular
to that occupied by Gulika or the navamsa indentical with the one occupied by

15. If Gulika be associated with the Sun, The native will have a father who
will be the cause of the death of his father. If Gulika be with the Moon, the mother
of the native will be in distress. If Gulika be with Mars, the native will be separated
from his brothers. If Gulika be with Mercury, the native will become insane.

16. If Gulika be conjoined with Jupiter, the native will be a blasphemous
If Gulika be associated with Venus, the native will enjoy the company of low
class women.
If Gulika be with Saturn the native will be afflicted with leprosy and will be
short lived.

17. If Gulika be with Rahu, the native will suffer from a disease caused by
If Gulika be with Ketu the native will meet with a fine accident.
If Gulika's time on any week day be synchronous with the Tyajykala on the
that day, the person born then, though a king will become a begger.

18. The association of Gulika always causes evil effects. Wherever
Yamakantaka is associated good has to be expected.

19. White Gulika is very powerful in causing evil, Yamakantaka is powerful
in causing good. All the other upagrahas possess only half the power that Mandi
has in causing evil.

20. In producing effects Gulkia is similar to Saturn, Yamakantaka is like
Jupiter. Ardhaprahara acts like Mercury and Kala is like Rahu.

21. Kala's effects will be just like Rahu, while Gulika is likely to cause
death, Yamakantaka will produce beneficial results. Ardhaprahara's effects will be
good if it is posited in a house with many benefic bindus. Its effects will be bad if it
occupies an inauspicious house.

22. According to Parasara if the other houses along with their lords be
conjoined with Dhuma and other upagrahas, these houses will be destroyed.

23. Dhuma will always cause trouble from heat, danger from fire and mental
agony. Yamakantaka in the same position will cause danger from horned animals
or death through qudrupeds.

24. Paridhi or parvesh will create fear of water and the native will suffer
from watery diseases. He will suffer from imprisonment. Indrachapa or Indra
Dhanus will get the native hit by a stone and wounded by weapons. He will also
suffer humiliation.

25. Ketu or Upaketu will cause hit, a fall etc., and loss in the native's
business. He will also be in danger from thunder.
The effects described above will be denried during the dasa period of the
planet owning the house occupied by the upagraha.

26. The effects of Upaketu in the 12 houses from Lagna will respectively be
(1) short life, (2) ugliness, (3) valour, (4) unhappiness and distress, (5) loss of
issues, (6) disturbance of the mind caused by enemies, (7) decay of sexual power,
(8) loss of life by indulgence in sinful activities, (9) opposition to virtuous life, (10)
wanderings, (11) gains and (12) committing faults.

27. The five upagrahas Dhuma etc., traverse the sky are not visible. If at any
time they are visible any where they foreshadow evil to the world.

28. Some say that Dhuma resembles the shape of fume clouds, while others
have described it as a star having a tail. Vyatipata is like the fall of a meteor and
Parvesha or Paridhi is a halo or disc round the Sun or the Moon.

29. Indra Dhanus is the well known rainbow that is generally seen in the sky
during the advent of rain. Ketu is Dhumaketu causes calamity to the world.

30. If the lord of the house occupied by Gullka be endowed with strength
and occupies a kendra, a trikona, his own house or his sign of exaltation or a
friendly house, the native will enjoy extremely favourable results. He will own
chariots (good conveyances), elephants and horses, will be as beautiful as cupid,
will be held in great esteem, will be very famous and will rule the world.

Thus ends the twenty fifth chapter on "Upagrahas" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.
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Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 26

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 26

Effects of transits of the various planets and constellations

1. Among all the Lagnas, the Moon's Lagna (Chandra Lagna or the sign in
which the Moon is posited), is most important for assessing the effects of transits
(Gocharaphalam). It is, therefore, imperative to make predictions about effects of
the transits of planets through various signs from the sign occupied by the Moon.

2. The various planets give results while transiting the following places
counted from the Moon.
The Sun - the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th.
The Moon - the 1st, 3rd. 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th.
Mars - 3rd, 6th and 11th.
Mercury- 2nd. 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and llth.
Jupiter - 2nd, 5th, 7th. 9th and 11th.
Venus - 1st, 2nd. 3rd. 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th.
Saturn - 3rd, 6th and llth.
Rahu - 3rd. 6th. 10th and 11th.
Katu - 3rd. 6th, 10th and 11th.

