Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Information about 27 Nakshatras
☋ Ashwini - ♀ Bharani - ☉ Krittika - ☽ Rohini - ♂ Mrigashirsha - ☊ Ardra - ♃ Punarvasu - ♄ Pushya - ☿ Ashlesha -
☋ Magha - ♀ Purva Phalguni - ☉ Uttara Phalguni - ☽ Hasta - ♂ Chitra - ☊ Swati - ♃ Vishakha - ♄ Anuradha - ☿ Jyeshtha - ☋ Mula - ♀ Purva Ashada - ☉ Uttara Ashada - ☽ Shravana - ♂ Dhanishta - ☊ Shatabisha - ♃ Purva Bhadrapada - ♄ Uttara Bhadrapada - ☿ Revati
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Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

https://arvind-bhagwath.medium.com/myth ... ac027e24c9
Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 26th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology.

Uttara Bhadra is ruled by Ahir Budhnya, the serpent of the depths of the atmosphere.

Ahir Budhnya, the benefic serpent of the depths of the Atmosphere, symbolizes fertility, kundalini energy, and need for seclusion that is experienced in this nakshatra. It brings the power of rain and stability and connects us with the creative powers at the foundations of the world. There can be tremendous psychic ability and a snake-like quality that allows Uttara Bhādrapadā people to explore all the nooks and crannies of life. This serpent of the primeval depths, which can also refer to the depths of the sky, suggets both movement and seclusion (or maybe even movement in seclusion or secrecy), as well as an implication of solitude and retirement. Like Ajaikapada, Ahirbudhnya can reference the power that the Tantrikas call the Kundalini Shakti, an energy which once activated initiates a process of spiritual evolution which climaxes in supreme wisdom, knowledge, enlightenment, and sometimes extraordinary abilities or awareness.

The Ahirbudhnya Saṃhitā belongs to the Pancharatra religion, is a Vaishnava tantrika composition, and was composed possibly over several centuries within the 1st millennium of the Common Era, after 300 CE. Ahirbudhnya-Saṃhitā literally means a compendium (Samhita) of the serpent-from-the-depths (from ahi for serpent and budhna for bottom / root). In the Ahirbudhnya Samhita, Vishnu emanated in 39 different forms. The Samhita is characteristic for its concept of Sudarshana. It provides mantras for Shakti and Sudarshana and details the method of worship of the multi-armed Sudarshana. Its chapters include explanations on the origin of astras (weapons), anga (mantras), Vyuhas, sounds, and diseases, how to make Sudarshana Purusha appear, how to resist divine weapons and black magic, and provides method for making and worshipping the Sudarshana Yantra

The Ahirbudhnya recognizes one of the eleven Rudras; that is Shiva himself in his Satvik form, in the form of a teacher. In the Veda ahi budhna (serpent of the bottom) is an atmospheric god who Schrader says merged with Rudra-Siva (Pashupati); with Ahi Budhanya in later Vedic texts connected to Agni Grahapatya, suggesting this was a benevolent being and not the malevolent Ahi Vritra. Ahirbudhnya and Aja-Ekapada had their share of allocated ghriya (Grihyasutra) rituals. In later puranic literature, Ahirbudhnaya becomes one of the 11 Rudras.
Last edited by StarLore on Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

https://www.astrology-prophets.com/Naks ... shatra.php

The twenty-sixth constellation, sign ruled by Jupiter (Pisces) and the star is governed by Saturn.

Symbol: The back part of a funeral cot or a water snake
Meaning: Latter happy feet
Deity: Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the deep sea
Location: 3.20 Pisces to 16.40 Pisces
Stars: Gamma Pegasi and Alpha Andromeda
Lord: Saturn
Varna (Caste): Kshatriya (Warriors)
Guna (Quality): Tamasic (Inertia)
Gana (Nature): Manushya (Human)
Yoni (Sexual Type): Cow
Alphabets: Du, Tha, Gya, Na

Part of the body: Feet.

Diseases: Rheumatic pains, indigestion, constipation, hernia, flatulence, fractures in the foot, cold foot, tuberculosis, dropsy.

