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Bahuputra Yoga

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:51 am
by StarLore

Bahuputra Yoga

Rahu is in the fifth house, in a Navamsa other than that of Saturn.

Bahuputra Yoga indicates that you will be blessed with a lot of children. You and your spouse will enjoy a very healthy sexual relationship which will result in frequent sexual activities. The sexual organs of both of you are also healthy which will enable you to have more than one child. It is, however, important that you have proper family planning and not overburden yourself with responsibilities.


Bahuputra Yoga

The Lord of the Navamsa occupied by a planet that is in association with the seventh Lord, is in the first, second or fifth house. Bahuputra Yoga indicates that you will be blessed with a lot of children. You and your spouse will enjoy a very healthy sexual relationship which will result in frequent sexual activities. The sexual organs of both of you are also healthy which will enable you to have more than one child. It is, however, important that you have proper family planning and not overburden yourself with responsibilities.