3. In the course of his transit the Sun is auspicious in 11th, 3rd, 10th and 6th
if at that the corresponding Vedha place namely the 5th, 9th, 4th and 12th
respectively are not affected by the transit of any of the planets except Saturn.

4. The auspicious house for the Moon while in transit are the 1st, 3rd, 6th,
7th, 10th and 11th. The Vedha houses respectively are the 5th, 9th, 12th, 2nd, 4th
and 8th. In this case the effect will not be marked if Mercury should transit at that
time the corresponding Vedha place.

5. The auspicious houses for Mars while in transit are the 3rd, 6th and 11th,
and the corresponding Vedha houses are respectively the 12th, 9th and 5th. The
same applies to Saturn, but in this case the effect will not be marred if the Sun
should transit at the time of corresponding Vedha places.

6. The auspicious houses for Mercury while in transit are the 2nd, 4th, 6th,
8th, 10th and 11th. The corresponding Vedha houses are respectively the 5th, 3rd,
9th, 8th and 12th. In the case of Mercury the effect will not be marred if the Moon
should transit at the time the corresponding Vedha places.

7. During his transit in the 2nd, 11th, 9th, 5th and 7th Jupiter is good if the
corresponding Vedha places viz., the 12th, 8th, 10th, 4th and 3rd are without

8. During his transit in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th, and 11th, Venus will
produce auspicious effects if the corresponding Vedha places viz., the 8th, 7th, 1st,
10th, 9th, 5th, llth, 6th and 3rd respectively are without planets.

9-11. When the Sun transits through the sign occupied by the Moon
(Chandra Lagna) the native will suffer from fatigue and loss of wealth. He will
become short tempered and will be sick. He will perform journey which will tire
him. The effects of the Sun's transits through the other houses from the Moon will
be as follows :-
1st - wearisome journey, fatigue, diseases.
2nd - Loos of wealth, unhappiness, obstinacy andvictim of deceit by others.
3rd - Acquistion of a new position, gain of wealth, happiness, freedom from
diseases and destruction of enemies.
4th - Diseases, impediments to sexual enjoyments.
5th - Mental anguish, ill health, humiliation in all possible ways.
6th - Freedom from diseases, destruction of enemies, removal of sorrows
and anxieties.
7th - Wearisome jorneys, stomach disorders, trouble in the anus and
suffering humiliation.
8th - Fear, diseases, quarrels, royal displeasure, suffering from excessive
9th - Danger, humiliation, separation from close relations and mental
10th - Success in a great and important undertaking.
11th - New position, honour, wealth and freedom from diseases.
12th - Sorrow, toss of wealth, quarrels with friends and fever.

12. The Moon's transit through the various houses reckoned from the Moon
will yield the following effects:—
1st - Dawn of fortune
2nd - Loss of wealth
3rd - Success
4th - Fear
5th - Sorrow
6th - Freedom from diseases
7th - Happiness
8th - Unhappy and troublesome events.
9th - Sickness
10th - Fulfilment of ambitions
11th – Joy
12th - Expenditure.

13-16. The following effects will be realised from Mars' transit through the
various houses reckoned from the Moon:-
1st - Mental Depression, separation from relations and diseases caused by
impurity of blood, bile and heat.
2nd - Fear, exchange of hot words and loss, of wealth.
3rd - Success in all undertakings, acquistiorj of gold ornaments and,
happiness caused thereby.
4th - Loss of position, stomach disorders and sorrow through relations.
5th - Fever, unnecessary desires, mental agony through son, quarrel with
relations. .
6th - End of strife and withdrawal of enemies, freedom from diseases,
victory, gain of wealth and success in all undertakings.
7th - Misunderstanding with wife, eye diseases, stomach-ache and similar
8th - Fever, anaemia, loss of wealth and honour.
9th - Humiliation through of wealth, difficulty in walking due to weakness
and wastage in the several constituent elements of body.
10th - Misbehaviour, failure in efforts and exhaustion.
11th - Gain of wealth, freedom from diseases and increase in landed
12th - Loss of wealth, sickness caused by exessive heat.

