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☋ Ketu 7yrs

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:35 pm
by StarLore
☋ Ketu 7yrs

Effects of antar dasas in the dasa of Ketu

Excerpt from Mantreswaras Phaladeeplka Chapter 21

☋ Quarrels with enemies, misunderstanding with friends, hearing of bad
words, troubles from fever and heat, loss of wealth and taking shelter in another
man's abode may be expected in the antar dasa of Ketu in his own dasa.

☋/♀ Birth of a good son, praise from employer, acquisition of land and
wealth, harassment by a chief of enemies and loss of cattle and agriculture, will be
the likely effects in the antar dasa of Venus in the dasa of Ketu.

☋/☉ Death of preceptor or an elder of the family, misunderstandings with
relatives, trouble from fever, fighting a rebellion for the king, disease caused by
phlegm and wind and gain from foreign trade, should be expected in the antar dasa
of the Sun in the dasa of Ketu.

☋/☽ Sudden gains or loss of wealth, separation from son, a laboured delivery
that engenders much sorrow, acquisition of servants and birth of daughter, will
happen during the antar dasa of the Moon in the dasa of Ketu.

☋/♂ Quarrels with members of family, loss of brothers and danger from
thieves, fire and enemies, will be effects in the Antar Das of Mars in the dasa of

☋/☊ Quarrels on account of enemies, danger from the king, fire and thieves,
hearing of harsh words from wicked persons and indulging in acts to cause harm to
others, will be the features of the antar dasa of Rahu in the dasa of Ketu.

☋/♃ Birth of a very good son, worship of gods, acquisition of wealth and
land, receiving of gifts from many places and honour from the king, will be the
effects in the antar dasa of Jupiter in the dasa Ketu.

☋/♄ Loss of servants, annoyance from or to others, quarrels with enemies,
loss of a limb, loss of position and wealth, should be expected in the antar dasa of
Saturn in the dasa of Ketu.

☋/☿ Quarrel with a pious man of lore, misunderstanding with wife and
kinsmen, birth of a daughter, loss of reputation and humiliation and annoyance
from others will be the features of the antar dasa

Re: ☋ Ketu 7yrs

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:15 pm
by StarLore
Excerpt from Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra

Ch. 59. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Ketu

1-2½. Effects, like happiness from wife and children, recognition from the king, but
mental agony, gain of land, village etc. will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Ketu in his
own Dasha, if Ketu is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Ketu is related to Dharm’s, Karm’s, or
Bandhu’s Lord.

3-4. Heart disease, defamation, destruction of wealth and cattle, distress to wife and
children, instability of mind etc. will we be the results, if Ketu is in his debilitation Rāśi
and, if Ketu is in Randhr, or Vyaya along with a combust Grah.

5-6. There will be danger from diseases, great distress and separation from kinsmen, if
Ketu is related to Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord, or, if Ketu is in Dhan, or Yuvati. The
remedial measures
to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Durga Saptashati Japa and
Mrityunjaya Japa.

7-9½. Effects, like beneficence from the king, good fortune, gain of clothes etc.,
recovery of lost kingdom, comforts of conveyances etc., visits to sacred shrines and gain
of lands and villages by the beneficence of the king, will be derived in the Antar Dasha
of Śukr in the Dasha of Ketu, if Śukr is in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, or, if Śukr is
associated with Karm’s Lord in a Kendr, or Trikon and there will be dawn of fortune, if
in such position he is associated with Dharm’s Lord also.

10-11. Sound health, well-being in the family and gains of good food and conveyances
etc. will be the results, if Śukr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord
of the Dasha.

12-14. There will be quarrels without any cause, loss of wealth, distress to cattle, if Śukr
is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. If Śukr is in his debilitation Rāśi,
or, if Śukr is associated with a debilitated Grah, or, if Śukr is in Ari, or Randhr, there will
be quarrels with kinsmen, headaches, eye troubles, heart disease, defamation, loss of
wealth and distress to cattle and wife.

15. Physical distress and mental agony will be caused, if Śukr is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s
Lord. The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance
of Durga Path and giving a tawny-coloured cow, or female buffalo in charity.

