House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Post by StarLore »

House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

12th House
Vedic name: Vairagya Bhava
Significator: Saturn
Associated with: Pisces
Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Venus, and Saturn
Weak for: Moon and Mercury
The 1st house is about the beginning while the 12th house in Vedic astrology stands for the completion of the lifecycle, thus “Vairagya” stands for “ending”. It is also called the house of insensible, self- untying, and internment. A weak 12th house may give the endemic detachment from people like separation from their partner, parents, friends, and neighbors. Generally, it regularizes the immaterial things like intuitions, dreams, secrets, and emotions of a person.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Indications of Vyaya Bhava. From Vyaya Bhava, one can know about expenses, history of enemies, one's own death etc.

Effects of Vyaya Bhava

1-4. O Brahmin, now I tell you about the effects of Vyaya Bhava. There will be expenses on good accounts, if Vyaya' s Lord is with a benefic, or in his own Bhava, or exalted, or, if a benefic occupies Vyaya. One will own beautiful houses and beds and be endowed with superior scented articles and pleasures, if Candr happens to be Vyaya' s Lord and be exalted, or be in its own Rasi and/or Navahs, or in Labh/Dharm/Putr Bhava in Rasi/Navahs. The said native will live with rich clothes and ornaments, be learned and Lordly.

5-6. And, if Vyaya' s Lord is in Ari, or Randhr Bhava, or be in enemy's Navahs, in debilitation Navahs, or in Randhr Bhava in Navahs, one will be devoid of happiness from wife, be troubled by expenses and deprived of general happiness. If he be in an angle, or trine, the native will beget a spouse.

7. Just as these effects are derived from Tanu Bhava in regard to the native, similar deductions be made about co-borns etc. from Sahaj and other Bhavas.

8. Grahas placed in the visible half of the zodiac will give explicit results, while the ones in the invisible half will confer secret results.

9. If Rahu is in Vyaya along with Mangal, Sani and Surya, the native will go to hell. Similar effect will occur, if Vyaya' s Lord is with Surya.

10. If there is a benefic in Vyaya, while its Lord is exalted, or is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic, one will attain final emancipation.

11. One will wander from country to country, if Vyaya' s Lord and Vyaya Bhava are with malefics and Vyaya' s Lord gives a Drishti to, or receives a Drishti from malefics.

12. One will move in his own country, if Vyaya' s Lord and Vyaya Bhava are with benefics and Vyaya' s Lord gives a Drishti to, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

13. Earnings will be through sinful measures, if Vyaya is occupied by Sani, or Mangal etc. and is not receiving a Drishti from a benefic.

14. If Lagn's Lord is in Vyaya, while Vyaya' s Lord is in Lagn with Sukr, expenses will be on religious grounds.

Bhrigu Sutras
Loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses, drudgery and deception, investments, donations, charities, separation from family, going to far away places, sorrow and sin, misery and misfortune, poverty, imprisonment, secret enemies, confinement in hospital, association, fraud, scandal, disgrace, secret sorrows, success through occult affairs, the feet, the left eye, the left ear, comforts of bed, debts, life in a foreign place and Moksha (final salvation).
Last edited by StarLore on Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

Post by StarLore » ... houses.php

Twelfth House
The 12th house rules a person's bondage, confinement, imprisonment, expenses, loss, poverty, misery, phobia, staying abroad, final emancipation, left eye and let leg. The 12th house shows final emancipation from the chain of births and deaths and his merger with the divine and the future state of his existence. The 12th house deals with loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses and loss. Whether such expenses will be pleasant and expected or unpleasant and unexpected will depend upon this twelfth house and transits and planetary periods in operation. It governs all types of purchases, investments, donations, charity and association with philanthropic institutions. Sorrow, sins, obstacles and impediments in one's way, misery and misfortune, poverty and persecution, intrigue and imprisonment, phobia, secret toil of mind, inferiority complex, anxiety, suspicion, silent suffering, self-undoing, secret working of the mind, secret enemies, plots and schemes, conspiracy, cunningness, envy, malice, fraud, treachery, and deception all come under the influence of the 12th house. This is also the house of the self-sacrifice and shows unselfish deeds.

This house refers to the twelfth sign of zodiac, the Pisces or the Meen or Meena. The natural significator of the twelfth house is the planet. The parts of the body ruled by the twelfth house are the feet. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the twelfth house signifies prisons, hospitals, asylums, reformatories, charitable institutions, criminals, spies, secret forces and secret enemies. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of planning.
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Re: House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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Re: House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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Re: House XII - Wisdom & Expenses

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