17. The following effects will be realised by the passage fo Mercury through
the various houses reckoned from the Moon:-
1st - Loss of wealth
2nd - Gain of wealth
3rd - Fear from enemies
4th - Accrual of wealth
5th - Quarrel with wife and children
6th - Success
7th - Misunderstandings
8th - Gain of wealth and birth of children
9th - Destruction in undertakings
10th - Happiness all round
11th - Increase in prosperity
12th - Fear of humiliation.

18-20 The effects of the transit of Jupiter through the various houses
reckoned from the Moon will be as given below:-
1st - Departure Irom the native place, heavy expenditure and ill will towards
2nd - Acquisition of wealth, domestic happiness and influence over others.
3rd - Loss of position, separation from friends, obstacles in business and
4th - Sorrow through relations, humiliation and danger from quadrupeds.
5th - Birth of children, association with noble persons and royal favour.
6th - Trouble from enemies and cousins and diseases.
7th - Journey for an auspicious work, happiness with wife and acquisition of
8th -Tiresome journeys resulting in fatigue, unlucky, misery and loss of
9th - Prosperity all round.
10th - Danger to property, position and children.
11th - Birth of children, gain of new position and honour.
12th - Grief, fear caused through property.

21. The effects of the transit of Venus through the various houses reckoned
from the Moon be as follows: -
1st - Conferment of all kinds of enjoyments.
2nd - Gain of wealth.
3rd - Prosperity.
4th - Increase in happiness and friends.
5th - Birth of children.
6th - Accidents.
7th - Trouble to wife.
8th - Acqusition of wealth.
9th - Happiness.
10th - Quarrels.
11th - Safety.
12th - Acquisition of wealth.

22-23. Saturn in his passage through the various houses reckoned from the
Moon, will produce the following effects :—
1st - Diseases and performance of funeral rites.
2nd - Loss of wealth and children.
3rd - Gain of position or employment and acqusition of wealth and servants.
4th - Loss of wife, relations and wealth.
5th - Diminishing of wealth, loss of children and confusion of mind.
6th - Happiness all round.
7th - Suffering to wife and danger during journeys.
8th - Loss of children, cattle, friends and wealth, and suffering from
9th - Loss of wealth, obstacles to the performance of good deeds, death of an
elderly relative equal to father and perpetual sorrow.
10th - Indulgence in sinful actions, loss of honour and suffering from
11th - All kinds of happiness, gain of wealth and receipt of unique honour.
12th - Engagement in a business bringing no gains, loss of wealth through
enemies, and sickness to wife and son.

24. Rahu in the course of his passage through the various houses will cause
the following effects :—
1st - Sickness or death. 2nd - Loss of wealth. 3rd - Happiness. 4th - Sorrow.
5th - Financial loss. 6th – Happiness. 7th - Losses (of wealth). 8th - Danger to life.
9th - Losses (of wealth). 10th - Gains (of wealth). 11th - Happiness. 12th -
Note:—The author has not given the effects of the transit of Ketu. Probably
they will be the same as those of Rahu.

30. Mars and the Sun produce effects (during their transit) when they are in
the first 10 degrees or first decanate of a sign. Jupiter and Venus are effective in
middle position of a sign (2nd decanate) while the Moon and Saturn become alive
when in the last position. Mercury and Rahu produce effects throughout their
The transit of Nakshatras Saptashalaka

26. Draw seven lines horizontally (from West to East) and over them draw
seven lines vertically. The 28 extremities or points reckoned from the north-east
are to be ascribed to the 28 stars (including Abhijit) counted from Krittika (as
shown in the diagram below :—
If the star occupied by the Sun at the time happens to be the Vedha star to
the natal star, there will be apprehension of danger to life; if the Adhana Nakshatra
(19th from the Janma Nakshatra), there will be fear and anxiety; if to the
Kharmaksha (10th from the Janma Nakshatra). loss of wealth will take place,
should, however, the Sun in the above position be also associated with a malefic,
death alone has to be expected.

27. If any one of the three Nakshatras mentioned above be thus afflicted by
association of other malefics (other than the Sun) then death may occur; if with
benefics, there will be no danger to life. Every thing should be judged in the same

28. If the 19th, 10th, 3rd, 1st, 23rd, 5th or 7th (all reckoned from the Janma
Nakshatra) are afflicted by malefics during their transit, there will be danger to life.
If the planet be benefic, failure in undertaking will be the only result.
Notes — For Adhana, Karmaksha, Vainisika etc. see Jataka Parijata (p. 625)
published by Ranjan Publishers.

