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Virinchi Yoga

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:59 am
by StarLore ... nchi-yoga/

Virinchi Yoga
If Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Saturn be placed in the sign of exaltation, own house or a friendly sign, occupy kendra or trikona, the yoga is called Virinchi Yoga.

Virinchi is the name of Lord Brahma who is the creator. As this yoga is related to Lord Brahma and the 5th house, it is more related to intelligence, creativity.

According to Phaladeepika,

ब्रह्मज्ञानपरायणो बहुमतिर्वेदप्रधानो गुणी

हृष्टो वैदिकमार्गतो न चलति प्रख्यातशिष्यव्रज: ।

सौ‍म्योक्तिर्बहुवित्तदारतनय: सद्‍ब्रह्मतेजोज्वल-

न्दीर्घायुर्विजितेन्द्रियो नतनृपो वैरिञ्चियोगोद्भव: ॥

Result of Virinchi Yoga
The native with Virinchi yoga at birth will be extremely intelligent. He will be fully absorbed in the knowledge of Lord Brahma. He will never deviate from the code of conduct prescribed by the Vedas. He will be full of good qualities and will always be happy at heart. He will have many distinguished disciples. He will be sweet and noble in his speech and will be blessed with much wealth, wife and children. He will shine with spiritual luster. He will be long-lived, will have complete control over his senses and will be revered by kings.