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☿ Mercury - The Messenger of Gods

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:45 pm
by StarLore
☿ Mercury - The Messenger of Gods

☿ Mercury - The Messenger of Gods
Amongst all the planets Mercury is nearest to Sun. It revolves round the Sun in 88 days. Its diameter is nearly 3,200 miles. Mythologically Mercury was known as Thoth, Hermes and "The Messenger of Gods". It was usually portrayed as a youth, flying with wings at his heels, bearing a cadaceus made of olive wood about which were twined serpents, the rod being surmounted with a pair of wings. This symbol represents the essential qualities of the planet, duality, speed and wisdom. According to Hindu mythology Mercury is said to be the son of Moon. Mercurial people generally have a youthful appearance.

The influence of the planet Mercury is neutral, dualistic, cold, moist, sexless and convertible. He gives favourable results when he is in good association and receives benefic aspects. Mercury can rarely be seen with naked eye as he is never more man 28 degrees from the Sun. When he is within 8 ½ degrees of the Sun, he is treated as combust or burnt up and loses great deal of its ability. His influence is best when leaving the Sun. Mercury rules that part of the intellect which is susceptible to cultivation through study, precept, observation and imitation. Mercury influences the nervous system, solar plexus, bowels, arms, mouth, tongue, sense of sight, perception, understanding, interpretation and expression. He deals with travelling, teaching, clerkship, speaking, writing, printing, publishing, literature, stationery, secretaries, book-keeping, correspondence, mailing etc. His day is Wednesday and his metal is liquid metal or quick silver. His colour is green and his gem is Emerald. If Mercury is well placed in the horoscope, the natives make good linguists, orators, writers, reporters, teachers, secretaries, accountants, etc., being fully capable of maintaining any position where adaptability, dexterity, perception, skill, quick wit, imagination and good memory are required. They usually conduct their work in an orderly, methodical, systematic and handy manner being adept at simplifying arrangements. Mercury shows the type of mentality one is endowed with, as he governs the reaction to one's sense and impressions. Being an intellectual planet, the Mercurian is highly intelligent, ingenious and analytical. He will grasp the subjects very quickly. He gives the native retentive power and reproductive ability. A well placed and well aspected Mercury represents a subtle political brain and intellect, a logician with learning and discretion. A person influenced by Mercury will have curiosity to master occult sciences also. He will be versatile, good in mathematical calculations, engineering, accounts etc. If Mercury is afflicted, the native will be clever, cunning and mischievous, he will turn out to be a great gambler, the worst liar, a conceited showy person, he will pretend as though he knows everything while actually he is devoid of real learning. The affliction of Mercury will also cause excess nervous activity both of body and mind. There is also consequent effect on the health detrimental to the operation of bowels and other organs under the dominion of this planet. Mercury is the chief governor for education and uncle. Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo. He is exalted in Virgo, the highest exaltation point being 15 degrees of Virgo. He is debilitated in Pisces, the lowest debilitation point being 15 degrees of Pisces. The first 15 degrees of Virgo is the exaltation portion of Virgo, 16 to 20 degrees portion is his Mooltrikona and the rest is Swakshetra. The whole of Gemini is also his Swakshetra. Sun and Venus are friends of Mercury, Moon is his enemy and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to him.
Mercury in Astrology
Mercury planet is a neutral planet, rules over your rationality, perception, and opinions. It determines your ability to negotiate, coordinate, think, understand and process information.

It governs your ability to adapt and adjust, to express what is in your mind effectively, and to use diction wisely.

If Mercury is strong in a horoscope, the person is likely to be a good communicator having the power to persuade. This winged marshal of the celestial sphere asks you to put logic into things, speak to your advantage, and bestows us with intellect and rationality to do it all.

When you are Mercurial, there is a tendency to be restless and always in motion. Life happens to you at the speed of light. Transportation, short trips, chat with neighbors, visit friends, all come under the domain of this clever planet. Mercury asks us to explore, both, our inner self and abilities as well as the outer world.

Astronomical facts about Mercury
Mercury planet is the closest to Sun in the celestial sphere. Mercury completes one orbit around Sun in 88 days and completes one rotation on its axis in 58.65 days.

When seen from Earth, it never appears to be more than 28 degrees away from Sun. Mercury also turns retrograde for a period of about 20 to 24 days roughly, and retrogression occurs every 4 months.

When retrograde, people under the strong influence of Mercury face communication failures often. Mercury stays in one sign for around 25 days and takes about 10 months roughly to transit through the whole zodiacal belt.