29. If the three Nakshatras viz, the 1st, the 10th and the 19th happen to
coincide with the Sun's entry into a new sign, or with the transit of any other
planets from one sign to another, or with an eclipse, planetary war, or a fall of
meteors or any other unexpected occurence, there will be likelihood of death of the
native or he will face some similar disaster.

30. The planets fail to assert their full effects in the course of their transit in
the following circumstances :—
(a) If a planet yielding adverse effects is aspected by a benefic, his evil
effects are cancelled.
(b) A benefic planet is deprived of his benefical effects if he is aspected by a
(c) A planet loses his capability to do good If he is aspected by an Inimical
planet or planets.

31. If a planet in the course of his transit Is placed in an evil house identical
with his own or exalted sign, does not yield adverse effects. If he be placed in an
auspicious house identical with his own sign or exalted sign, full beneficial results
may be expected from him.

32. Favourable planets if in the course of their transh are placed in their sign
of debilitation, or in an inimical or be eclipsed by the Sun's rays lose their power to
produce good effects. If the planets in the above circumstances get placed in an
evil house, they yield very adverse effects.

33. If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn happen to occupy, in the course of
their transit, the 1st, 8th or 10th house reckoned from the Moon sign, they cause
danger to the life of the native, fall from position and loss of wealth.

34. In the course of their transit, the Moon in the 8th, Mars in the 7th, Rahu
in the 9th, Mercury in the 4th, Jupiter in the 3rd, Venus in the 6th, Saturn in the 1st
and the Sun in the 5th, from the natal Moon, cause loss of honour and wealth, and
danger to life.
Planets and Limbs
In the following six verses, the author describes how the 27 nakshatras
reckoned from the Janma Nakshatra (birth star) are distributed among the various
parts of the body of the native during the course of the transit of each of the planets
from the Sun onwards. Their effects have also been mentioned.

35. The following table shows the distribution of the 27 nakshatras reckoned
from the Janma Nakshatra and the relative effects in the course of the transit of the
Distribution amongst births Effects
(a) 1st star - face destruction.
(b) 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th - head gain of wealth.
(c) 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th - chest success
(d) 10th, llth, 12th and 13th - right hand financial gain
(e) 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th -
two feet
loss of wealth
(f) 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd - left hand illness
(g) 24th and 25th - the two eyes gain of wealth
(h) 26th and 27th - the generative organs danger to life

36. The Moons's transit
Distribution amongst limbs Effects
(a) The 1st and 2nd - face great fear
(b) 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th - headd safety
(c) 7th, 8th - back victory over enemies
(d) 9th. 10th - two eyes gain of wealth
(e) llth 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th - chest peace of mind
(f) 16th, 17th. 18th - left hand quarrels
(g) 19th, 20th, 21st. 22nd. 23rd. 24th -
two feet
going to foreign place
(h) 25th. 26th. 27th - right hand acquisition of wealth

37-38. Mars' transit
Distribution amongst limbs Effects
(a) 1st and 2nd - face death
(b) 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th - two feet quarrels
(c) 9th, 10th, 11th - chest success
(d) 12rh, 13th, 14th, 15th - left hand poverty
(e) 16th. 17th – head gains
(f) 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st - face great fear
(g) 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th - right hand happiness
(h) 26th, 27th - two eyes going to a foreign
The transits of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
Distribution amongst limbs Effects
(a) 1st, 2nd, 3rd - head sorrow
(b) 4rd, 5th, 6th - face financial gain
(c) 7th. 8th. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
- two hands
(d) 13th. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th - belly influx of wealth
(e) 18th. 19th - generative organs loss of wealth
(f) 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th,
26th 27th two feet
honour and gain of

39-40. The transits of Saturn, Raha and Ketu
Distribution amongst Limbs Effects
(a) 1st - face grief
(b) 2nd, 3rd. 4th. 5th - right hand happiness
(c) 6th, 7th, 8th - right leg travel
(d) 9th, 10th, 11th - left leg loss of wealth
(e) 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th - left hand acquisition of wealth
(f) 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th - belly sexual
(g) 21st, 22nd, 23rd - head happiness
(h) 24th, 25th - eyes happiness
(i) 26th, 27th - back danger to life.
41. The planets who in the course ot their transits pass through signs
containing more benefic dots (Bindhus) in the Ashtakavarga, always produce good
effects, even when such signs happen to be the 6th, 8th or 12th. Effects of Latta
and Sarvatobhadra

