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House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:55 pm
by StarLore
House III - Younger Brother & Courage

3rd House
Vedic Name: Buddhi Bhava
Lord of the House: Saturn
Associated with: Gemini
Good for: Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn.
Weak for: Mercury
The meaning of “Buddhi” in astrology is “intellect”, thus this house governs the mental attitude of a person and their ability to memorize. The areas represented by this house also includes journeys, brothers, sisters, neighbors, interests, habits, mental intelligence, and communication.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Indications of Sahaj Bhava. From Sahaj Bhava know of the following: valour, servants (attending etc.), brothers, sisters etc., initiatory instructions (Upadesh), journey and parent's death.

Effects of Sahaj Bhava

1 . O Brahmin, I now tell you about Sahaj Bhava. Should Sahaj Bhava be yuti with, or drishtied by a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born and be courageous.

2. If Sahaj 's Lord along with Mangal drishties Sahaj Bhava, the native will enjoy good results, due to Sahaj Bhava. Alternatively these two Grahas may be in Sahaj itself.

3. Destruction at once of co-born will come to pass, if the said 2 Grahas are together with a malefic, or in a Rasi, owned by a malefic.

4-4 Vi. Female and Male Co-born. If Sahaj 's Lord is a female Grah, or, if Sahaj Bhava be occupied by female Grahas, one will have sisters, born after him. Similarly male Grahas and male Rasis denote younger brothers. Should it be of mixed nature, co-born of both sexes will be obtained. These effects be declared after assessing the strength and weakness of the concerned.

5-6. Should Sahaj ' s Lord and Mangal be together in Randhr Bhava, destruction of co-born will result. Happiness in this respect will come to pass, if Mangal, or Sahaj 's Lord is in an angle, or in a trine, or in exaltation, or friendly divisions.

7-11. Number of Brothers and Sisters. If Budh is in Sahaj Bhava, while Sahaj's Lord and Candr are together, as the indicator (Mangal) joins Sani, the effects are: there occurred the birth of an elder sister and there will be younger brothers. Furthermore, the third brother will die. Should Mangal be yuti with Rahu, while Sahaj's Lord is in his debilitation Rasi, there will be loss of younger brothers and/or sisters, while three elder brothers and/or sisters were attained by the native. If Sahaj's Lord is in an angle, while the significator (Mangal) is exalted in a trine and be yuti with Guru, 12 will be the number of total co-born. Out of these two elders and the 3 rd , the 7 th , the 9 th and the 12 th of the younger co-born will be shortlived, while six of the said twelve will be longlived.

12-13. There will be 1 co-born, if Vyaya's Lord (some texts read, as Labh's Lord) joins Mangal and Guru, while Sahaj Bhava is occupied by Candr. If Candr is lonely placed in Sahaj Bhava with Drishti of male Grahas, there will be younger brothers, while the Drishti of Sukr denotes younger sisters.

14. Adverse Grahas. Surya in Sahaj Bhava will destroy the preborn. The afterborn will be destroyed, if Sani is found in Sahaj Bhava. In the same situation Mangal will destroy both the preborn and later-born.

15. After estimating the strength and weakness of such Yogas, the effects, related to brothers and sisters, be announced.

Brigu Sutras
Mental inclination, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study, courage, firmness, valour, prowess, heroism, younger brothers or sisters, cousins, neighbours, short travels, communications such as railways, wireless, posts and telegraphs, correspondence, writings, change of residence, signing contracts or agreements, rumours, carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collarbone, arms nervous system.

Re: House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:21 am
by StarLore ... houses.php

Third House
The 3rd house rules a person's communication and correspondence, short journeys, younger brother or sister, cousins, and neighbors, courage, heroism valor, thoughts, mental strength, inclination and ability, memory and the inherent propensities of the mind and intellect. The third house is the house of all types of communication, correspondence and information exchange that a person is engaged in by talking, letters, fax, email, television, radio, news, media, phone etc. It also governs short travel, inland journeys such as travel by cycle, bus, boat, rail and short air travel. It governs younger siblings, all cousins and even neighbors. It indicates the property of mind, its strength and weakness, thought power, mental interest and inclination, courage and valor. The third house also governs change of residence.

This house refers to the third sign of zodiac, the Gemini or the Mithuna or Mithun. The natural significator of the third house is the planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by the third house are ears (generally 3rd house rules the right ear and the 11th house rules the left ear), hands, arms and fingers, shoulder blade, collar bone, respiratory and the nervous system. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the third house signifies neighboring countries and treaties with them. It rules over transportation and all the means of transit whether it is by land air or water, and the communication system like postal, telegraph, radio, telephone, television and all the media. It also represents libraries and public education generally. It governs all the matters signified by communications, information technology, broadcasting, transport, highways, railways and tourism ministry.

Re: House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:21 am
by StarLore

Re: House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:22 am
by StarLore

Re: House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:22 am
by StarLore

Re: House III - Younger Brother & Courage

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:28 pm
by StarLore