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Vanchana Chora Bheethi Yoga

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:38 am
by StarLore

Vanchana Chora Bheethi Yoga

The Lagna is occupied by a malefic with Gulika in a trine: or Gulika is associated with the lords of Kendras and Thrikonas; or the lord of Lagna is combined with Rahu, Saturn or Ketu.

Vanchana Chora Bheethi Yoga points at an individual who is unusually suspicious. Your actions and personality will bring suspicions towards you which can make your life extremely difficult. The constant fear of being judged will make you extremely untrusting and phobic. You will find it difficult to mingle with people as well as you are afraid of being cheated, swindled or robbed. To add insult to your injury, you are also likely to experience huge material losses from unexpected channels.