42-44. In finding out the transit effects at any particular time-(a) The 12th
nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by the Sun,
(b) the 3rd nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Mars,
(c) the 6th nakshatra from the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter, and
(d) the 8th nakshatra from that occupied by Saturn, are called lattas.
(a) the 5th nakshatra from that occupied by Venus,
(b) the 7th from that occupied by Mercury,
(c) the 8th from that occupied by Rahu, and
(d) the 22nd from that occupied by the Moon
are called Prushtalatta or rear lattas. If when thus counting the Janma
Nakshatra happens to come as the Latta star, the native will suffer from illness and
mental anxiety.

45-46. During the Sun's Latta there will be financial loss in every venture.
There will be grief and unhappiness during the Latta of Rahu. There will be death
of the native, destruction of kinsmen and fear during the Latta of Jupiter. Quarrels
will take place during the Latta of Venus. Loss of position may be expected during
the Latta of Mercury. The native will suffer excessive financial loss during the
Latta of the Moon.

47. When two or more Lattas synchromise, the total effects will
proportionately increase in intensity being twice or thrice. Only evil effects may be
expected as the outcome of such combination.

48. The Vedhas pronounced as auspicious in the Sarvatobhadra Chakra bring
happiness while those declared as evil produce only misery. This should also be
taken into account while essessing the, transit effects of a planet.
Notes— Mantreshwara makes of the Lattas and Sarvatobhadra Chakra as
both having a bearing on the Vedhas.
The Lattas are of two kinds
(1) Forward or puro Lattas and (2) Rear or Prishta Lattas. The Lattas of the
Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn belong to the former clan. The rest belong to the
Thus, if the Sun should occupy at any time, say the nakshatra Moola, his
Latta nakshatra (which is the 12th from Moola) will be krittika. Suppose at that
time Venus occupies Sravana, his Latta nakshatra which is the 5th from Sravana
will be Jyestha, the counting in this case being made from Sravana in the reverse
order as Venus is a Prishta Latta.
Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Shri V. Subrahmania Sastri in his English translation of Phaladeepika has
given extracts from Horaratna on Sarvatobhadra Chakra which we take the liberty
of reproducing for the benefit of the readers.
"Draw ten lines verticalry and other ten lines cross wise over the same. You
will have 81 squares. Which in regular order the 16 vowels from onwards in the
corner squares commencing from the outer most corner in the North-East, thus
filling up in rotation the 4 corners of each of the 4 sets of squares. Fill up the 28
vacant squares of the outermost comer beginning from the North-East by the 28
asterism with krittika, so that each side will contain 7 asterism.
The 5 vacant squares of each side of the next row may be filled by a, ba, ka,
ha, da in the East, by ma, da, pa, ra, ta in the South, na, ya, ma, ja, kha in the West
and na, sa, ta, ca, la in the North. There now remain 12 squares, 3 on each side in
the next Inner row. These may be allotted to the 12 signs beginning with Vrishabha
in the East in regular order.
The 5 inner squares still remaining Vacant may be allotted to the 5 groups of
Tithy * Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Purna as shown in the chakra.
The seven week days may be entered in the squares thus : Tuesday and
Sunday in the square containing the Nanda group, Wednesday and Monday in the
Bhadra group; Thursday in the Jaya group; Friday in the Rikta and Saturday in the
Saturn, the Sun, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are malefics. The rest are benefic.
Mercury is malefic wher associated with malefics, so also is the waning Moon.
In whichever aslant a planet may be posited, three Vedhas arise from the
same by its aspect - one in the left, one in the first and on in the right.
In the two sides whether in the right or left, the Vedha may be with a star, a
consonant, a Rasi or Vowel and not with others. For, it has been clearly stated in
the Rajavijaya thus :
A planet posited in Krittika may have Vedha with the following viz., (1)
Bharani, (2) the Vowel (3) Vrishabna, (4) Nanda, (5) Bhadra. (6) Tula, (7) the
consonant (8) Visakha and Sravana.
Similarly a planet in Rohini will have Vedha with (1) the Vowel (2) Aswini,
