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☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:40 pm
by StarLore
☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Re: ☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:40 pm
by StarLore ... cancer.php

Moon in Cancer Horoscope
When Moon is in zodiac sign of Cancer in a horoscope, a water and cardinal sign, indicates you will be imaginative, sympathetic, protective, tenacious and loyal but also can be possessive, moody, self-pitying and a nag. Moon is the owner or Lord of Cancer and is said to be strong in this sign. Moon in cancer will increase your emotional nature and will make you sensitive. You are much attached to home life and family. You will have extremely good memory and will be attached to the past. Just like changing phases of Moon your emotional nature could be inconsistence with regular mood swings. But you are devoted, patient, romantic and sensitive and do not like to hurt anyone's feelings but you can get easily hurt as you feel things that are said of you very keenly. You can be somewhat shy and do not like to show your true feelings unless you are close to the person. You blossom in a secure and committed relationship but you can hold on to a relationship that has become destructive because you do not believe you will ever find another love.

Re: ☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:40 pm
by StarLore

Moon in Cancer
Cancer is Moon’s own sign so naturally, Moon feels at home here. This is a positive placement for Moon. If you have Moon in Cancer, you are likely to have a strong drive and determination but at the same time, you are quite accommodating and compromising in nature. You are an emotional being, receptive to others’ feelings. You have a fertile imagination and a sense of creativity. But since you are a sentimental being, it affects your decision-making ability when you need to make rational and unbiased choices. Emotions influence you more than logic. While you are a good listener to others’ problems, you like to hide your own feelings.

People with Moon in Cancer are deeply attached to their home and family. A sense of security is very important for your peace of mind. You flourish in a place where you feel secure and loved. You are a very romantic person, someone who values relationships, loyalty, and emotional security. Moon in Cancer person is a peace-loving and gentle soul but sometimes you become too moody due to Moon’s constant motion. This crabby nature often affects your personal relationships. Moreover, you also tend to be suspicious and mistrusting at times.

Re: ☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:41 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:41 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:42 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☽ Moon in ♋︎ Cancer - The Crab

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:46 pm
by StarLore