Profession: Home ministry department, prisons, asylum, sanatorium, isolated hospitals, prisoner of war, jail, mine excavator, engineer, harbor, societies, clubs, charitable Institutions, submarine, shipping, manufacturer of rain coats, umbrella, fisheries, river and canal constructor, tunnel and trench construction.
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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

http://www.getastrologicnow.com/The%202 ... Patry.html

Uttara Bhadrapada “the latter happy feet” 3.20 to 16.40 Pisces
Symbol: twins, back legs of the funeral cot, a snake in the water
Deity: Ahir Budhyana, the Serpent or “Dragon of the Deep”
Stars: Algenib, on the tip of the wing of Pegasus, gives oratorical abilities, intelligence and a responsible nature.
Mythology: Adhir Budhyana was a serpent of the deep waters representing seclusion, kundalini and psychic energy. Agni was important here representing both the fiery nature and the cleansing power of fire.
Indications: The “Warrior Star” gives discipline with writing and speaking abilities. These people share much with their former twin nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada, but they are a lot milder and can control their anger and aggression. There can be a lazy streak but they are cheerful, generous, self sacrificing and protective of their loved ones. Needingtime to contemplate they love solitude and seclusion and can be incredibly psychic with profound insights. Their depth and wisdom can transcend the ego to the collective consciousness, and they seem to have magical powers. They achieve a happy home life and are usually blessed with good children. There is wealth often as a gift or inheritance, usually later in life.
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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

Last edited by StarLore on Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

https://wantastro.blogspot.com/2014/03/ ... ology.html

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Astrology

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Range 03° 20 pisces - 16° 40 Pisces.
Ruling Planet: The Saturn
Deity: Ahir Budhayana, serpent or dragon of the deep sea; Lakshmi.
Symbol: Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water.
Gana (nature): manushya (human).
Animal symbol: female cow.
Sounds: du, jham, jna, tha.
Primary motivation: Kama desire.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Jupiter (Pisces) and ruled by Saturn. Uttara Bhadrapada is the twenty sixth Nakshatra called ‘’The Warrior Star’’. UttaraBhadrapada, consist of two bright stars, Pegasus, and Andromeda. Which form remaining two legs of the bed combined with previous Nakshatra PurvaBhadrapada.

The ruling planet Uttara Bhadrapada is planet Saturn therefore Uttara Bhadrapada people usually have more discipline and self-control over their emotions and behaviour. They possess the ability to endure pain and anger. As this astrium name is ‘’The Warrior Star’’ these people are powerful and able to care for and protect those close to them. Uttara Bhadrapada means ‘’the later one with lucky feet’’. Or the beautiful left foot. Which are connected with sign of of pieces which represents the love for travel to faraway places. Uttara Bhadrapada is to bring the cosmic rain.

The Deity of Uttara Bhadrapada is Ahir Bhudnyana Serpent of the deep sea. Ahir Bhudnyana is an auspicious serpent or naga that is associated with part of Lord Shiva’s army, which reflects the warrior nature of this lunar mansion. Uttara Bhadrapada has a human, or manushya temperament with a primary motivation of kama, or healthy pleasures. As these people evolve they can become completely detached from all forms of materialistic desire and pursue spiritual life. This Nakshatra represents fertility and kundalini power energy. People have curios and good psychic ability. Because of Saturn and Jupiter influence of this Nakshatra these people generally have priest like quality that reflect their spiritual growth in life. These people are generally happy, cheerful, charitable, generous and wealthy.

A woman born with Uttara Bhadrapada as her birth star is considered blessed by the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and luxury. The animal symbol is the sacred female cow of India. Uttara Bhadrapada women said to be ‘’gem of her family. ’’ these are affectionate, generous and is a good helper in bad circumstances. Her nature is forgiving. She is careful in any work she undertakes. She never indulges in silly or irrelevant discussions and will always answer straight to the point.

The shadow side of this mansions is having a fiery quality like previous Nakshatra but in milder form. They have issues with anger, passion, and aggression. These people can be very secretive, cunning, with a tendency of gossiping. If afflicted the person can be lazy, careless, and irresponsible nature and the native May indulge in some kind of addiction. Although they are warriors if angered they can defeat anyone. Due to Saturn's energy they have delay and breaks in success. They need solitude to accomplish their spiritual as well as worldly goals.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 1: falls in Leo Navamsa and is ruled by Sun. It represents the active, illuminating, proud and achievement oriented side of this Nakshatra.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 2: falls in Virgo Navamsa ruled by Mercury. This relates to the analytical, calculative and planning side of this Nakshatra. It tends to find wisdom in small things.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 3: falls in Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. This relates to the passive, balance seeking and balanced side of this Nakshatra.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 4: falls in Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. This relates to the occult, mysterious and hidden aspect of this Nakshatra. This pada can go to extreme depths of confusion or depths of wisdom.