(3) the consonant (4) Mithuna, (5) the Vowel (6) Kanya, (7) the consonant (8)
Swati and Abhijit.
In the same way a planet quartered in Mrigasira may have Vedha with (1)
Kataka (2) the consonant (3) Simha, (4) the consonant (5) Chittra, (6) Revati, (7)
the consonant (8) the Vowel (...) and (9) Uttarashada.
When a planet is retrograde in motion, the aspect is towards the right. It is
on the left when the motion is direct (swift). When it is mean one, it is towards the
front. This is with reierence to the five planets from Mars onwards.
In the case of Rahu and Ketu which are always retrograde the Vedha will be
on the right and in the case of the Sun and the Moon which move direct and have
no retrograde motion, the Vedha will be on the left.
Owing to there being no uniformity in motion among the other planets, three
kinds of vedhas have been mentioned. Malefics when retrograde will cause intense
evil if they are in Vedha position, while benefics will do immense good. Malefics
and benefics which in rapid motion partake of the nature of the planets they are
associated with, when the four asterism Ardra, Hasta Poorvashada and
Uttarabhadrapaha which occupy the four central position of the outer most border
are passed over (transitted) by a planet the following four triplets viz. (1) (...) (2)
(...) (3) (...) and (4) (...) are respectively hit (have Vedhas).
In the case of the pairs (1) (...) (2) (...) (3) (...) and (4) (...) if one letter of any
pair be hit (has Vedha), the other'should also be considered as hit. A Saumya Vedha
is one that is caused by a benefic.
If there be Vedha in one of the pairs if similar vowels, the other vowel of the
pair should also be considered as hit. The same should be made in the case of the
Anuswara and Visarga (vowels).
When a planet in transit is in the last or the first quarter of two asterisms
(forming the juncture) in any four comers of the square, there is Vedha of the four
vowels, (...) and Purna tithi in regular order commencing with that vowel
intervening at the particular juncture occupied by the planet, the effects arising
from these are: agitation or excitement from the first, fear from the second, loss
from the third and disease from the fourth and death for the fifth.
When the Vedha Is with an asterism, there is confusion, when with a letter,
loss, with a vowel, sickness, and a very great obstacle when with a Tithi or Rasi.
When there are five Vedhas simultaneously, the individual will not live. A
single Vedha will engender fear in battle, two vedhas, loss of money, three some
obstacle and four death.
Just as malefics produce evil and benefics eause good, benefics associated
with malefics produce only evil effects.
In the Sun's Vedha, there is misunderstanding, in that of Mars, loss of
wealth; that of Saturn trouble through sickness; in those of Rahu and Ketu,
obstacles. In the Moon's there will be mixed effects, in that of Venus, sexual
enjoyment; in that of Mercury, intelligence; in that of Jupiter, all round good effect.
When the planet causing Vedha is retrograde, the effect is two told: it is thrice
when he is in exaltation; when the motion is rapid (direct), the usual (natural)
effect; and when in depression, the effect is only half. Any Tithi, Rasi or Amsa or
Nakshatra hit by a malefic should be scrupulously avoided in all auspicious
undertakings; a marriage celebrated during a Vedha will not be happy; and any
journey undertaken will not prove prosperous; any treatment given to a patient will
not end in cure; and any business started will not be successful. If a Vedha caused
by a malefic should occur during the time of sickness, it will culminate in death if
the motion be retrograde. If the motion be direct, the sickness will soon subside. If
there be Vedha caused by a malefic in one's own week day (of birth), the person
will not have peace of mind and he will suffer from mental pain.
During the transit of the Sun in the three Rasis Vrishabha, Mithuna and
Kataka in the East (see chakra) the direction is considered as set while the
remaining three as existing (or visible).
The vowels (...) in the North-feast should be considered as belonging to the
East, the Vowels (...) in the South-East; to the South (...) to the West, (...) to the
In the particular direction in which the Sun is staying for three months, all
the asterism, Vowels, Rasis and Tithis in that direction should be deemed as set.
When an asterism is set and there is Vedha, sickness will be the result. When