Essential Details about Mercury

Transit in each sign: 25 days
Direction: North
Metal: Lead
Gem: Emerald
Day: Wednesday
Color: Green
Temperament: Mixed
Gender: Neutral
Ruling Body Part: Nervous System and Skin
Status in Imperial Stars: Prince
Friends: Sun, Venus
Enemies: Moon
Neutral: Saturn, Mars
Own Sign: Gemini, Virgo
Exalted in: Virgo
Debilitated in: Pisces
Mool Trikon: Virgo
Mahadasha Period: 17 Years
Relation: Sisters
Professions: Writing, literature, communication, media, consultancy, publishing, accounts, insurance, math, astrology, railway, trading, Mercury and Emerald related.

Signification of Mercury in Indian astrology
Mercury in Vedic Astrology is neither masculine, not feminine; it acquires the persona of the sign it is placed in.

Since Mercury gives one the power to discriminate and rule over language, its bad influence affects it to a deeper level. It also rules over youth, play, leisure, sports, and social circle.

Like Moon, Mercury in astrology also represents the mind, but it deals with the analytical side while Moon is concerned with the subconscious.

When Mercury is strongly placed in a horoscope, it makes the person intellectual, wise, rational with effective speech and curiosity to learn. Communication is the strong area of such a person.

But when Mercury is too strong, it represses the emotional side of the personality. Such a person tries to put logic into the situation that needs to be dealt with emotions.

Mercury when under influence of malefic planets, can be both favorable as well as unfavorable for the native. Native having a strong Mercury may have strong intelligence but they may use it in shrewd ways if under affliction.

A malefic Mercury gives the person an unstable mind, lack of rationality, speech disorders, poor articulation, learning difficulties, skin problems, issues related to the nervous system, memory issues, as well as problems in understanding and gaining the in-depth knowledge.

Such a person usually struggles in social situations due to poor expression and communication blunders.

Re: Mercury

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:08 am
by StarLore ... rology.php

Mercury in Vedic Astrology

Written by: Sanjay Sharma.

Basic Astronomical facts about Mercury
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in our Solar System. Its orbit is one of the most eccentric among the planets. As seen from the Earth, Mercury never gets more than 27 degrees away from the Sun. It has a diameter of about 4,879 kilometers. Its distance from the Earth varies from about 77 million to about 222 million kilometers. From Sun its distance varies from 47 million 70 million kilometers. Mercury takes 88 days to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 58.65 days to complete one rotation on its axis. Its surface temperature ranges widely between -168°C to 427°C. Its average geocentric motion per day is 01°23'. Mercury has no natural satellite of its own. Mercury retrograde period is about 20 to 24 days and it gets retrograde approximately every four months.

The Mercury in Hindu Mythology
Mercury is the son of the Moon. Moon conquered the three worlds and performed the Rajsu yagna, the sacrifice which gives lordship. Many gods and goddesses served him; having achieved this glory he became arrogant. The Moon was the chief disciple of Jupiter, the guru of the celestials, and was also the favorite of Tara, Jupiter's wife, who was attracted to him by his character and beauty.

Once when Jupiter was away Tara and Moon eloped. Jupiter returned home, found his wife gone, soon discovered her whereabouts, and several times sent messages to the Moon requesting his wife's return. The Moon, however, repeatedly refused to comply with these requests, maintaining that Tara had accompanied him of her own accord and would leave only when she was satiated with him. These replies so infuriated Jupiter that he communicated them to his disciple Indra, the chief of gods who sent an ultimatum to the Moon.

When Moon refused to yield again, Indra began a war. Venus and the asuras (demonic celestials) took the side of Moon in this war, because of the ongoing enmity between Jupiter and Venus, while Lord Shiva, took the side of the devas. The war dragged on so long that the Great Rishis began to fear that the end of the world was near. Brahma asked Moon to return Tara. This the Moon did, but he returned her pregnant.

When Jupiter learned of this he was furious, and asked her for abortion. Tara had to did that but the baby which was a boy survived and he was radiant like gold. Seeing the child's splendor both Jupiter and Moon hankered after him, and both claimed paternity, demanding that Tara declare the true father's name. Tara was too embarrassed to speak. Finally, when Brahma questioned her in private she admitted that the Moon was the father of that wonderful child, who was the planet Mercury.

