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Swaveeryaddhana Yoga

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:55 am
by StarLore

Swaveeryaddhana Yoga

The lord of Lagna, being the strongest planet, should occupy a kendra in conjunction with Jupiter and the 2nd lord should join Vaiseshikamsa.

The native possessing the Swaveeryaddhana Yoga in his chart shows that whatever prosperity you will gain throughout your life will be solely through your own hardships and efforts. You don't come from a family who's immensely rich and wealthy, but you have made your own luck and worked hard to gain wealth. You have learned to work hard and eventually create your own business. Your children will learn from you that you love to make your own luck and hardwork is really the key to success.


Swaveeryaddhana Yoga

The lord of the sign in which the lord of Navamasa occupied by the Ascendant lord is, should be strong, and join a quadrant or trine from the 2nd lord or should occupy his own or exaltation sign.

The native possessing the Swaveeryaddhana Yoga in his chart shows that whatever prosperity you will gain throughout your life will be solely through your own hardships and efforts. You don't come from a family who's immensely rich and wealthy, but you have made your own luck and worked hard to gain wealth. You have learned to work hard and eventually create your own business. Your children will learn from you that you love to make your own luck and hardwork is really the key to success.


Swaveeryaddhana Yoga

The 2nd lord should occupy a quadrant or trine from the 1st lord or the 2nd lord being a bene fic should be in either a deep exaltation or conjunction with an exalted planet.

The native possessing the Swaveeryaddhana Yoga in his chart shows that whatever prosperity you will gain throughout your life will be solely through your own hardships and efforts. You don't come from a family who's immensely rich and wealthy, but you have made your own luck and worked hard to gain wealth. You have learned to work hard and eventually create your own business. Your children will learn from you that you love to make your own luck and hardwork is really the key to success.