a consonant is set, there is loss; when a Vowel is set, there is sorrow; when a Rasi
is set, there is obstacle; when a Tithi is set and there is Vedha, fear will arise. When
all the five are in the set direction and there is Vedha, death will surely result.
Towards the direction deemed as set journey, fight, discussion, fixing of a
new door or gate for a place and upper storeys should not be undertaken. Any other
similar auspicious action should not be done. Whoever has his initial letter situated
in the set direction should consider himself as destined unfortunate for the time.
People whose initial letters are in the set direction should if they desire
success, show a poetical contest, a fort, a battle (consisting of elephants, horses,
chariots, infantry, etc.), in that particular quarter.
In the case of an asterism situated in any of the other 'risen' direction, if there
should be a Vedha, there will be growth. If the Vedha be with a consonant, gain
will be the result; if with a Vowel, there will be happiness; if with a Rasi, there will
be success; if with a Tithi, there is lustre; if with all, a position is secured.
When there are Vedhas caused by malefics on both the right and left sides
with consonants, Tithis, Vowels, Rasis and asterisms at any time, the person
concerned will surely meet with his death.
When at the time of a malefic Vedha, there is a fateful upagraha (see next
three slokas of this note) synchromising, death is sure to happen to him either
through sickness or at battle.
The fifth star reckoned from the one occupied by the Sun is termed
Vidyumukha. The 8th is called Sula and the 14th Sannipata; the 18th is known as
Ketu and 21st is Ulka; the 23rd is known as Vajraka and 24th is termed Nirghata.
These eight are known as Upagrahas and are recorgnised as causing obstacles to all
undertakings when at the time planets transit their respective palces.
Ascertain if there is Vedha with any of the following asterisms; (1)
Janmabha, (2) Karma, (3) Adhana, (4) Vinasa, (5) Samudayika, (6) Sanghatika, (7)
Jati (8) Desa and (9) Abhisheka and predict good or bad effects according as the
Vedha producer by a benefic or a malefic as the case may be.
The star in which the Moon is at the time of birth of a person is known as
Janmabha or Janmarksha. The 10th therefrom is called karmabha or karmarksha.
The 19th is designed as Adhana, the 23rd is termed Vinasana or Vainsasika, the
18th star is styled Samudayika, the 16th asterism is known as Sanghatika, the 26th,
27th and 28th are known as Jati, Desa and Abhisheka respectively.
If the Janmarksha, the karmarksha and the Vinasarksha be each occupied by
malefic planets, death, sorrow, absence from one's place and quarrel with one's
relations will respectively resuk.
When there is gala in the Samudayika Nakshatra, evil or something
untoward will arise. There will be loss when the Vedha is in the Sanghatika
Nakshatra. Destruction of the family will be the effect when the Vedha is in Jati or
the 26th star from Janmarksha. In the 28th star, the Vedha will cause imprisonment.
When the occultation is by a malefic in the asterism known as Desa, the
person concerned will be expelled from his country. But Vedha in the above case
be by benefics, the result will be auspicious. Should the Vedhas with the Upagrahas
(see supra) also occur simultaneously, the result will be death and nothing short of
When at the time of a battle, caused by one, two, three, four or five malefics,
the corresponding effects will be fear, failure, killing (bloodshed) death and
ignominy respectively.
When the Moon happens to be in Vedha simultaneously with a Tithi or
Nakshatra, a Vowel, a Rasl and consonant on any day, that day will prove
auspicious or otherwise according as the planet causing the Vedha is benefic or
While the use of the Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the light it may throw on the
human cycle of life on the person concerned has fully been explained previously,
the technique and the pointers to such deductions (of results) have not had full
explanation to make the same handy and useful for easy reference. The same has
been explained below.
There are 1-2 letters (or sounds) belonging to the 28 asterisms at the rate of
one letter for each Nakshatra Pada. These are mentioned for ready reference.
Person whose name begins with any one of these letters have got a bearing on the
corresponding Nakshatra pada and judged accordingly.

