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☉ Sun in ♑︎ Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:41 pm
by StarLore
☉ Sun in ♑︎ Capricorn - The Goat

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:56 pm
by StarLore ... ricorn.php

Sun in Capricorn Horoscope
In Capricorn, the Sun is strongly goal-directed and persistent. Ambitious, serious and dedicated to duty, life is difficult, but you are the type of person who will triumph and achieve success. Your aptitude to persevere, no matter how difficult the road, sets you apart from most of your peers. You are anxious to climb the ladder of fortune, and you can usually reach your goals because of your sense of the right way of doing everything. Your patience is never ending. You are a very thoughtful and serious person, thinking everything through carefully before you set off in any direction. You possess excellent reasoning skills, and you can be counted on to select options that are both practical and that provide an economic advantage. Your attitude is conservative; conservative with time, money, and all other resources. Your philosophy is waste not, want not. You are also likely to be conservative in your political and social attitudes, although your age, upbringing, and education perspectives may influence this somewhat. You are especially well suited to business and government because of your sense of organization and structure. You combine a talent for management with an ability to carry out instructions with care. You are the quintessential careerist, taking job and duties very seriously. Therefore, you are never one to shirk responsibility and you have very little use for those that do. That which matters most to you is your public image. You show your best face to the public. You enjoy being in a position of power and authority, although you are not very much inclined to enjoy the limelight. You may prefer instead to run your business from an isolated perspective. You are loyal and dedicated, and you demand utter loyalty and dedication from subordinates. Advancing up the ladder of success is all important. You are unconcerned about, sometimes even ruthless toward, those getting in your path as you move upward. You don't handle chaotic situations very well. You may need to develop the ability to lighten up a little and not take life, and everything else so seriously. Although you are self-disciplined, responsible, and practical, at times you can wallow in self-pity. It's essential for you to remember that your most important asset is self-esteem, and you should never devalue this. Rigidity and fear of change may be your biggest stumbling block. Sober and reserved in your dealings with others, it takes you a good while to warm up enough to anyone to be considered a close friend. Yet once you do, you are a very caring, reliable, and most steadfast ally. Your private side is different from your public side. In private you are shy and sensitive. The harshness of your public image disappears. Emotionally demanding relationships are very difficult. Love relationships may be more like business relationships, and you are unsure of yourself in most intimate situations.

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:56 pm
by StarLore

Sun in Capricorn
Capricorn is a movable earth sign governed by Saturn, one of the most feared planets in astrology. Saturn is an airy planet and it shares an inimical relation with Sun, which is a fiery planet. Saturn doesn’t necessarily produces malefic results only. it is known to delay not deny what you want in life.

Capricorn born natives are usually serious, reserved and cautious in nature but Sun on the other hand relates to bold, flashy, candid and carefree disposition. The watery element of Capricorn diffuses the fiery energy of Sun to some extent so people born with Sun in Capricorn stick to the attributes of their Moon sign a lot. These natives are thoughtful and serious. There is a strong sense of responsibility and dedication in these natives.

Patience is their biggest virtue, which helps them fight off the adversities of life. These natives work hard in life but either, they do not get the desired results or it takes a lot of time for them to realize their ambitions. There is a chance that the native may indulge in politics or social work too. These people continue to learn throughout their life, no matter what’s their age. They take their profession or business very seriously and have a sincere approach towards work. They like to work in the background like a director than take the limelight like an actor. They are quite loyal and trustworthy people and require the same level of faithfulness in return from their subordinates as well as in personal life.

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:57 pm
by StarLore

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:57 pm
by StarLore

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:58 pm
by StarLore

Re: Capricorn - The Goat

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:58 pm
by StarLore