♃ Jupiter in House VI - Enemies & Debts

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♃ Jupiter in House VI - Enemies & Debts

Post by StarLore »

♃ Jupiter in House VI - Enemies & Debts

Bhrigu Sutras
Sutras 32-34-The native will destroy his enemies, there will be growth of the members of his family (some have interpreted this to mean increase of nephews and in-laws), he will have grand-children and marks of wounds on the body. If Jupiter is in conjunction with a benefic the native will be free from diseases. If he is associated with a malefic or is in the house of malefic, the native will suffer form rheumatism or diseases due to cold. If Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius) in association with Rahu or Ketu the native will suffer from diseases of the worst type.

Comments-According to above Sutras Jupiter as a natural benefic will give good effects in regard to the significations of the sixth house unless he is afflicted. This sixth house is not a significator of children or grand children. It is, therefore, not understood how the effect will be realised if Jupiter is in the sixth house. The sixth house is an evil house (dusthana) and if Jupiter is there as a lord of an auspicious house, the significations of that house will be adversely affected.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be without enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will destroy his enemies, he will be lazy, he will get humiliated, will take interest in recitation of mantras and will be clever.
Saravali-The native will win over his enemies, will be famous but humiliated, lazy, will gain name and fame through his wife and will suffer from diseases like hyperacidity.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will destroy his enemies, get happiness 'from his wife but not from his maternal uncle. He will always be sickly. His mother will also remain sickly.

Note-The above authorities have given both favourable and unfavourable results of Jupiter in the sixth house without taking into account the malefic or benefic associations. In this respect the views expressed by Bhrigu Sutras are more logical and reasonable except those on which we have already given our comments.
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Re: ♃ Jupiter in House VI - Enemies & Debts

Post by StarLore »

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