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Sumukha Yoga

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:22 am
by StarLore

Sumukha Yoga

The Lord of the second house is in a kendra aspected by benefics, or benefics join the second house.

Sumukha Yoga indicates that the native will have an attractive face and an incredibly beautiful smile. You might be well known among your friends and peers just for your beauty alone. Your smiling face will be something that people likes to see whenever they can. However, if your natal chart has the second lord and the second house afflicted, you might have a harsh voice and/or defective eyesight. Nevertheless, this is not very likely.


Sumukha Yoga

The Lord of the second house is posited in a kendra which is his exaltation, own or friendly sign and the Lord of the kendra attains Gopuramsa.

Sumukha Yoga indicates that the native will have an attractive face and an incredibly beautiful smile. You might be well known among your friends and peers just for your beauty alone. Your smiling face will be something that people likes to see whenever they can. However, if your natal chart has the second lord and the second house afflicted, you might have a harsh voice and/or defective eyesight. Nevertheless, this is not very likely.
