♎︎ Libra - The Scales

Information about 12 signs of the zodiac
♈︎ Aries - ♉︎ Taurus - ♊︎ Gemini - ♋︎ Cancer - ♌︎ Leo - ♍︎ Virgo - ♎︎ Libra - ♏︎ Scorpio - ♐︎ Sagittarius - ♑︎ Capricorn - ♒︎ Aquarius - ♓︎ Pisces
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♎︎ Libra - The Scales

Post by StarLore »

♎︎ Libra - The Scales

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/libr ... -signs.php
Horoscope Zodiac Sign of Libra or Tula all about libra astrology
Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Libra or Tula is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a pair of Scales. The symbol of Libra is indicated by the setting Sun halfway below the horizon. This is becasue Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and its natural placement is in the west hence the setting Sun. In heavens it starts from 180 degrees and extends up to 209 degrees. The Sun stays in Libra from 17th October to 15th November as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 23rd September to 22nd October as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus it is cardinal, airy, masculine sign, governs kidneys and the seventh house of the horoscope. It characteristics are yearning for harmony, pleasure and partnership and the consciousness of balance. It symbolizes relationship with others, their goals and characteristics and our picture for others.

Libra people have natural charm, they are excellent and thoughtful hosts. Their homes reflect their love of harmony and are comfortable and attractive. Since they enjoy people so much, Librans have a difficult time being alone. Because of this, they need to share their life with someone. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to be "in love with love," because of their romantic and sentimental natures. Thus, they could easily rush into marriage without forethought and end up in a difficult relationship. They find it almost impossible to remain emotionally stable if there is discord around them. This leads to their wanting peace at any price, which allows others to take advantage of them. Indecisiveness is certainly one of the hardest problems for Librans to overcome. If they wait too long to make a decision, they may miss many excellent opportunities. Librans must guard against allowing others to sway them to their opinions. They are quite creative, which is reflected in their home and in their manner of dressing. They always try to look their best at all times. They are highly mental. This mental agility is usually not seen by others because of their easygoing, friendly appearance. They like to take charge in their own way. They may move with caution, but they steadily move towards their goal. When Librans want something, they know how to use subtle techniques to get it. Their intuition, diplomacy, and pleasing personality are valuable assets. Although they are even-tempered and calm, if they are pushed too far, they will surprise you with their sudden temper. They find it hard to accept that some people may not like them.

Libra like all other zodiac signs, contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are second half of the Chitra Nakshatra, entire Swati Nakshatra and two third of the Vishakha Nakshatra.

Libra House in Natal Chart indicates is where you need Balance, adjustment in nature's economy. You have to balance the scales. Past lifetimes are seeping through with their previous imbalances. Attend to the planting of the seeds of harmony, tranquility, and decision making.

Libra Facts
Duality: Masculine
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal or Movable
Ruling Planet: Venus (goddess of love)
Symbol: The Scales
Glyph: libra indian horoscopes
Part of the Body: Back & Kidneys
Exaltation sign of: Saturn
Debilitation Sign of: Sun
Determent Sign of: Mars
Lucky for Libra
Lucky Numbers: 6
Lucky Years: 15, 24, 33 & 42
Lucky Planets: Venus & Saturn
Lucky Gemstone (Vedic): Diamond
Lucky Gemstone: Sapphire & Opal
Lucky Metal: Copper
Lucky Color: Pale Blue & Lavender
Lucky Direction: West
strong>Lucky Perfume: Galbanum
Lucky God: Shakti or Durga

Traits for Libra
Positive traits of Libra: Balanced, Artistic, Charming, Courtesy, Hopefulness, Attractive, Diplomatic, Justice loving, Easy-going Sociable & Peaceable

Negative traits of Libra: Indecisive, Emotional fluctuation, Can't say no, Gullible, Changeable, Easily influenced & Flirtatious

Things Governed by Libra
Flowers: Rose, Cosmos, Hydrangea & Mint Daisies.

Trees: Almond, Cypress, Ash, Plum & Poplar.

Herbs: Cleavers, Thyme, Catmint, Feverfew, Bearberry, Burdock, Archangel & Pennyroyal

Animals: Dove, Swan, Snakes, Lizards & small Reptiles.

Countries: Burma, China, Tibet, Argentina, Japan, Egypt, Austria, Canada & South Pacific Islands.

Cities: Vienna, Zurich, Leeds, Copenhagen, Charleston, Lisbon, Antwerp, Frankfurt, Johannesburg & Nottingham.

