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♀ Venus - The Lover

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:45 pm
by StarLore
♀ Venus - The Lover

Brigu Sutras
♀ Venus - The Lover
Venus is much closer to the Sun than the Earth. The size of Venus is similar to that of the Earth. Venus has a diameter of 7,600 miles. Venus can never be more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system. Mythologically, Venus is considered to be the Goddess of love, marriage, beauty and comforts. It is called Maha Lakshmi, wife of Lord Vishnu. Venus is also called one eyed. Creeks call Venus the Aphrodite. Venus is called Kama, for one's passion depends on its strength. Venus produces people of average height, of plump body, and with a round and pimpled face, kind and pleasing eyes, pleasant voice, sweet smile and curly hair. Venus is termed as a feminine planet. Venus rules the sense of touch and to a great extent the disposition. Venus inclines to all that pertains to the higher attributes of the mind, music, poetry, painting, singing, drama, opera, acting and all refined amusements and adornments. The influence of Venus is expressed as generous, kind, good humoured and loving. Venus is considered benefic, warm, moist and fruitful. Venus governs the throat, kidneys, veins and ovaries. His day is Friday, metal silver, colour white and gem diamond. Men and women ruled by Venus are noticeably kind and social. When well placed Venus endows the native with a pleasant and handsome countenance, symmetrical form and graceful manners. Venus inclines to harmony and as this planet rules the sense of touch, he favours art, music and decoration. By their pleasing personality the subjects of Venus are natural peacemakers; their refined nature softens the ruffed feelings of friends and convert anger to pleasure. As Venus is the promoter of pleasure, these people are splendid entertainers and excellent hosts. When afflicted, Venus produces unsatisfactory domestic conditions, anxiety in love, difficulty with friends of through finances. Venus rules the skin, throat, veins, ovaries and internal generative organs and these are adversely affected by over indulgence in amusements, eating and drinking. Venus is called Kalathra Karaka, that is the chief governor for marriage. Venus also indicates the partner in business. Venus is the chief planet connected with vehicles (Vahana). For those born during day time Venus is the significator for mother. Venus owns Taurus and Libra. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the highest exaltation point being 27 degrees of Pisces. Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the lowest debilitation point being 27 degrees of Virgo. First 20 degrees portion of Libra is his Mutrikona and he rest is his Swakshetra. The whole of Taurus is also his Swakshetra. Mercury and Saturn are' friends of Venus. The Sun and the Moon are his enemies. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him.
Venus in Astrology
Venus planet is all about desires, the desire for wealth and riches, the desire for sensual pleasures, the desire to see the world from rose-tinted glasses, the desire to be surrounded by beauty and creativity, and last but not the least, the desire to be romanced and share all these pleasures with someone special.

As per Vedic astrology, Venus is love personified, it is about emotional attachment, physical attraction, marriage, union, partnership, art, culture, creativity, happiness, passion, and all that is beautiful.

Venus teaches us to appreciate what is best in others; it also gives a drive towards material comforts. It rules over how you socialize and indulge.

Venus concerns itself with the pleasures associated with five senses, smell (the fragrances), savor (indulgent food), sound (music), sights (beauty, art), and touch (luxury textures).

Charm, poise, elegance, politeness, and culture also come under the domain of this exquisite planet.

Astronomical Facts about Venus
Venus planet is the third brightest celestial body and it is second closest to the Sun after Mercury. Also, it is the closest planet to Earth with the shortest distance ever being 40 million km.

From Sun, it is as far as 108 million km. It completes one orbit around Sun in 225 days and rotates around its axis in 243 days. It is the hottest planet too. It also appears to be retrograde every 19 months and its retrogression period is about 40 - 43 days.

Venus in Vedic astrology takes around 12 months to complete one circle around the zodiac belt and stays in one sign for about 28 days.

Essential Details about Venus

Transit in each sign 28 days
Direction: South-east
Metal: Silver
Gem: Diamond
Day: Friday
Color: White
Temperament: Hot, Passionate
Gender: Female
Ruling Body Part: Private parts, reproduction, semen
Status in Imperial Stars: Advisor
Friends: Mercury, Saturn
Enemies: Sun, Moon
Neutral: Jupiter, Mars
Own Sign: Taurus, Libra
Exalted in: Pisces
Debilitated in: Virgo
Mool Trikon: Libra
Mahadasha Period: 20 Years
Relation: Partner
Professions: Literature, performing arts (music, drama, dance), jewelry, vehicles, luxury items, diamonds, cinema, art forms, perfumes, silk etc.

Signification of Venus in Vedic astrology
Venus in astrology is not just associated with materialistic tendencies, but It is a spiritual teacher too. A teacher who brings back those on the right track who have fallen from the grace of spirituality due to materialism.