16-17. The effects, like gains of wealth, beneficence of the king, performance of pious
deeds and fulfillment of all ambitions, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Sūrya in the
Dasha Ketu, if Sūrya is in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, or, if Sūrya is associated with,
or receives a Drishti from a benefic in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Labh.

18-19½. Danger from the king, separation from parents, journeys to foreign lands,
distress from thieves, snakes and poison, punishment by government, antagonism with
the friends, sorrows, danger from fever etc. will be the results, if Sūrya is associated
with a malefic, or malefics in Randhr, or in Vyaya.

20-21. There will be physical fitness, gain of wealth, or the birth of a son, success in
performance of pious deeds, headship of a small village etc., if Sūrya is in a Kendr,
Trikon, in the 2nd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

22-24. Obstacles in availability of food, fears and loss of wealth and cattle will be the
results, if Sūrya is associated with evil Grahas in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the
Dasha. There will be distress at the commencement of the Antar Dasha with some
mitigation at its end. There will be fear of premature death, if Sūrya is Dhan’s, or
Yuvati’s Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to
regain comforts by the beneficence of Sūrya is to give a cow and gold in charity.

25-28. Effects, like recognition from the king, enthusiasm, well-being, enjoyments,
acquisition of a house, lands etc., abnormal gains of food, clothes, conveyances, cattle
etc., success in business, construction of reservoirs etc. and happiness to wife and
children, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Candr in the Dasha of Ketu, if Candr is in
her exaltation, in her own Rāśi, in a Kendr, Trikon, in Labh, or in Dhan. The beneficial
results will be realized fully, if Candr is waxing.

29-30. Unhappiness and mental agony, obstacles in ventures, separation from parents,
losses in business, destruction of cattle etc. will be caused, if Candr is in her debilitation
Rāśi, or in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya.

31-33. There will be the acquisition of a cow, or cows, land, agricultural lands, meeting
kinsmen and the achievement of success through them, increase in cows milk and curd,
if Candr is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha and, if Candr is
endowed with strength. There will be auspicious results at the commencement of the
Antar Dasha, cordial relations with the king in the middle portion of the Antar Dasha
and danger from the king, foreign journey, or journeys to distant places at its end.

34-36. Loss of wealth, anxiety, enmity with kinsmen and distress to brother, will be the
results, if Candr is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. If Candr is
Dhan’s, Yuvati’s, or Randhr’s Lord, there will be fear of premature death. The remedial
measures to obtain relief from the above effects are recitation of Mantras of Candr and
giving in charity things, connected with Candr.

37-39. Effects, like acquisition of land, village etc., increase in wealth and cattle, laying
out of a new garden, gain of wealth by the beneficence of the king, will be derived in the
Antar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Ketu, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own
Rāśi, if Mangal is associated with, or, receives a Drishti from benefics. If Mangal is
related to Dharm’s, or Karm’s Lord, there will definitely be gain of land and enjoyment.

40. There will be recognition from the king, great popularity and reputation and
happiness from children and friends, if Mangal is in a Kendr, Trikon, or in the 3rd, or
11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

41-42. There will be fear of death/disaster during a foreign journey, diabetes,
unnecessary troubles, danger from thieves and the king and quarrels, if Mangal is in the
8th, 12th, or 2nd from the Lord of the Dasha. In the above circumstances amidst evil
effects there will be some auspicious effects also.

43-44. High fever, danger from poison, distress to wife, mental agony and fear of
premature death will be the results, if Mangal is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. By the
beneficence of Mangal there will be enjoyment and gain of property, if, as a remedial
measure, a bull is given in charity.

45-47. Effects, like increase of wealth and gain of wealth, grains, cattle, lands, village
from a Yavan king, will be derived in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Ketu, if
Rahu is in his exaltation, his own, in a friends Rāśi, or in a Kendr, or Trikon, or in Labh,
or Sahaj, or Dhan. There will be some trouble at the commencement of the Dasha, but
all will be well later.