Libra Sign Compatibility
Most Compatible: Gemini & Aquarius

Average Compatible: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo & Libra

Least Compatible: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces

Libra Health
Libra rules the kidneys. The elimination of poisonous waste is essential to life. Libra also rules the basal metabolism, specifically the acid-alkaline metabolism. When the body is unable to supply enough alkalinity, the result is nervousness without reason, insomnia, tenseness and the inability to relax, headaches and heartburn. If there are planets are afflicted in Libra it may create various diseases of the kidney, such as nephritis or Bright's disease, as well as skin ailments or diseases that are kidney related by renal retention.

Libra Career & Profession
All occupations related to Venus and seventh house but not related to finance, such as Judges, Lawyers, Diplomats, Artists, Actors and Entertainers. It also denotes all occupation related to Marriage, Love, Beauty, Art, Young Women and Girls. Women's Apparel Manufacturers and Dealers, Dressmakers, Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers, Social Secretaries, Art Museum Curators, House Painters, Engravers and Illustrators.

Libra Decans
If a person is born between 17th to 26th October, the Sun remains in the 1st Decan of Libra ruled by Venus. It suggests a courteous, affable, kind and affectionate disposition. The fate is mostly in the hands of others, as there is little ability to mould or alter circumstances. He is keen of observation, fond of company, and generally very artistic, refined and truly sympathetic.

If a person is born between 27th October to 5th November, the Sun remains in the 2nd Decan of Libra ruled by Saturn. It accentuates the sympathetic side of the native. The native may be take a keen delight in social intercourse, loving and appreciating all that pertains to the social side of life. Fate is affected by friends and associates.

If a person is born between 6th to 15th November, the Sun remains in the 3rd Decan of Libra ruled by Mercury. It weakens the influence of the sign as a whole, and tends to make life unfortunate. However, there is usually an influence which provides with natural ability to rise. If the native should succumb to restlessness and impatience it can work to his detriment. The native can improve his fate through education.

Libra in Friendship
A Libra friend may make you wait, but Libra is a great friend to have. They can charm the socks off even the stodgiest of people, and, as their friend, you will never be able to stay mad at them for very long. Libra hates being alone so expect your friend to be a bit demanding of your time and attention. Libra will be able to talk their way into the swankiest restaurants and hottest clubs. If you ever need anything, they know exactly who to call and the person on the other end will feel honored to help them out. Even if they do need to stand in front of their closet for hours, whatever they wear will be in perfect taste, and you can count on them to help you look just as great. Do not worry if your Libra buddy seems a little down at times. They will leap out of that soon enough, ready to take on another fun adventure.

Libra in Love
Those born under Libra sign love to talk and find agreement with a partner, as opposed to angrier alternatives. Romance, for these folks, can often be a sexy tug-of-war, with Libra letting someone get close, but not too close. Courtship, where Libra is concerned, is a beautiful affair, as this sign is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure. While Libras can appear cool, calm, even aloof to a lover, they are incredibly playful and romantic once they relax. A lover who plays fair is a must for Libra; if not, subtle manipulations, despite their best effort, may surface. In a relationship, Librans can alternate between being the dependent and dominant partner, based in part on what their sense of fair play tells them. The ideal Libra soul mate talks a great game and has the confidence and good looks to deliver the goods.

Libra as Child
The Libra child is pleasant, friendly, and charming. Unless they have a strong ascendant or moon sign, they come to rely on their parents or older brothers and sisters for decisions. They have to be encouraged to do their school work and chores. Most forms of art appeal to them, such as music, theater, etc. The boys do not like to fight and avoid it if they can. Teachers enjoy the friendliness of the Libra children. Libra children needs to feel peaceful and wants to feel that they are equal to or better than everyone else. Because of this need, these children sometimes spend too much time comparing themselves with others rather than setting goals for their own personal development. Sometimes they feel a sense of inferiority, since the need for perfection and balance in all things is very strong. Emotions tend to vacillate in an attempt to maintain balance. Libra children need to relate to someone else, and will feel more secure when they have companions. Refinement is required even in childhood.

Libra as Parent
Libra Parent like their children to be affectionate and well-behaved. They have a tendency to be easygoing with their children, but expect them to be well-mannered in front of others. No one can justifiably call a Libran a disciplinarian. They may threaten all sorts of dire consequences to their children, but seldom ever carry them out. They make sure their children are neat, clean, and as well-dressed as they can afford.

