Harihara Brahma Yoga

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Harihara Brahma Yoga

Post by StarLore »


Harihara Brahma Yoga

Benefics are in the 8th or 12th house from the 2nd lord; or the Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury are in the 4th, 9th and 8th from the 7th lord, or the Sun, Venus and Mars are in the 4th, 10th and 11th from the lord of Lagna.

The person who is born in the Harihara Brahma Yoga is considered to be very lucky and blessed. You will be well-versed with the eminent Vedas. Being such a person, you consider honesty to be your motto. Your life will be full of various kinds of pleasures, including sexual pleasures. You have an influential speech which makes sure that it impresses everyone. Also, you tend to conquer your enemies and their negative energy. You love being helpful to other people and engaging in virtuous deeds.

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