49. If planets are adversely posited whether during their transit, Dasa,
Antardasa or Ashtakavarga, it will be necessary to propitiate them by performing
virtuous deeds, observing fasts, prayersprescribed for them, Japa, Shanti, making
gifts and doing appropriate adorations.

50. The planets are favourable to those who do not commit acts harmful or
injurious to others, who exercises self control and always follow the path and rules
of conduct laid down by Shastras and who are always observing religions

Thus ends the twenty sixth chapter on "Transits of Planets" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.
Posts: 2272
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 27

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 27

Yogas leading to ascetism

1. When the lord of the 10th house in association with four planets be
posited in a kendra or trikona, the native attains emancipation.
He will also attain emancipation if at the time of his birth, the end of a sign
be rising and the same by owned by a benefic and Jupiter occupies a kendra or

2. If at the time of birth of a person, four or more planets are posited in a
single house, he will become an ascetic of the order indicated by the strongest
amongst the planets. Some of the learneds are of the opinion that if the lord of the
10th house be one amongst those plaets, the person will take to the order of
ascetics signified by the lord of the 10th house.
Notes — According to Brihat Jataka if at birth four or more planets
possessed of strength occupy a single house, the person born will become a Sakya,
a Jeevika, a Bhikshu, a Vriddha or Guru, a Charakha, a Nigrantha or Vivasa, a
Vanyasana or vanaprastha, according as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, the Moon, Venus,
Saturn, or the Sun, is the strongest planet of the group. If the strongest planet in
question be conquered in planetary war by another planet or planets at the time of
birth, the person will relinquish that stage of ascetic life and revert to the previous
condition in life.
According to Jataka Parijata, Vanaprastha is a religious man engaged in the
practice of regorous and devout penance. A Vivasa is a naked ascetic dwelling in
hills and forests. A Bhikshu is an illustrious ascetic with a single staff for his
symbol engaged ever and anon in the contemplation of the truths of the sacred
scriptures. A Charaka is a religious mendicant wandering over many countries. A
Sakya is an ill-behaved ascetic of the Buddhist class. A Guru is a celebrated
teacher endowed with royal splendour. A Jeevaka is a garrulous and gluttonous

3. If the Moon be posited in the decanate of Saturn and be aspected by
Saturn and Mars, the native will turn into an ascetic. If the Moon be in the
Navamsa of Mars and be receiving the aspect of Saturn the person will take to the
order of ascetism signified by Mars.

4. If the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon at birth, be aspected only by
Saturn, the native will become an ascetic of the particular class indicated by the
Janmadeepa. The remarks made above apply here too.

5. The Sun will make the native a chief or lord amongst contemplative saints
or one who has taken to ascetism. The Moon will make the native an ascetic who is
travelling to various places of pilgrimge. Mars will cause the native to become an
ascetic of the Buddhist order and an expert in base spells. The influence of
Mercury will enable the native to become a medicant with no knowledge of the
various schools of philosophy. Jupiter will cause the native to become an ascetic of
high class possessing knowledge of Vedanta philosophy. Venus will cause to make
an ascetic who is a hypocrite, outcaste and public dancer. Saturn will produce an
ascetic who is an outcaste or a heretic.

6-7. The Moon is very strong in the Shukla Paksha or bright half of the
month. But if the Moon be weak (waning) and be aspected by the lord of the
Lagna, the native will become a miserable, distressed and wretched ascetic devoid
of wealth and company and one who will get his meals with difficulty.
If, however, in the above yoga, there may exist a Rajayoga, all the bad
effects will be removed and the native will become a lord of earth initiated into
ascetism and inclined virtuously, receiving respect and reverence from other kings.

8. If four planets including the lord of the 10th be posited in a kendra or
trlkona or three planets be quartered in an auspicious house, the native will seek
admission to the holy order and will become a successful ascetic.
If there be more benefic in amongst the planets mentioned above occupying
auspicious houses, the holy order will be one reverred by the great. If it be not so,
the holy order will not command reverence.

Thus ends the twenty seventh chapter on "Ascetic Yogas' in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.
Posts: 2272
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: Mantreswara's Phala Deepika - Chapter 28

Post by StarLore »

Chapter 28

Concluding Chapter

1-4. In these verses the author enumerates the number of chapters and the
subjects dealt with In them. This information has been given in full detail in the
Table of Contents.

5-6. In these verses the author pays obeisance to Goddess Sukun who
bestows on her devotees all that they desire. He says that he has been able to
complete this work by her grace. It has also been mentioned that Shri
Mantreshwara an astrologer and a Brahmin was born in Tirunveli - a district in the
south of present Tamil Nadu State for the enjoyment and benefit of other

Thus ends the twenty eighths chapter on "Upasamhara" in Phaladeepika
composed by Mantreswara.
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