Modality: Cardinal
Element: Air
Ruler: Venus
Season: Fall
7th Sign of ZodiacMetal: Copper
Stone: Diamond, Quartz, Marble
Color: Pastel Green
Anatomy: Kidneys
Keywords: just, sociable, refined, accommodating, kind, fair, diplomatic, likable, indecisive, respectful, artistic

Parashara Hora Shastra
Tula described. Tula is a Seershodaya Rasi, rising with its head; Tula is strong in daytime. It is black in complexion and is predominant with Rajo-Gun. It relates to the western direction and resorts to land. It is destructive, or mischievous ('Dhatin'). It represents Sudras, or the 4 th Varna. It has a medium build physique and is a biped Rasi. Its Lord is Sukr.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:01 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Libra - The Scales

Post by StarLore »


Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. It is the sign of the scales, or Balances. It runs from October 18th through November 16th, any year. It is a Cardinal, Air sign. It governs the kidneys and urogenital system and lower back.

The planetary Ruler for Libra is Venus. The gemstone for Libra is diamond. The colour for Libra is white.

The sign of Libra is represented in symbolism as "the balance". People born in this part of the year, exhibit a wide variety of character, but they are distinctly "mental" in all they undertake.

They are so strongly endowed with the desire to reason, that they very often stand in their own light. If however, they once make up their minds to pursue definite course of action, they will carry it through at any cost.

They weigh and balance in their minds any arguments resented to them. They have either a great command of language or they express what they want in short, forcible sentences, but in either case language means to them a great deal.

Person born in this part of the year are very often found in public life, but they generally go in for it from the standpoint of their desire to adjust the balance of things for the betterment of their fellows.

Under ordinary circumstances many of them appear to drift naturally into the study of law, they have a wonderful sense of logic and reason, they are much inclined to frame and make laws or write on such subjects.

Many born in this sign of Libra spent a lifetime in study or research work of some particular kind; some make excellent scientists and doctors who pursue a special line of study, whatever they do they generally do thoroughly.

Persons born in this part of the year are unusually sensitive to their surroundings. If these are inharmonious they easily become melancholy, suffer from nervous depression and shrink into themselves. They are as a rule very even-tempered; they are born" peacemakers: for they detest "scenes" disputes and quarrels. They are neat and tidy and dislike seeing things in disorder. They are particular about their appearance and dress but not showy in matters of clothes.

Persons born in this period of the year have the Solar Orb posited in the Zodiacal Sign of Libra, ruled by Venus in its negative aspect with Saturn in its "exaltation" and the Sun in its "fall".

The particular position of the Sun in this Sign is responsible for their intricate and varied nature, their predominant sense of equanimity and the blending in their temperament of the sanguine and the melancholy. They have a many-sided nature having numerous moods, to which they give great variety of expression. Lofty idealism and high moral principle form the fundamental basis of their character. Positive and decisive in thought and action, they are endowed with a strong desire to keep down their wonderful nature intuition by critical reason, and accept little or nothing without definite proof.

In love and affection persons born in this period of the Zodiac are not very demonstrative, rather too analytical, rather inclined to weighing motives forgetting that the wings of love were not made for the lens of the microscope. Thus they often suffer disillusion and disappointment. As a rule these Libra people enjoy great popularity, and make hosts of friends, and at the same time live very much in themselves. They have little or no regard for the value of money and rarely involve their affairs through rash speculation and reckless enterprise.

They love good surroundings and are much affected by their environment. They are highly susceptible to the psychological influence of those about them and often take on their mental land physical conditions. The artistic side of the nature is very pronounced; they are extremely found of music and art and often have much ability in that direction. Studious, investigative and fond of research, they also attain prominence in the educational world. Because they live habitually in the present, they will care little for the ties of the past and less still for the obscurities of the future.

Persons born in this period of the Zodiac on account of the aspects of Venus and Saturn generally sacrifice themselves to others through ties of affection or by their sense of duty. In the ordinary run of life they usually have a parent or relative to care for and look after, or if not they marry early and are likely to have a invalid husband or children to hold them back from carrying out their own ambitions.
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Re: Libra - The Scales

Post by StarLore »

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Re: Libra - The Scales

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Re: Libra - The Scales

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Re: Libra - The Scales

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Re: ♎︎ Libra - The Scales

Post by StarLore »

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