Basic Astrological facts about Mercury
Gender of Mercury: Neuter gender.
Mercury is the karaka or significator of: The Speech.
Mercury as relationship signifies: Maternal Uncles.
Planetary cabinet status of Mercury: Crown Prince.
Temperament of Mercury: Volatile and Versatile.
Element governed by Mercury: Bhoo or Earth.
Primary quality or guna of Mercury: Rajo Guna or Imperious and Passionate.
Caste of the Mercury: Vaishya or Trader.
Nature of Mercury: Benefic when associated with benefic planets otherwise malefic.
Directional strength of Mercury: In the First House.
Directional weakness of Mercury: In the Seventh House.

Mercury rules the zodiacal Sign: Gemini and Virgo.
Mercury rules the zodiacal House: Natural astrological Third and Sixth houses.
Sign of exaltation of Mercury: Virgo.
Sign of debilitation of Mercury: Pisces.
Determent or weak sign of Mercury: Sagittarius.
Mercury's friends are: Sun and Venus.
Mercury's enemies are: Moon and Mars.
Mercury is neutral with: Jupiter and Saturn.
Mercury's Vimshottari Dasha period: Seventeen Years.
Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Mercury are: Ashlesha Nakshatra, Jyestha Nakshatra and Revati Nakshatra.

Body part governed by Mercury: The Hips.
Day of the week governed by Mercury: Wednesday.
Direction ruled by Mercury: North.
Season governed by Mercury: Sharad or Autumn season.
Metals governed by Mercury: Quicksilver or Parad.
Gemstone governed by Mercury: Emerald.
Substitute gemstones governed by Mercury: Peridot and Green Tourmaline.
Colors ruled by Mercury: All shades of Green.
Food and flavors governed by Mercury: Things of mixed or varied tastes.
Geometrical shape governed by Mercury: A Triangle.
Numbers as per Numerology governed by Mercury: 5, 14, 23, 32 and all those that adds up to five, are governed by it.

Positive key words for Mercury: Brilliance, Alertness, Articulateness, Versatility & Dexterity.
Negative key words for Mercury: Skepticism, Nosiness, Indecision, Criticalness & Restlessness.

Body parts, function and diseases governed by Mercury
Mercury rules the nervous system, and as such its placement in a natal chart indicates all mental and nerve related problems nervousness, tension and the inability to relax. The messenger of the gods, it is also the messenger of the nervous system, relaying split second commands throughout the body. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, all the diseases governed by these two signs are automatically governed by Mercury. It rules all the tubing in the body, the channels through which blood, hormones, enzymes and oxygen move. Mercury partially rule the hormones dispensed by the glands in the body. Mercury is involved with the splitting up action and the pancreatic breakdown of sugar into glucose the amount of hydrochloric acid (HCI) in the stomach. This malfunction causes all digestion related problems such as colitis, flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea etc. Mercury is also closely associated with the thyroid, along with its co ruler Taurus. Mercury also rules the Thiamine or vitamin B-1.

Professions governed by Mercury
Mercury is a planet of communication, reasoning, knowledge, travelling, education and all business espcially trading related, it thus governs all profession related to these. Any profession or employment that requirs or is related to memory, intellect, writing, communication, travelling and trade and commerce is giverned by Mercury. It governs profession and career related to any kind of publicity, advertising, propaganda services, telegraph, telephone, astrologers, clerks, accountants, auditors, translators, mathematician, brokers, teachers, lecturers, authors, journalists, editors, writers, interpreters, secretaries, messengers, post office personnels, salesmen, publishers, printers, drivers of bus, cabs and trains etc.

The Mantras for Mercury:
Beej Mantra of Mercury:Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah

The Mercury Stotra:Priyam gukaalikashyamam rupenaam prathimam budham soumyam saumya gunopetham tham budham pranamaamyaham

Mercury Gayatri Mantra:Om gaja dhwajaaya vidmahae sukha hastaaya dheemahi tanno buddhe prachodayaat
Remedies for Mercury to be performed if Sun is not well placed in the horoscope:
Worshiping the ruling deity of the Mercury, Lord Vishnu.
Recitation of Vishnu sahasranama stotra.
Reciting of Mercury Mantras.
Charity: Donate green beans, gram and vegetables on Wednesdays to Eunuchs.
Fasting: On Wednesdays.
Pooja: Ganesh pooja.
Rudraksh: Wear four mukhi (four faced) Rudraksh.

Re: Mercury

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:08 am
by StarLore

Re: Mercury

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:52 pm
by StarLore

Re: Mercury

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:52 pm
by StarLore

Re: Mercury

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:19 pm
by StarLore