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☉ Sun in ♐︎ Sagittarius - The Archer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:41 pm
by StarLore
☉ Sun in ♐︎ Sagittarius - The Archer

Re: Sagittarius - The Archer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:53 pm
by StarLore ... tarius.php

Sun in Sagittarius Horoscope
In Sagittarius the Sun is idealistic and optimistic. Sagittarius is the sign that espouses such high principles as universal love and world peace. As this period of the year is associated with the spirit of giving and good cheer, the Sagittarius personality is recognized for its generosity and expansive demeanor. You are very gregarious, enthusiastic, and open, in all that you do. You have an ability to understand a broad perspective, and to see everything from a total point of view. Your foresight and an ability to visualize the big picture make matters work out well for you most of the time. Always thinking in broad abstract terms, you usually have trouble focusing on details that arise. In many ways you are spontaneous, but with this comes an inclination to be bluntly honest and frank, or at least, straightforward and much to the point. You never intend to hurt anyone, but the truth is all important to you, and you never hesitate to tell it like it is. Tact and restraint can be issues of concern, but you probably don't care. You are so independent. You can rarely be pushed an inch in any direction unless you decide the direction your being pushed is where you want to go. These blows are softened only by your warm, jovial and outgoing friendliness. Even when you stick your hoof in your mouth you can recover and show up as a winner. Often "lady luck" just smiles on you. Sagittarius has a happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and ever optimistic approach to life; but then can turn right around and be so careless, restless and extravagant. You have a natural love of the outdoors and may develop strong enthusiasm for sports and outdoor adventure. Sagittarius is the sign most often associated with sports, and you are inclined to physical activity and active endeavors, particularly outdoors. Future-oriented, you rarely allow problems or setbacks to get you down for long. You put disappointment behind you and start working toward your next adventure. Never satisfied with moving along in slow lane, you want to set the pace on a grand scale. Whatever you set out to do, must be the biggest and best. You want to live life to its fullest. You can work well with anybody, accepting them for what they are. You are the natural, open-hearted extrovert, an easy person live and work with. Relying on your glibness and complete self-confidence, you are a natural in the world of selling. Still in the area of organization and perseverance you may need help from other factors in the chart. If you are like most Sagittarius natives, you can be down right irresponsible and unreliable at times. Your personality is such, however, that people don't get upset about it. It's that natural Sagittarius charm that carries you through the tough spots. Sagittarius is the sign of higher education. You live to expand your horizons in every possible way, wanting to see the world and experience it. You want to meet interesting people and try everything. Your curiosity is boundless and your desire for knowledge is paramount.

Re: Sagittarius - The Archer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:53 pm
by StarLore ... arius.html

Sun in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is a dual fire sign ruled by Jupiter, which shares a friendly relationship with Sun. The person having Sun in Sagittarius is a god fearing and peace-loving soul, endowed with the art of eloquence in speech. Such a native is likely to be a learned individual, an honorable and compassionate person with a lot of wisdom and intelligence. Sun in this position also gives a never-dying hunger for knowledge. These people do well in fields such as law, administration and banking. People with Sun in Sagittarius are trustworthy and justice-loving people. They are honest and straightforward, do not sugarcoat and talk to the point.

These natives understand the difference between living and existing. They are freedom-loving individuals with a love for the outdoors. Often times, these natives are fond of a sport or two. These natives earn a lot of wealth in life, and live like a king. Their physique also contributes to the royal radiance that their personality has. They are of a broad stature and a beautiful body. They also tend to be famous among their social sphere. They are of a supportive nature, like to lend a helping hand to their relatives and friends. After marriage, natives with Sun in Sagittarius tend to have sons.

Re: Sagittarius - The Archer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:54 pm
by StarLore

Re: Sagittarius - The Archer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:54 pm
by StarLore

Re: Sagittarius - The Archer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:54 pm
by StarLore