48-50. Frequent urination, weakness in the body, cold fever, danger from thieves,
intermittent fever, opprobrium, quarrels, diabetes, pain in stomach will be the results, if
Rahu is associated with a malefic in Randhr, or in Vyaya. There will be distress and
danger, if Rahu is in Dhan, or in Yuvati. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the
above evil effects is Durga Saptashati Path.

51-54. Effects, like increase in wealth and grains, beneficence of the king, enthusiasm,
gain of conveyances etc., celebration, like birth of a son at home, performance of pious
deeds, Yagyas, conquest of the enemy and enjoyments, will be derived in the Antar
Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Ketu, if Guru is in his exaltation, in his own Rāśi, or is
associated with Lagn’s, Dharm’s, or Karm’s Lord in a Kendr, or Trikon.

55-56. Danger from thieves, snakes and wounds, destruction of wealth, separation from
wife and children, physical distress etc. will be the results, if Guru is in his debilitation
Rāśi, or in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya. Though some good effects may be felt at the
commencement of the Antar Dasha, there will be only adverse results later.

57-58½. There will be gains of many varieties of garments, ornaments by the
beneficence of the king, foreign journeys, taking care of kinsmen, availability of decent
food, if Guru is associated with a benefic in a Kendr, Trikon, in the 3rd, or 11th from the
Lord of the Dasha.

59-60. Fear of premature death will be caused, if Guru is Dhan’s, or Yuvati’s Lord. The
remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Mrityunjaya Japa and
recitation of Shiva Sahasranama.

61-62½. Effects, like distress to oneself and one’s kinsmen, agony, increase in cattle
wealth, loss of wealth, as a result of imposition of fines by government, resignation from
the existing post, journeys to foreign lands and danger of thieves during travelling, will
be derived in the Antar Dasha of Śani in the Dasha of Ketu, if Śani is deprived of
strength and dignity. There will be loss of wealth and lethargy, if Śani is in Randhr, or

63-65. Success in all ventures, happiness from the employer, comforts during journeys,
increase in happiness and property in ones own village, audience with the king etc. will
be the results, if Śani is in a Trikon in Meen, in Tula, in his own Rāśi, or, if Śani is in an
auspicious Navāńś, or is associated with a benefic in a Kendr, Trikon, or in Sahaj.
(According to Brihat Jatak, Śani in Tula, Meen, Dhanu, Makar and Kumbh in Lagn
gives Raj Yog).

67-68. There will be physical distress, agony, obstacles in ventures, lethargy,
defamation, death of parents, if Śani is associated with a malefic, in the 6th, 8th, or 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha. Fear of premature death may be expected, if Śani is Dhan’s,
or Yuvati’s Lord. The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are
performance of Havan with sesame seeds (Til) and giving a black cow, or female buffalo
in charity.

69-71. Effects, like acquisition of a kingdom, enjoyments, charities, gain of wealth and
land, birth of a son, celebration of religious functions and functions, like marriage
suddenly, well-being in the family, gain of clothes, ornaments etc., will be derived in the
Antar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Ketu, if Budh is in a Kendr, or Trikon, or, if Budh
is in his exaltation, or in his own Rāśi.

72. There will be association with men of learning, dawn of fortune and listening to
religious discourses, if Budh is associated with Dharm’s, or Karm’s Lord.

73-74½. Antagonism with government officials, residing in other people’s houses,
destruction of wealth, clothes, conveyances and cattle will be the results, if Budh is
associated with Śani, Mangal, or Rahu in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya. There will be some
beneficial effects at the commencement of the Dasha, still better results in the middle,
but inauspicious at the end.

75-76. There will be good health, happiness from one’s son, opulence and glory,
availability of good food and clothes and abnormal profits in business, if Budh is in a
Kendr, Trikon, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

77-79. Distress, unhappiness and troubles to wife and children and danger from the king
may be expected at the commencement of the Antar Dasha, if Budh is weak in the 6th,
8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha. There will, however, be visits to sacred places
in the middle of the Dasha. Fear of premature death will be caused, if Budh is Dhan’s, or
Yuvati’s Lord. The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is
recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam.

Re: ☋ Ketu 7yrs

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:20 pm
by StarLore

Re: ☋ Ketu 7yrs

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:21 am
by StarLore