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Sarpasapa Yoga

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:48 am
by StarLore

Sarpasapa Yoga

The fifth house is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Kuja, or the fifth house being a sign of Mars, is occupied by Rahu. Sarpasapa Yoga indicates that you will have the misfortune of losing your children. It is highly probable that your children’s death will come from accidents related to serpents. It is important you keep your children away from snakes. Unfortunately, however, all your efforts at safeguarding your children might come to nothing. It is also possible that you will lose your children before birth and thus have stillbirths due to the curse of serpents and not because of a snake bite.


Sarpasapa Yoga

The fifth Lord is in conjunction with Rahu, and Saturn is in the fifth house aspected by or asssociated with the Moon.

Sarpasapa Yoga indicates that you will have the misfortune of losing your children. It is highly probable that your children’s death will come from accidents related to serpents. It is important you keep your children away from snakes. Unfortunately, however, all your efforts at safeguarding your children might come to nothing. It is also possible that you will lose your children before birth and thus have stillbirths due to the curse of serpents and not because of a snake bite.


Sarpasapa Yoga

The karaka of children in association with Mars, Rahu in Lagna, and the fifth Lord in a dusthana.

Sarpasapa Yoga indicates that you will have the misfortune of losing your children. It is highly probable that your children’s death will come from accidents related to serpents. It is important you keep your children away from snakes. Unfortunately, however, all your efforts at safeguarding your children might come to nothing. It is also possible that you will lose your children before birth and thus have stillbirths due to the curse of serpents and not because of a snake bite.


Sarpasapa Yoga

The fifth house, being a sign of Mars, is conjoined by Rahu and aspected by or associated with Mercury.

Sarpasapa Yoga indicates that you will have the misfortune of losing your children. It is highly probable that your children’s death will come from accidents related to serpents. It is important you keep your children away from snakes. Unfortunately, however, all your efforts at safeguarding your children might come to nothing. It is also possible that you will lose your children before birth and thus have stillbirths due to the curse of serpents and not because of a snake bite.
