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Srikanth Yoga

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:58 am
by StarLore ... nchi-yoga/

Srikanth Yoga
If the lord of the ascendant, the Sun and the Moon being in their sign of exaltation or own house or in a friendly sign, occupy Kendra or Trikona house, the resulting yoga is called as Srikantha Yoga.

Srikantha is the name of Lord Shiva. Here Sun and Moon represent Lord Shiva and Parvati. Hence this yoga will be more related to the spiritual aspect of life.

As per Phaladeepika,

रुद्राक्षाभरणो विभूतिधवलच्छायो महात्मा शिवम्

ध्यायत्यात्मनि सन्ततं सुनियम: शैवव्रते दीक्षित: ।

साधूनामुपकारक: परमतेष्वेवानसूयो भवेत्

तेजस्वी शिवपूजया प्रसुदित: श्रीकण्ठयॊगोद्भव: ॥

Result of Srikanth Yoga
The person with Srikantha yoga at birth will wear Rudraksha rosaries and his body will look like white shining covered with sacred ashes. He will be very liberal and will be constantly in meditation of Lord Shiva. He will regularly and rigidly perform the prescribed rites and will submerge himself in the worship of Lord Shiva. He will be a friend of the virtuous and will have no animosity against any other religious belief. He will become influential and his heart will be enlightened by the worship of Lord Shiva.