Ascendant in Uttara Bhadrapada: Have heavy and long built, Attractive physical appearance, good at speech, mild in nature, interested in occult science, have humanitarian nature, love for family, and have traveling in life.

Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada: intelligent, witty, creative, peaceful nature, generous and charitable work, mystical mind, hardworking, spiritual, can be cunning and secretive.

Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada: attractive, peaceful looks, virtuous, good at heart, service oriented, clever in speech, seeks emotional stability and security.

Mars in Uttara Bhadrapada: good in organization skill, peaceful spiritual warrior, and good at yoga and for any healing yogic practice.

Mercury in Uttara Bhadrapada: Mercury is debilitated in this Nakshatra, showing his organizational skills and intellectual discrimination is compromised.

Jupiter in Uttara Bhadrapada: Jupiter in own sign very powerful for wealth and spiritual learning. Good at meditation and gaining wisdom of life.

Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada: Venus is at highest potential very loving, spiritual and sacrificing in nature.

Saturn in Uttara Bhadrapada: interested in mystery of life, good at meditation and spiritual practice. Likes to be in solitude.

Rahu in Uttara Bhadrapada: Rahu is in Pisces ruled by Jupiter but in a Nakshatra ruled by restrictive Saturn. Attain wisdom to face all this adversity in search of its spiritual roots.

Ketu in Uttara Bhadrapada: Pisces is the end of the spiritual journey and Ketu in Uttara Bhadra indicates a past life where we almost completed this aim. A person May reach a time in their life where he became one with universal consciousness. The native is very spiritual in nature.

Professions: Yoga teacher, Meditation Experts, Counselors, Therapists of all types. Shaman, Healers, Practitioners of Tantra and other Occult Sciences. Those working in Charity Organizations; Researchers; Philosophers, Poets, Writers, Musicians and Artists.
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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

https://popularvedicscience.com/uttara- ... ete-guide/
Luke Vanderlinden
May. 18, 2020

Every nakshatra has its own set of fixed attributes. This includes planetary ruler, nakshatra group, zodiac sign, deity, symbol, and power. The features of Uttara-bhadrapada are below:

Sanskrit Name: उत्तरभाद्रपदा (Uttara-bhadrapada) comes from the Sanskrit words उत्तर (latter) and भद्र (blessed). One meaning of Uttara-bhadrapada is “the latter blessed one,” indicating wisdom, good fortune, and happiness.

Planetary Ruler: Saturn. Saturn is the bestower of karmic reaction, the good or bad results of one’s past activities. It is associated with discipline, obstacles, hard work, and philosophy and law.

Nakshatra Group: Humanlike. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Uttara-bhadrapada is a humanlike nakshatra. People in this group are generally hardworking and motivated to achieve material success. Although they are generally kind, they can also be vindictive and self-serving.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces. Pisces is known as the sign of the fishes. Uttara-bhadra natives are intuitive, empathic, creative, and sociable.

Deity: Ananta. In Vedic theology, Ananta is an expansion of God in the form of a great serpent who holds the unlimited universes upon his hoods.

Symbol: A snake. This represents agility, knowledge, mysticism, and great energy.

Power: To bring rain. Persons born under the star of Uttara-bhadrapada have a refreshing and calming quality about them.

Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Uttara-bhadrapada are Do (दू), Tha (थ), Jha (झ), and Na (ञ). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.

Those born under the star of Uttara-bhadra are thoughtful and far-sighted souls. They understand that all actions have consequences, and they think their plans through carefully. This characteristic makes them much more self-controlled than other Pisceans.

Uttara-bhadra natives are capable speakers. Their contemplative nature gives their words weight and power. They are often progressive individuals who can convince others to come around to their own ideals, values, and beliefs. In addition, they are spiritually-inclined and have a natural connection to the metaphysical realm.

