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☉ Sun in ♉︎ Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:39 pm
by StarLore
☉ Sun in ♉︎ Taurus - The Bull

Re: Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:17 pm
by StarLore ... taurus.php

As a Taurus, you are likely to be very patient, a hard worker, and one of those people who constantly puts forth much sustained effort. Your demeanor is slow and deliberate, and attempts by others to hurry you rarely succeed. You need time to adjust to new ideas and changes. You can be stubborn to the point of becoming rigid, but you are practical and constructive in nearly everything you do. You carefully consider options before starting any action or coming to any conclusion. You function best under conditions where there is predictability, and where you can exercise a degree of control. Good-natured and friendly, your placid demeanor rarely shows upset or anger. When you are aroused, as suggested by the symbol of the sign, your reactions are very much like those of the angered bull. This anger can be reckless, and often lingers. There is a certain reluctance in the Taurus nature to try anything new or different. You don't take many chances, and you believe in sticking with the familiar and comfortable. There is not much adventure in your soul, and it is probably fair to label you a conservative individual. The danger with Taurus is the tendency to become too narrow-minded, and to dismiss anything that can't be seen, touched, smelled or tasted. You are not usually the first to learn a lesson, but when it is mastered, you are not likely ever to forget. Retentive and steadfast, you don't scatter your energies. You may be lazy at times, perhaps not spending any energy at all for extended periods. Yet long term, you are very willing to assume responsibility and shoulder more than your fair share of the load. You may be materialistic, often showing interests in money, security, and comforts in life. To those you love, you often show your feelings in a material way, and you appreciate the same in return. The Taurus personality is sometimes too concerned with money and possessions. Perhaps a little indulgent and luxury-loving, you relish creature comforts and appreciate beautiful possessions. Because of these interests, you have good taste in clothing and furnishings. You also may have a talent for landscaping and working with plants and flowers to make your surrounding more pleasant and appealing. You may excel as a cook, but even if you don't have the inclination to prepare it, you certainly enjoy food; perhaps too much. Because of this, you may have a battle with your weight. A slow metabolism and lack of interest in exercise often compound this problem. A natural interest in art and music often leads to careers or hobby pursuits in some form of art. Taurus is the sign that rules the throat, so you may have a fine singing and speaking voice. Love relationships are very important to you. Since you don't like being alone, you may settle for a partnership that is less than ideal, instead of accepting loneliness. Once settled in a relationship, you are very steadfast and dependable. You are exceedingly loyal, and make a very faithful friend.

Re: Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:17 pm
by StarLore

Sun in Taurus
Taurus is a fixed earth sign and its lord is Venus. Venus is a feminine watery planet while Sun is a masculine fiery planet. Both are inimical to each other so the placement of Sun in Taurus is not considered positive in Vedic Astrology, especially if it is under malefic influence. Natives born with Sun in Taurus face a lot of difficulties and challenges in life. When it comes to their physique and health, such people suffer from lack of immunity and bodily weakness. They are also vulnerable to diseases related to face or eyes. Water may also pose some risks and dangers to these natives. This position of Sun also gives dissatisfaction from spouse so not favorable for marriage.

Nevertheless, such natives tend to be good-looking and humble natured. They are astute and wise, with good knowledge of performing arts such as singing, dance and music. In fact, at times they can also play musical instruments. They are usually well off, endowed with a rich lifestyle. They tend to earn a lot of wealth and financial gains too.

Re: Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:18 pm
by StarLore

Re: Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:19 pm
by StarLore

Re: Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:19 pm
by StarLore

Re: Taurus - The Bull

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:22 pm
by StarLore