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House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:54 pm
by StarLore
House I - Appearance and Health

1st House
Vedic Name: Tanu Bhava
Lord of the House: Mars
Associated with: Aries
Good for: Jupiter, Sun, Moon Mars Mercury
Weak for: Venus and Saturn
The meaning of “Tanu” in astrology is “body”, thus it influences one’s individuality. The factors like looks, attractive features, physical features, and strengths are determined by this house. Many things about the individual can be ascertained through the first house.

Parashara Hora Shastra
Indications of Tanu Bhava. Maharishi Parashar replies. Physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigour, weakness, happiness, grief and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending Rasi.

Effects of Tanu Bhava

1-2. Physical comforts. Should Lagn Lord be yuti with a malefic, or be in Randhr, 6 th , or 12 th , physical felicity will diminish. If he is in an angle, or trine there will be at all times comforts of the body. If Lagn Lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy's Rasi, there will be diseases. With a benefic in an angle, or trine all diseases will disappear. Lagn's angles (i.e. Bandhu, Yuvati, or the 10 th ), or its trine (Putr, Dharm), containing a benefic, is a powerful remedy for all, related to health.

3. There will not be bodily health, if Lagn, or Candr be drishtied by, or yuti with a malefic, being devoid of a benefics Drishti.

4. Bodily Beauty. A benefic in Lagn will give a pleasing appearance, while a malefic will make one bereft of good appearance. Felicity of the body will be enjoyed, if Lagn is drishtied by, or yuti with a benefic.

5-7. Other Benefits. If Lagn Lord, Budh, Guru, or Sukr be in an angle, or in a trine, the native will be long lived, wealthy, intelligent and liked by the king. Fame, wealth, abundant pleasures and comforts of the body will be acquired, if Lagn Lord is in a Movable Rasi and be drishtied by a benefic Grah. One will be endowed with royal marks (of fortune), if Budh, Guru, or Sukr be in Lagn along with the Candr, or be in angle from Lagn. If Budh, Guru, or Sukr be in 4 th , 7 th , or 10 th from Lagn, or be in the company of Candr in Lagn, the native will enjoy royal fortunes.

8. Coiled Birth. If there be a birth in one of Mesh, Vrishabh and Simh Lagnas, containing either Sani, or Mangal, the birth of the child is with a coil around a limb. The corresponding limb will be in accordance with the Rasi, or Navahs, rising.

9. Birth of Twins. The native, who has Surya in a quadruped Rasi, while others are in Dual Rasis with strength, is born, as one of the twins.

10. To Be Nurtured by Three Mothers. If Surya and Candr join in one and the same Bhava and fall in one Navahs, the native will be nurtured by three different mothers for the first three months from its birth and will later on be brought up by its father and brother. ('Bhratri' apart from meaning a brother calls for interpretation, as a near relative in general)

11. Important. The learned in Jyotish should base the effects on Candr also, as are applicable to Lagn. Now explained are clues to know of ulcers, identity marks etc. on one's person.

12-14. Decanates and Bodily Limbs. Head, eyes, ears, nose, temple, chin and face is the order of limbs, denoted (by the various Bhavas), when the first decanate of a Rasi ascends. In the case of the second decanate ascending the order is neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart, stomach and navel. The order for the third decanate ascending is pelvis, anus/penis, testicles, thigh, knee, calf and foot. The portion already risen indicates left side of the body (while the one yet to rise, i.e. the invisible half, denotes the right side of the body).

15. Limbs Affected. The limb, related to a malefic by occupation, will have ulcers, or scars, while the one, related to a benefic, will have a mark (like moles etc). So say the Jyotishis. (Also see Sloka 6, Ch. 4 of Saravali, which states, that a malefic, or a benefic, if be in own Rasi, or Navahs, the effects will be right from birth. In other cases it will be in the course of one's life, that these effects will come to pass)

Bhrigu Sutras
Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

Re: House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:25 am
by StarLore ... houses.php

First Bhava or the First House
The first house or what is commonly known as the Ascendant or Lagna is the most important of the houses. In Vedic Astrology it is referred to as "Tanur or Tanu Bhava", which means literally, "the house of the body". It signifies the birth, beginning of life, personality, personal features, looks, body, character, temperament, individuality, self consciousness and constitution in general. The Ascendant is always an important factor in the matter of health as it also indicates the person's vitality and vigor, his natural disposition and tendencies and struggle for life, his success or failure in attempts, his fortune or misfortune, etc. It is the main factor in determining our orientation to life as a whole. Hence this is of supreme importance.

This house refers to the first sign of zodiac, the Aries or the Mesha or Mesh. The natural significator of the first house is the planet Sun. The parts of the physical body governed by 1st house are the head and the upper part of the face and all the organs there in. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, ascendant or first house signifies the people in the country and general state of the country. The common people, public health, overall condition and signifies the masses or a country or kingdom. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of home affairs.

Re: House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:25 am
by StarLore

Re: House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:25 am
by StarLore

Re: House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:26 am
by StarLore

Re: House I - Appearance and Health

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:29 pm
by StarLore