You are liberal and broad-minded. You stand up for the underdogs. At the same time, you also know when to remove yourself from a complicated situation. This strength protects you from getting caught up in useless arguments that can strain and even break friendships and relationships. However, to others, this quality may cause you to appear dispassionate or cold at times.

Uttara-bhadrapada Careers
Persons born in Uttara-bhadrapada can do well in careers that are stable and service-oriented. They have a need for a certain degree of autonomy in their career.

Some ideal professions include:

Professor, psychologist, or philosopher
Non-profit worker or humanitarian
Healer, counselor, yoga teacher, monk, or mystic
Due to their intellectual nature, Uttara-bhadras can sometimes over-analyze people or situations. In extreme cases, this can lead to a habit of manipulating others for personal gain. Always remember that there is more to life than can be seen through the intellectual / scientific lens. Emotions, sensations, tastes, and so many other dimensions of human life transcend their materialistic explanation. By finding and staying true to your personal sense of purpose, you will be able to consistently treat others with warmth and kindness.

Uttara-bhadrapada natives may also exhibit laziness at times. They prefer to have things come together naturally, and they don’t like to exert great effort to accomplish something. For this reason, they are sometimes irresponsible, or they perform their duties in a half-hearted way.

You may wish to isolate yourself and withdraw from the world if you cannot see a favorable path forward. It is important for you to stay connected with people who genuinely care about you, especially mentors or elders who can give you guidance during difficult times.

Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign, Pisces.

Other Personality Traits
You are attractive. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of blessings. You have been blessed with self-confidence and charisma, as well as attractive physical features. For these reasons many people like to be in your company, including members of the opposite sex.

You are patient. You understand the value of taking your time with your work, and you don’t like to rush things. This quality also helps you to remain peaceful even in disturbing or difficult situations.

You like to be of service to others. You are by nature a charitable person and you like to help others in need.

You are drawn to the unknown. Your strong intellect combined with your natural inclination toward spirituality leads you to take an active interest in the mysteries of human life.

Uttara-bhadrapada Compatibility
Uttara-bhadras’ sexuality is symbolized by a female cow. In terms of physical compatibility, this makes them an ideal match for persons born under Uttara Phalguni nakshatra.

Based on holistic matching, Uttara-bhadras are most likely to find happiness in long-term partnerships with:

Punarvasu in Cancer
Vishakha in Scorpio (for male natives)
Purva-ashadha (for female natives)
Shravana (for female natives)
Purva-bhadra in Pisces
Note: Compatibility in relationships is a complex science that looks at many different factors. You should always consult with an experienced astrologer who can carefully analyze the charts of both you and your partner.

Uttara-bhadra’s Four Quarters (Padas)
Each nakshatra is divided into four quarters, also known as padas, of 3:20 degrees each. These quarters are based on a 1/9th divisional chart, known in Sanskrit as navamsha.

The moon’s position at your time of birth determines the quarter in which you are born.

First Quarter (3:20-6:40 degrees Pisces): Leo. You have a royal air about you. You are ambitious and self-confident. However, you may find yourself frequently butting heads with those who see things differently than you do.

Second Quarter (6:40-10:00 degrees Pisces): Virgo. You are a knowledgeable person and an eager learner. You are highly curious and you enjoy exploring a wide variety of subjects.

Third Quarter (10:00-13:20 degrees Pisces): Libra. You are happy, open-minded, and warm-hearted. However you can be somewhat calculating in your interpersonal dealings. You choose your words carefully.

Fourth Quarter (13:20-16:40 degrees Pisces): Scorpio. You have a sharp mind and you may keep to yourself more than others. You can be irritable at times and you may prefer to take the easy road rather than working hard to reach your goals.

Uttara-bhadrapada in Electional Astrology
In electional astrology, also known as muhurtha, nakshatras are used to determine favorable days and times for important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, buying a new house or vehicle, commencing a project, or conceiving a child.

The electional nature of Uttara-bhadra is Sthira, “fixed or steady.” Uttara-bhadra is an excellent nakshatra for:

Marriage ceremonies
Building a home
Buying land
Planting trees
Undergoing a medical treatment
Learning art, music, or dance
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Re: Uttara Bhadrapada - The Latter Happy Feet

Post by StarLore »

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