It is a strong indicator of wealth in a horoscope. A benefic presence of Venus in a horoscope gives the native a good aesthetic sense and artistic inclination.
Such a person is likely to be talented, especially in a creative field.

A well-positioned Venus in the horoscope turns the native’s love into devotion, and friendship into loyalty. But when Venus is too strong in the horoscope, it can also give excessive carnal desires and a materialistic attitude. Such a person may be too inclined toward leisure and pleasures of all kinds.

If Venus is afflicted or debilitated in a horoscope, the native struggles to enjoy the riches of life. Such a person lacks mental peace and satisfaction, which may lead the native towards the fulfillment of sensual desires as a compensatory means.

Weak placement of Venus can also make the person impotent or struggle in progeny matters, especially if under strong affliction. An afflicted Venus can also give health problems like diabetes, thyroid, muscular weakness, vocal cords & throat-related problems, obesity, and a tendency to over-indulge.

Re: Venus

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:47 pm
by StarLore ... rology.php

Venus in Vedic Astrology

Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Basic Astronomical facts about Venus
Venus is the second farthest planet from the Sun. It is the brightest thing in the sky besides the Sun and Moon. As seen from the Earth, Venus never gets more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. It has a diameter of about 12,100 kilometers. It is closest planet to Earth and its minimum distance from the Earth is from about 40 million kilometers. From Sun its distance is 108 million kilometers. Venus takes 225 days to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 243 days to complete one rotation on its axis. Its average surface temperature is 452 °C and that makes it the hottest planet. Its average geocentric motion per day is 01°12'. Venus has no natural satellite of its own. Venus retrograde period is about 40 to 43 days and it gets and it retrograde approximately every nineteen months.

The Venus in Hindu Mythology
Venus is the guru of the demons, he can raise the dead, with the help of the Sanjivini Vidya, who fall in battles with the gods. He is immensely astute, and, a true Brahmana, he is an expert in every form of learning. Venus has a medium-sized well-nourished body, long hands, prominent shouldets, a broad chest, and dark, short, curly hair. Overflowing with virility, he is intelligent, handsome, and sensuous. Venus is the son of the Rishi Bhrigu and his wife Puloma. Bhrigu Rishi was, like Angiras Rishi, (father of Jupiter) born directly from Brahma's semen, which means that Venus and Jupiter, two implacable adversaries, are first cousins.

One day, when Bhrigu was absorbed in deep meditation, Venus was near him and was appreciating the beauty of the nature, at that time the beautiful Apsaras Vishvachi was passing by, seeing her boy's heart with delight and he followed her to heaven. They fell in love at first sight of each other, and to fulfill his desire Venus created a hut in a small corner of heaven. Then they indulged in lovemaking of the many ages. When Venus's good karmas had finally been used up, he fell from heaven down to the Moon, where his soul reached the Earth through rain that fell on a rice paddy. Entering the semen of a Brahmana who ate that rice, and then entering the womb of that Brahmana's wife via his semen, Venus was reborn in that Brahmana family. He then led an austere life on Mount Meru for long, until his path again crossed that of Vishvachi, who had been cursed to live as a female deer. He fell in love with the deer and mated with her; the result was a human child.

The Brahmana who had been Venus died of snake bite not long after, and then, reborn as prince of Madra, ruled that country for many years. Afterwards he took many other births, including one as a bamboo forest and another as a python, until at last he was born as the son of a Seer living on the banks of the river. His original body, meanwhile, had long ago dropped to the earth. After many thousand years, Bhrigu opened his eyes to find not his living son but a worn-out body lying nearby. In his fury over his son's death, he was about to curse Yama, the god of death, when Yama appeared before him and asked him not to curse him, because his son fell into this state because of his own actions and he is now performing penance on the banks of the river Ganga. Yama then revived the body of Venus; Bhrigu thereupon told the boy his past lives and showed him the road to spiritual success. Venus set out to gain the favor of Lord Shiva and after worshipping him for five thousand years Lord Shiva appeared and blessed Venus and taught him the Sanjivini Vidya. In addition, Shiva named Venus the best of the planets and told him that his rise in the sky would inaugurate the performance of all auspicious rituals. It is for this reason that marriages are performed only when Venus is rising in the sky. Venus himself has enjoyed several wives and has been blessed with daughters and sons.

