♀ Venus in House VI - Enemies & Debts

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♀ Venus in House VI - Enemies & Debts

Post by StarLore »

♀ Venus in House VI - Enemies & Debts

Bhrigu Sutras
Venus in he Sixth House
Sutras 34-36-If Venus is in the sixth house, the native will have good number of relations, there will be destruction of enemies and the native will have children and grand children. He will incur wasteful expenditure, will be deceitful and will suffer from diseases. If the lord of the sixth house is strong there will be increase in the number of relations and enemies. If the lord of the sixth is associated with a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation or is associated with Moon, there will be loss of relations and destruction of enemies.

Comments-We have been greatly impressed by the views of the Bhrigu Sutras and the principles contained in it but some of the Sutras are very confusing. This may be due to the fact that some incompetent people who could not perhaps trace some parts of the original script have filled in those portions with text of their own without going into the relevancy or logic of what they were writing. It is stated in Sutra 34 that if Venus is in the sixth house the native amongst other things will have children and grand children. Neither the sixth house nor the Venus is a significator for children and grand children. According to Sutra 36 which is very logical if the lord of the sixth is strong, there will be increase in the number of enemies. If he is weak there will be destruction of enemies. The logic behind this is that if the sixth house gets strength, there will be more enemies and diseases and if the sixth house is weak there will be no diseases and no enemies.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be without enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will be without enemies but he will be poor and unhappy. He will have contacts with several women.
Saravali-The native will have bitterness towards his wife. He will have many enemies, will be in distress and of mean mentality.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have dangerous enemies. He will incur lot of expenditure. He will be unsuccessful in all his efforts. He will be deprived of happiness from father, preceptor etc.

Note-Brihat Jatak and Phaldeepika agree with the views expressed by Bhrigu Sutras in regard to enemies but Saravali and Chamatkar Chintamani are opposed to them. The views of Brihat Jatak and Phaldeepika should be considered more authoritative.
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:19 pm

Re: ♀ Venus in House VI - Enemies & Debts

Post by StarLore »

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