☿ Mercury in House III - Younger Brother & Courage

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☿ Mercury in House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Post by StarLore »

☿ Mercury in House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Bhrigu Sutras
Mercury in the Third House
Sutras 25-31-if Mercury is in the third house the native will have a good number of brothers and will be very happy. In 15th year he will get a son and will become owner of lands. Mercury in the third house will enable the native to acquire wealth. He will be of high morals and full of good qualities. If the lord of the third is strong the native will be long-lived and tolerant. If the lord of the third is weak, the brothers will have to face sufferings and the native will be timid. If the lord of the third is strong the brothers will be long-lived.

Comments-The third house signifies brothers. Benefic influence of Mercury gives the native a number of brothers. If the lord of third is strong the brothers of the native will be long-lived. From the third Mercury aspects the ninth house which signifies Shagya, prosperity morality and also children- Thus the native will be of high morals, prosperous and will get children early in his life. The third house being 8th to-8th house is also the house of longevity. When Mercury is in the third and the lord of third is strong the native will get a long span of life.

Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be a consummate rogue. Phaldeepika-The native will be courageous but of medium longevity. He will have good brothers and sisters. He will have to work very hard to earn his livelihood.
Saravali-The native will be hard working, without friends, clever and blessed with brothers and sisters, and will have unstable mind.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have contacts with businessmen and will himself adopt business as his profession. He will have good nature and will remain detached from worldly affairs. His younger brothers and sisters will be dependent on him.

Note-The effects given by Brihat Jatak appear to be of Mercury associated with a malefic. Saravali says that the native will be of unstable mind. This will also happen where Mercury is under malefic influence. The effects given by Chamatkar Chintamani do not appear to be logical except in regard to brothers and sisters. Mercury is not a planet of satwik nature but of Rajasik nature and he will make the native to give up worldly attachments. The effects given by Brighu Sutras are more logical, detailed and relevant to the significations of the third house.
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