Basic Astrological facts about Venus
Gender of Venus: Feminine.
Venus is the karaka or significator of: Potency and Desire.
Venus as relationship signifies: Spouse.
Planetary cabinet status of Venus: Minister or Royal Advisor.
Temperament of Venus: Easy going and Accommodating.
Element governed by Venus: Jala or Water.
Primary quality or guna of Venus: Rajo guna or Imperious and Passionate.
Caste of the Venus: Brahmin or Priest.
Nature of Venus: Benefic.
Directional strength of Venus: In the Fourth House.
Directional weakness of Venus: In the Tenth House.

Venus rules the zodiacal Sign: Taurus and Libra.
Venus rules the zodiacal House: Natural astrological Second and Seventh houses.
Sign of exaltation of Venus: Pisces.
Sign of debilitation of Venus: Virgo.
Determent or weak sign of Venus: Aries.
Venus's friends are: Mercury and Saturn.
Venus's enemies are: Sun and Moon.
Venus is neutral with: Mars and Jupiter.
Venus's Vimshottari Dasha period: Twenty Years.
Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Venus are: Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Venus are Bharani Nakshatra, Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.

Body part governed by Venus: The Pelvis and Reproductive organs.
Day of the week governed by Venus: Friday.
Direction ruled by Venus: Southeast Direction.
Season governed by Venus: Vasant or Spring season.
Metals governed by Venus: Platinum and Silver.
Gemstone governed by Venus: Diamond.
Substitute gemstones governed by Venus: White Sapphire and Zircon.
Colors ruled by Venus: White and Variegated Colors.
Food and flavors governed by Venus: Things of Sour taste.
Geometrical shape governed by Venus: An Octagon.
Numbers as per Numerology governed by Venus: 6, 15, 24, 33 and all those that adds up to six, are governed by it.

Positive key words for Venus: Harmony, Devotion, Refinement, Affection & Responsiveness.
Negative key words for Venus: Laziness, Indifference, Self-indulgence, Superficial & Flirtatious.

Body parts, function and diseases governed by Venus
Ruling over Taurus and Libra, Venus helps regulate the throat, thyroid and kidneys. Venus rules vitamin E, Niacin and Copper. Venus also has dominion over half the circulatory system, the venous supply and it is concerned with skin. Venus play a part in diseases of the blood. Venus is also valuable in circulatory ailments, such as phlebitis, embolisms, thrombosis and dilation of the vessels of the arterial and venous systems and it keeps the body supplied with a pure source of oxygen. Venus also governs slack muscle tone in the body. Mars represents tight, healthy muscles, whereas Venus, its opposite, indicates a potential lack of tone or tightness, soft or weakened muscles. All the disease related to throats and neck like vocal cords, tonsillitis, diphtheria, laryngitis, swelling in the neck, mumps, and thrush or fungus infection of the mouth or throat. It governs thyroid related problems, various diseases of the kidney, as well as skin ailments, Sugar or diabetes, urine and semen related problems. There can be a tendency to overeat or eat rich foods, with afflicted Venus that put on weight and edema of the hands and feet or an inability to lose weight.

Professions governed by the Venus
Venus governs all professions and career related to art, entertainment, beauty products, luxury, and costly, items, food items especially sweets. Venus denotes all those related to acting, drama, film industry, music, dance, singing, instrumental music, drawings, painting, sculpture, photography, ornamenting, perfumery, art, decoration, jewelers, precious stones, luxury items, income-tax, revenue, finance department, bank officials, judge, wool dealer, barbers, hair stylists, wig maker, tailor, dressmaker, women's apparel, fancy goods dealers, hotels, restaurants, bakery, cooks, butlers, bars, dealers in dairy farms, ice cream, sugar, milk, confectionary, paints, dyes, acids, petrol, oils, fertilizer, glass, plastic, perfumeries, soap, marriage broker, registrar of marriages, tannery, hide, yarn, leather goods, tobacco, veterinary doctors, chemical and drugs manufacturers and dealers of automobiles and vehicles.

The Mantras for Venus:
Beej Mantra of Venus:Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah

The Venus Stotra:Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum sarva shastra pravatkaram bhargavam pranamaamayaham

Gayatri Mantra of Venus:Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae dhanur hastaaya dheemahi tanno shukra prachodayaat
Remedies for Venus to be performed if Venus is not well placed in the horoscope:
Worshiping the ruling deity of the Venus, Goddess Shakti or Durga.
Recitation of Durga chalisa.
Reciting of Venus Mantras.
Charity: Donate perfumes, fancy items and white sandal wood on Fridays to married females.
Fasting: On Fridays.
Pooja: Santoshi mata pooja.
Rudraksh: Wear six mukhi (six faced) Rudraksh.

Re: Venus

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:06 am
by StarLore

Re: Venus

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:50 pm
by StarLore

Re: Venus

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:50 pm
by StarLore

Re: Venus

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:19 pm
by StarLore